What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: sarah palin.jpg (800x900, 130K)

That porno with Lisa Ann

>What went wrong?

a microphone put in front of the tits ?


I fapped to her once.


Good values but dumb as a rock and sounds like a retarded Canadian, but I repeat myself

Is it me or did nancy pelosi get hot?

She was so dumb. Good god she was so dumb. Like not even just ignorant but really really really dumb. And she couldn’t even be a typical republican Christian thanks her whore daughter

Just once...

A running mate who was politically identical to his opponent and a generally horrible human being who didn't deserve to be anywhere near power.

John McCain and the inexplicable Minnesotan accent. However..Did you know that Sarah never actually said the famous line “I can see Russia from my house” that she was so ruthlessly mocked for? That was Tina Fey on SNL. What she actually said was that Alaska and Russia are so geographically close that you can actually see Russia from some parts of Alaska which is 100% true. It’s just funny that when people quote that as if she’s the retard they’re really just proving how retarded they are.

She is a nutjob.
That might fly in Alaska, but the mainland holds higher standards.

"Fuck me like I fucked the taxpayer"

>not mainland

She's pretty ugly and old.

she was a fake. her turbo slut daughter have her away.

John McCain

Low IQ and egocentric ambition.

Alaska and every shipping company doesn’t consider Alaska mainland. We refer to you as lower 48ers

>what went wrong?
The Republicans did not run Ron Paul

John McCain


Attached: nalinpalin.jpg (1203x826, 165K)

one of my first nutts I ever busted. might go slap one off to that right now for old times' sake, Lisa Ann is pretty good. 08 Palin pics still kind of turn me on, mostly by association with the Hustler porno but also because she was kinda cute

She used to be a little hot.
Understand, that is all it takes to get fucked.

Attached: Nancy Pelosi.jpg (695x959, 70K)

this pros
>birthed 5 white children
>maintains basic christian values
>was in a position of authority for a state

>flip-flopped between various versions of the church to gain approval for her personal goals
>unfortunately was the rough equivalent a cheerleader in the position of authority for a state

Still better than Trudeau.

Pretty much, this.

I do feel bad for her, the democrats completely destroyed her in the elections/ I think even she did not think how far the democrats would go.

at least she had 5 white kids. she sort of vanished after the elections. her daughter is hot though

Why didn’t Russia collude to help mama bear win?

She's as fucking stupid as a hollow tree stump full of piss and shit