Subversion of the Jews

So this might sound like a shitpost but I am completely serious. I have been thinking lately about pretending to be Jewish and actually learning about the beliefs, eventually fit into the community, then probe and pretty much do gentile espionage to figure out their plans or inner beliefs. I am really high rn so this is either genius or retarded but I think I am gonna do it

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Good luck faggot

So... you hate the jews but you don’t know how they work or think. Burger research at its finest.

The won’t allow you to be part of them, you need to prove that you’re mother is jew. As a jew apostate, i know how they act.

You should find yourself a cute Jewish chick, like Laci Green.

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I don't have a complete base of knowledge, I know! I'll learn more about the topic!
Than you come along and call op an idiot for his desire to learn. Being accepted by Jews is simple as looking the part and expressing casual, but consistent support and agreement for their narrative, and being vocal about it. The fool is you, though op will NEVER deliver.

I saw a rabbi walking in my neighborhood the other day wearing

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haha what a loser, someone drank too much of the koolaid, i bet he believes that power level crap too and thinks he has super powers because he just believes what he's told rotfl

i me

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Convert move to israel marry a jew woman whos just barely genetically jewish teach youe sons the truth raise them as covert crypto christians steal israeli research secrets starrt an infiltrating bloodline. Join me

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They'll assimilate you user

Bitch needs to shave

Did I tell you all the story about the Jew that owed someone $30,000 then they died under mysterious circumstance? Then the Jew called that person family the next day asked to borrow over a thousand dollars?? Haha it's just memes guys.

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I'll be honest here I'ld fuck her at that weight.

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Do it user become the jew, can u out jew the jews?

How many cleanup duty sessions (sucking black bull cum out of her anus) is she paying you for your pathetic guerrilla marketing campaign?

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What? I'm just giving my opinion user.

not gonna work, they can smell you from miles.

It's Afraid!

It's a but scary being surrounded by gentiles now that even the normal ones now about us

Who is this trans fag in your pic related OP?

>espionage to figure out their plans or inner beliefs
read the talmud

They believe what everyone believes, they're the best, everyone else sucks and are worthless fuck ups. Little to no respect. Even when they do respect they cast it aside as if they owe nothing to anyone. They whine alot or brag alot or are weird robots like Zuckerberg. Not sure what you hope to achieve. If anything it'll just piss you, their cynicism knows no bounds, always screwing people over because they can or because they should because fuck everyone else that's why. Almost never do business straight forward. Not to mention a lot are really perverse and deviant, not all, but a huge chunk, 1/3 or more. Stay on Jow Forums and read the threads from time to time, it'll be less dangerous then trying to interact with them in the real world. Learn from other people's mistakes/experiences. You don't have to do stupid things to know they're stupid.

fake shadow
fake hand
fake gun
fake thought leader

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It's Genius

I am a high ranking Jewish Rabbi

I can help train you

converts to Judaism are also considered 2nd rate citizens. 1 souled animals. you will also live to serve pure blood jews. do your homework bro

What's up with his posture?

Why can't he keep his back straight?

>I must look like the meme
Fucking retard