What are we going to do about climate change?

The right wing either won’t acknowledge it, or or doesn’t offer any suggestions

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I believe in geoengineering

I burn tires in the desert

Do the opposite of the shitty comic.

What suggestion do you want

>how to solve global warming
stop worrying about it, warm weather is great!


That sounds insanely dangerous, more dangerous than climate change itself

I would rather the planet explode than go a day without meat. A meal without meat is not a meal.

That’s fucking based I got some old tires I plan on burning Tomorrow

ay yo, hol up
is she saying
we should
to save the world
kill JEWZ n SHiet?

embargo asia

>third worlders drown by the hundreds of millions
>do something
lol what? Just keep doing what we're doing. We do a good job keeping our lands healthy already.

Riding a bicycle to work?
Thats something juan pablo does, thats something tyrone does.

Riding a bicycle does work to help the environment. It destroys your testicles and then you wont be able to have kids anymore.

>3rd panel
woah, cool it with the antisemitism

But it does work. Volcanoes have proven that sulphur dioxide does cool down the atmosphere. What's a little acid rain to cooling down the entire planet?

I work on recycling balers and the vast majority of the product they do is so contaminated that it just goes to the landfill. Recycling is for retards and does nothing, but keep doing it because it keeps me employed.


You k ow who rides bicycles to work? Manpreet putting gas in my audi thats who.

>yfw you realize the corrupt corporate class poising the planet for profit are the same people who pay you to shill about climate change on a Balinese Christmas tree forum

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>Meatless Monday's

Best thing you can do for the environment is buy a bow and kill local animals.

Worst would be to buy monocrops like wheat and onions and import tropical fruits for your vegetarian meals.

Plant some trees, retard. Trees absorb CO2.

Question about this "climate change" theory...how do you disprove it? Y'know, since it's 'science' and all...

based and bikepilled

Climate change activism is just secular apocalyptism.

>poisoning the planet for profit
You're the one buying their shit, retard. You might as well blame your dealer for ODing.

there is no "fixing" climate change. we're fucked. the only way to "fix" it is to drastically change the way humans live the entire globe over. this will NEVER happen.
what do you want us to do, make stupid suggestions that are really only virtue signals in disguise that only serve to make life harder for everybody like carbon taxes?? oh, i know, why don't we severely limit the ability of a large portion of the populace to travel by instituting a ban on lower efficiency engines and prop up the use and production of electric vehicles whose components cause more pollution to manufacture than a 50's cadillac would produce from being driven for 6 or so years!!
fuck off.

Wtf im ecologist now

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Riding a bicycle to WORK makes you look like an immigrant who works at a gas station or mcdonalds or something.

What are we supposed to do when most of the the damage is caused by developing countries who won’t do shit to stop climate change & pollution.

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Why didnt the third panel mention killing all the Chinese and pajeets?

Biodegradable plastic made with hemp
now fuck off everyone knows that China, India and Africa has polluted more than the US ever will

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The reality of all this climate change green energy bullshit is that while all these faggy humanity and art majors draw gay comics about global warming and green energy. Engineering will solve this whole energy problem in a few generations just to maximize profits for their Jew masters. Just look at Tesla, instead of the feds shoving gay EVs down everyone's throut some EE figured out a way to make EVs cool and mass marketable just to satisfy his lust for money.

For the most part environmentalism IS corporatism. California got rich on oil and hides its pumping stations, then these wealthy oil corporations hire
to protest new pipelines by competing companies so that those companies cannot undercut their profit. Furthermore, government regulatory bodies and politicians do the same thing but at a global scale. They don't care about
>muh environment
otherwise they would not accept those products being produced in foreign countries with even fewer regulations. In reality, they are in the pockets of China and Russia. They act deliberately to cripple US domestic production so foreign countries can undercut us in exchange for bribes. It's the same treasonous shit over and over, and the only role environmentalists/green types play in that is being useful idiots for globalhomo.

>he doesn't ride recumbent

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I hope my fucking climate would be warmer.

(In fact the climate is changing but not because of humanity. This shit is ALWAYS changing but slowly. After all those failed prognosis of ecologists we can't trust them. They are dilettantes)

>he doesn't skateboard
Your core probably has the consistency of pudding

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>What are we going to do about climate change?
It's interesting that you ask that because 0% of greenfacists want to deal with a changing climate and believe that if only they tax people more they can stop it.
Rather than trying to stop it maybe we should look at how to benefit from it?

Bring in millions of refugees and force them into a Western lifestyle which requires between 4 to 7 times the capacity of the planet to regenerate itself.

That seems to be the strategy of every ecologist parties around here.

india + china have a workers revolution, crashes the world economy, sends everyone back to pre 1800s horses and carriages. boom no more climate change.

skateboards are a toy for children


>climate change is good, actually
Lol of all the retarded shit itt this has to be the most retarded

Extraterrestrial colonization and galactic conquest is the only solution. Everything else is just a attempt to buy time.

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Force everyone to fast and out them on a strict mostly carnivore diet (a few plants and veg for fiber and such). That would help weed out massive food waste and make fatties kill themselves, so less people to worry about.

but ocean acidifcation is one of the primary problems associated with climate change

Anybody claiming to be an environmentalist who doesn't:
1) advocate for putting political, economic and military pressure on China, SEA and African countries to stop their massive pollution of the seas and rivers and
2) advocate for replacing all forms of power generation with nuclear
is simply a virtue singalling fuckwit who deserves to drown in their own blood for subverting the real paths of environmental purity.

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not damn thing, it doesn't exist . Lefites are trying to capitalize on Mother natures premenstrual natural cycle . global warming (now called climate change) is the last untapped cash cow .

think about it- there is no way man can undo billions of years of Mother Natures doing in just a little over 100 yrs . no fucking way .

by now our coast should be underwater and we all should have died 10 times all ready

just a few months ago, there were reports that the earth is actually cooling due to the suns cycle .
not be so naive, The earth is YUGE! very huge, if one person cleans up the beach or recycles in Califorina, its not going to do a damn thing in China, Asia and India doesnt give a shit about saving the planet and they are the biggest polluters on the planet .

We are supposed to suck it up, act responsible and nuclear annihilate those whole regions. In 20 years, the plants will have repaired most of the damage

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at this point, the only mass extinction threat or a major change in climate is if that asteroid ends up hitting us in 2029

>guillotine the (((corperate ruling class))) in minecraft
wtf I love the environment

or if AOC becomes president

Except you haven't solved the OVER POPULATION PROBLEM ALL YOU FAGGOTS AVOID. Fuck straight off.

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Global warming is good, we can colonize Antarctica. Also, once Canada thaws out it will finally be worth invading. Also maybe Russia will relax once Siberia becomes more habitable.

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>80 years ago
"If we don't do something NOW, we will all be dead in 10 years!"
>70 years ago
"If we don't do something NOW, we will all be dead in 10 years!"
>60 years ago
"If we don't do something NOW, we will all be dead in 10 years!"
>50 years ago
"If we don't do something NOW, we will all be dead in 10 years!"
>40 years ago
"If we don't do something NOW, we will all be dead in 10 years!"
>30 years ago
"If we don't do something NOW, we will all be dead in 10 years!"
>20 years ago
"If we don't do something NOW, we will all be dead in 10 years!"
>10 years ago
"If we don't do something NOW, we will all be dead in 10 years!"
>Present day
"If we don't do something NOW, we will all be dead in 10 years!"

iin, is there a live tread?

you're not supposed to remember that.

i just farted
12 years minus 1 minute
suck it snowflakes

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I kinda agree with this comic but also want to see the fictional cat mummy with a boot on her neck.

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>or doesn’t offer any suggestions

pretty much, i believe our future lies in space. now if we'd hurry up and tell the jews and shitskins to fuck off already we could be working toward that goal at a blazing rate, but noooooo we gotta worry about those starving niggers in africa and building those poor jews a wall to protect their illegitimate state.
what over population problem??? if you're talking about third world shitholes then yea, but what are we supposed to do about them other than just cutting off humanitarian aid (which i'm all for) or glassing them (which will cause more problems than they currently are)?

If permafrost is supposed to be permanent, why is shit buried in it faggot

>What are we going to do about climate change?
Kill all the niggers that are polluting the planet?

We are in an ice age we want to keep this interglacial period as stable as possible to prevent the next freeze.


Who was saying we’d be dead in 10 years due to climate change in the 50s?

You don't even need it to be sulfur dioxide. You could just vaporize a bunch of reflective material like aluminum in orbit to block part of the sun, and then use another explosion to disperse it when you are cooled enough. Geoengineering was big during the space race, you can find a lot of articles on it in pop science mags of the era.

If things were as bad as the left claims then Number 3 would be done a lot more.

Humanity could triple its emissions output and never come close to mismanagement of desertification.

Fuck you bitch, I live in Florida. I've never even seen snow before.

that is one retarded looking bicycle.

>guillotine the corrupt corporate class who are providing you with everything you want
Get rid of all your technology you dumb cunt.

But you are wrong, we want it all to burn. That is our acknowledgment and suggestion.

That picture is stupid beyound stupid.
Bike to work? Yah, if you work close to home. Try going 50km.
Recycle? Tell that to indians china and africa.
Kill corporates? Why not start with nuking india africa and china.
So naive.

Could do it like Canadians and go with meatless everyday.

That looks way too much like some nasty photos a certain user posted on /b/ back in the day.

Yeah I didn't realize that once paper has food particles on it you can't really recycle it.

watch the third worlders be the only ones to be slightly inconvenienced

Wow, reported for antisemitism.

>Yah, if you work close to home. Try going 50km.
Well that’s a suggestion right there, we should be incentivizing getting people to live in communities where they don’t have to drive, and improve our public transportation systems. That’s very good actually

World War III: The Shitskin Purge. Anything less than a billion dead niggers and chinks before they rise up out of their economic squalor to consume even more of the planet is tantamount to spitting into a hurricane.

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Poorly drawn androgynous piece of shit avatars of the author raise my blood pressure a bit.

That's why the governments still have to force people to buy EVs by taxing the ICE powered ones more, making them illegal to drive through the cities and more bullshit.
Oh, wait, Tesla is just a meme.

That's part of it, but it's also because of single sort. Everything gets dumped in together, food containers, bottles with liquid still in it, random trash, etc. Once the machine making bales gets contaminated, it's all contaminated. I just did an install of a machine the other day and two of the test bales were milk jugs and PET bottles. It's already fucked and it hasn't even been a week.

Why does it trigger you so?

Suck carbon dioxide out of the air and turn it into hydrocarbons

that's a great idea, and it actually infuriates me because the lefties would rather "stick it to the man" by increasing taxes and creating penalties rather than using positive reinforcement that would actually make a difference.

Make your diet worse to lover global impact on climate by maybe less than 0.01%. Lefs. Are. Stupid.

And that leads to overcrowding since everyone wants to work in center of city where shops, work and clinics/destists are close.
>public transport
Is shit hovewer you implement it. Trust me I use it every day.

>the lefties would rather "stick it to the man" by increasing taxes and creating penalties rather than using positive reinforcement that would actually make a difference.
I think we probably do need to have penalties like a carbon tax on large industries, but the inverse is true as well. We should penalize businesses that relocate to out in suburban or exurban areas, and give tax credits to people that relocate to dense urban areas or refurbish housing there. I think both are good ideas and should be implemented together.

Exterminate the 3rd world, and mainland China. Species go extinct whenever they can supposedly cure erectile dysfunction.

> based
Are you 12?
Only works for a small number of people. Mammal population has gone down 60% worldwide. You'll kill off any wildllife bigger than a mouse in a few years if that was widespread practice.
Just do it and force those fuckers to comply.
> few generations
not enough time
Shifting hospitable land areas lead to mass migration.
You can't seem to cope with what you get now.
> space
Fuck off neet. We can't even Mars.

I thought it was the pony jar for a second.

Get rid of China

stfu replyfag, no one cares

>We can't even Mars.

We could unironically Mars right now you retarded slavspawn

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