The grey pill

Only Shabbos goy refuse the grey pill

There is a reason that when you see a grey on tv or in real life it brings out instinctual fear.

They have tampering with our genetics for a very long time

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Got any proof?

Just start looking into the alien question

Phil Schneider got killed for talking about it

MJ-12 ops manual, assuming it's genuine.

((((proof)))) gtfo shill

>the ayy pill

They're here and we need to know why.

aliens don't exist

You're American. It's spelled "gray".

Dr. David M. Jacobs

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They created us out of primates and their DNA. We were made to serve them, a slave race to mine and do all the laborious shit they didn't want to do. Book of enoch tells all about it.

Aliens are animals who had billions of years to evolve.

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Grey is the accepted spelling for the bulgy eyed critters.

>time to storm the heavens

Check how people looked like until the 70's and how they look like now, we are a fucking dead looking mess.

But I'm not scared of daemons I talk shit to them all the time they can't fuck with Jesus reptoids and archons can suck my wang

Thousands of documented abductions and sightings. Area 51, Los alamos national laboratory, DUMB sites, Phoenix lights, rendelsham forest encounters, ancient texts telling us all about them and their role in genetically engineering modern man, travis Walton... there are thousands upon thousands of events/documented evidence out there if you only look fren.

That fear turns to hate real fast for me, OP. I don't know what they did to me, but I want them dead.

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explain/example, brown boy

i'll bite. do the (((noses))) have a connection?

blue guy looks like a galactic cop.

Good luck. They have teleportation, psychic communication, telekinesis and technology that makes our most advanced technology look like shit chimpanzees created. I'm pretty sure the reason they are so taboo and hidden is because no human government can fuck with them and that is a threat to their power structure.

he looks like blue alien version of an undercover sting op nigger cop

but if they were so advanced why didn't they just created robots to do all the work??.biological slaves seem more of a risk than anything....i used to think like you...but in reality an advanced race would just make robots

I don't believe so. I dont have all the answers and I wont bullshit like I do. I do know the greys are not the only EBE race and some are hostile to them. Idk what the hook nose tribe has to do with them. Probably nothing except trying to destroy knowledge of our actual creation in favor of hook nose tribe religious beliefs? That's just a theory though.

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Robots require raw materials that need to be mined. You aren't just going to travel lightyears away with 20k tons on bullshit on your craft. Most likely they did create robots and technology as well after they established a good amount of human slaves to acquire the necessary raw materials.

Ive literally never felt this fear you talk about, am I some proto human?

Threadly reminder UFO Hunters was cancelled after their episode on Dulce New Mexico and animal human hybrids. Nightmare Hall, etc.

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they are unironically trying to make furries real

Reminder that there is zero reason to be scared of space niggers
They're just giant faggots

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so, thousands of years of mining all these materials ....and they never took any? also, I'm sure if they needed raw materials they could have went to planets with more than us. we don't exactly have big deposits of anything really rare and we are a relatively small planet....and again, they would be so advanced that they would have sent rovers to mine a planet before they ever got there


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The fear is like the thing you feel while encountering a snake. It's there for a reason. Had this one but now it has gone for some reason. Weird thing.

If you only knew how bad things are

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This space nigga

Fucking greyniggers go home

Here, laugh at my pain, brodre.

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that little nigga looks familiar

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Ancient people make a record of happenings. Humanity evolves over time. Humanity quickly evolves after industrial revolution. The seeds are set. The technological evolution occurrs and in it's infancy. But the births began. Now they are replacing you. It will speed up very quickly, just like our industrial revolution did, which had to occur to give rise. It is not insectoids. It is the thing in front of you.

They probably did send rovers/ things to take samples. From what the ancient texts say, they were after gold specifically and they did take what they needed and left. Idk. I wasnt there. All I know is with the mounds of evidence, greys creating us seems more likely than hook nose tribes, invisible all seeing man who wants you to worship hook nose tribe, theory.


Also the reason they picked this planet may have been because there were primates who they build easily genetically modify? Speculation and hypothesis on my part. But the evidence for some outside,aka alien interference in our evolution is astounding.

> the proof, elaborate, explain wigger strikes again
The shape of the titties, the pinkish soft skin color, they had more properly distributed fat and muscles, the body shape was more bulky, we are a little bit more grey looking than before.

>it brings it instinctual fear
Who do you think you speak for?
Aliens are a fucking red herring. Conspiracies involving aliens are deliberately disseminated by federal agencies to keep conspiracy theorists busy with things that don't even matter if true, and to keep them, as much as possible off the trail of things that DO MATTER, like Kennedy being killed by the secret service, and zionism, at large.
Go the fuck back to /x/.

Billions of dollars are spent by the entertainment industry to put the imagery of the grey in our heads. I wonder if it is the Jews or their shabbos occultists brainwashing the public into believing in a combination of atheism and Middle Eastern mythology. Otherwise why isn't taking about them grounds for getting you deplatformed the same way any other redpill would be?

On the other hand I feel disturbed by their image and I've had a few dreams about them, and I take dreams pretty seriously.

Fuck off kike we know the truth

They are prepping us for their inevitable contact

Humanity will be revealed that we were genetically manufactured as a slave race to mine rare earth metals.

Honestly, Grey's have never given me an intrinsic fear per se. whenever I see a picture of a gray, I always think how puny they look and how easy they be to kick in their big basketball-sized heads. Gray's seem like the Chinese of aliens, emotionless worker drone bug things.

>we know the truth
>calling me a like for believing in the reality of zionism, but not aliens.
Who the fuck do you think you speak for?
Kill yourself, shill.


Earth doesn't have anything spectacular but gold on it from asteroids. Why don't they use machines to mine stuff? We already know machines work better than biological beings. Also there are unlivable planets with more resources than our planet.
Your theory is retarded, why don't you say aliens created us simply for increasing intellectual life in the universe?

This, the white race is the master race of the universe. We are Earth's greatest treasure. God gifted the universe kind, wise, and just rulers in the form of us. Assuming space is real, it's there waiting for us to conquer.

>they be

They clean up their tracks you know. Plus, they have cloaking.

Greys are extremely powerful entities, dont understimate them.

Greys have literally embedded an instinctual fear of them on sight in human DNA. We seize up like goats, not to mention tall greys are 10 times stronger than the strongest human alive. These are POWERFUL entities not to be trifled with.

*like those fainting goats.

My girls dads ex husbands brother in law is an astronaut the nigga said he seen dragon looking things up there

they, and any malevolent/service to self type entity from 4th dimension upwards will not violate your free will unless you allow it/have agreements prior to this incarnation/or are a frequency match for negativity. so, be a good person, cancel all contracts (just intend to do it and it's done - but only if you want this), truly believe and know you can't be messed with if you don't want to be and aren't a frequency match, and you can't be touched. i'm sure this will not resonate with most, but if it helps one person, great.

I'm the hereditary Duke of Luna and I want to know when they're giving me my Moon castle back.