Why do people think the Crusaders were based? They were literally mutts who went around killing other Christians...

Why do people think the Crusaders were based? They were literally mutts who went around killing other Christians. Also they got BTFOd pretty hard by orthodox slavniggers.

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The same reason they think Hitler was based. Absolute retardation.

These Christians are cucks
Paganism will rise
White race unite for your pagan gods
Let’s act like Muslims reee

No no no stop Christians don’t provoke us
Stop killing us we’re just selling your women on the slave market
Please don’t hurt us you cucks

Pagans in a nutshell

Christians are KEKS!!! Listen to this! FUCK white people, they will pay for their crimes against eh Jews.

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>Why do people think the Crusaders were based?
Jews post that shit

Templars = gay (((Gnostics))) started by a half Muslim who ran a usury money scam we have today with our banks

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most people don't know about crusades against europeans, they only know about
The Crusades™
against the muslims
so you mostly get "Deus Vult" and "oh my poor innocent muslims got attacked by muh evil white crusaders"

It’s not crusaders who defended Europe from Islam. Crusaders failed two times, this is why they were annihilated by Polacks after 2nd crusade. Then Polacks had to do all the work with defending virgin Europe from Islam by its own but unfortunately on our lands, because those morons crusaders couldn’t even keep Muslims out of our lands. History likes to repeat itself tho.


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Hilarious soviet education.

Rest of the thread: Hilarious American education.

They went around killing Aryan religions with their semitic God, they are filthy and unholy and all crusaders and christians are unclean and should have no tombs, no salvation for the ignorants.

>All religions are bullshit
>Uses a religious character as proof

>be European between 700 and 1095.
>watch the formerly Christian Levant get swallowed up by Muslims.
>Watch Antioch, a once great western city, get fall.
>Watch the formerly Christian Egypt get conquered by Muslims.
>Watch one of the greatest Western cities in the world, Alexandria fall into Muslim hands.
>Hear about the Great Library of Alexandria get burned to the ground by Muslims.
>Watch all of North Africa get swept away and conquered by Muslims.
>See Muslims cross into Europe in and invade Iberia.
>Watch all of Iberia fall into Muslim hands.
>Barely turn back the Muslim hordes at Tours.
>See the Muslims invade Sicily.
>Put up with centuries of Muslim piracy.
>Seas that were once safe to travel are now impassible because Muslim piracy is so bad.
>Put up with centuries of Muslims plucking Europeans off of the coastline to be slaves.
>Put up with conquest and enslavement for centuries.
>Hear about horrific stories of how Muslims treat people like you in their conquered territories.
>Finally decide that enough is enough and attempt to do something.
>Swear an oath and travel halfway across the world and complete your objective against all odds.
The crusades weren't perfect, but it was an action against a foe that had plagued Europe for centuries. Even though it was brought together by Catholicism, a religion that can be unsavory at times, it united Europeans against a common foe. It put in Europeans an ideal to strive for. One of uniting against an invading, marauding, and destroying outside force. Not only that, but it instilled in Europeans an ideal which also strives to turn back the clock, to do more than just be on the defensive, and to retake what was rightfully ours.

When situation is FUBAR, you call Poland.

They made the Jews important. Only deluded mutts give a fuck about "the Holy Lands".

The age of 400 is the collapase and the age of the apocalypse of our people we were destroyed and now it is time to rebuild with OUR own faith and OUR own God.

All Jew religions

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Semites are not us and their God Yahweh and the Christians are an enemy of the European people.

Antiochians, Middle Easterners all foreign races, Christianity a religion.of a.foreign race.

I love it how fucking weird late crusader period could get. "Enemy of enemy"-mentality taken to the extreme.

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during 1066 i would probably be fighting Normans...

Fun fact: most people at the time still had heretical pagan beliefs and couldn't read the bible.

People who think crusaders are the epitome of christianity are truly retarded. They're nearly all burning in Christianitys conceptual hades.

This. European culture is fuckin gay and needed to be eradicated so we could all LARP as Judeans

Except that one time in Japan they all crucified Christian missionaries to preserve their tradition and identity. That was a bad time. Christian's got cucked to the extreme.

The Crusaders were responsible for the downfall of the Byzantine Empire, and the rise of the Ottoman Empire as a result. Only the first and second crusades were remotely based.

hold up nigga. Did the Muslims really burn down the library of Alexandria? That always gets blamed on the Christians.

The idea was great, but it turned into a profane thing of ambition, wrath and greed.

Can all whites practice paganism? Not just nordics?

2nd crusade was a disaster dude.

Not all white. Americans can’t, because there are no white Pagan Gods in this forgotten land.

Its called gaslighting.
Using a blanket word that means "everything that isn't Jewish" and narrowing it down to a couple embarrassing people who LARP as vikings as the frame of reference.

Before the word "pagan" came in vogue, you know what Christians used to call them? Goyim.

One could be a Pantheist/Platonist.
Still pagan but without mythological deities like mainstream religions/most pagan religions.

>Also they got BTFOd pretty hard by orthodox slavniggers.
not as hard as the orthodox themselves were getting btfo by muzzies

10 points for the Gryfindor!

>Hear about the Great Library of Alexandria get burned to the ground by Muslims.
it was burned to the ground by Romans in 32CE.
you're way off

You cant. Cause you are asking around like a domesticated sheep about what you can and cant do. Perfect for the church where you need to gtfo.

And in the end, they stayed "slav-niggers" because of it


can still be a disaster and based . .. look at us.

>my denomination of jewish dick sucking and worshipping is better than your version of jewish dick sucking and worshipping! Also christianity is white! /Pol is a christian board. Lord jeebus king of the jews is my best rabbi
Fuck off christkikes

Yeah, but if he mean cultural you know, aspects of paganism. Well people here didn’t larp paganism or something. I don’t LARP as a Viking but I feel like our Slavic Gods are absent in our lands, forests, mountines. There is some kind of strength in this places. This land give us certain perks for those who live here.

Americans has perks as well, but your perks, are more Indian gods-like.

There was the daughter library at the Serapeum of Alexandria that housed many copies from the original Library. Christians burned it.

Poland does have a fairly strong pagan folk following. Even if some people would call them LARPers it really looks nice. Really nice folk music too.

One of the reasons I suggest Pantheism or Platonism for an American or anyone is because in both every mythology has its place within the greater sphere of the Absolute. They are all given respect and every culture has a place. With a spirituality like that you can appreciate the diversity of religious beliefs reconciled with each other.

Christians could hypothetically adopt this kind of philosophy too, the idea that everybody prays in their own way looking for the same thing, but each of our understandings are incomplete since we "see through a glass, darkly."

Aren't those Teutonic Knights?

It depends on what crusade you were talking about desu. Even then, they’re still definitely not as based as we paint them, however were definitely not the savages (((revisionists))) paint them either

Don’t let these fuckin fags tell you that you can’t. All European people had a form a “paganism”, but I prefer the term “traditional beliefs”, it’s much easier for normies to hear. And don’t let these know-nothings tell you that you can’t practice it based on where you live. Once you learn about these things you will find it to be truly opening to who we are as a people. These systems speak to our very souls. Be careful who you learn this stuff from though. Don’t just listen to any nut job Viking LARPer, I would look up Arith Harger on YouTube, as well as Jackson Crawford. There’s some stuff out there in Slavic and Celtic beliefs, but I haven’t looked too much into those. Stay away from wiccafags at all costs. Those people are degenerate faggots.

>this is why they were annihilated by Polacks after 2nd crusade
The Prussian and Livonian Crusades would contest your viewpoint, Pole.

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The Mongols did fuck the mudshits hard. At that point the crusader states were just trading outposts for Italian (((merchants))) anyway.

We are the descendants of our gods, and our ancestors live through us. Location doesn’t matter. We shall reign in our gods into these new lands.

so is "european" paganism
europeans used to be animists before the anthropomorphic pantheon of the middle east made its way here

I mostly call poland when my toilet is backed up

it got burned a million times and most of the time during wars
it was never set alight on purpose as far as i'm aware

Well In Christianity it isn’t about diversity. It is about ethics. As far as the true Christian believe, it doesn’t matter how the god looks like or how you pray, there is only one God, and it is the force that keep us together, love, not diversity.

Well... the institutions and preachers, do what they always did. Take profit from people misunderstanding and ignorance.

I’ve read the bible and everything about institutionalisation of beliefs you know, is neglected. It did not stand on the way for priests to make their own interpretations, and chain the ideology, with symbolism you know. Bible says about this as well. Whatever you will do, there always will be ignorance and people who will feed on it. ;)

You're larping hard today Moshe.

>Konrad I, the Polish Duke of Masovia, unsuccessfully attempted to conquer pagan Prussia in crusades in 1219 and 1222.
>Konrad founded the crusading Order of Dobrzyń (or Dobrin) in 1220. However, this order was largely ineffective.
>Duke Konrad I of Masovia in west-central Poland appealed to the [Teutonic] Knights to defend his borders and subdue the pagan Baltic Prussians in 1226.
Wieder einmal regieren die Deutschen.

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Well this is also fubar, I suppose.

>daughter library
it was a temple. why are you lying?

Look up Stephen McNallen. He's American.

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The Prussians didn’t try to enslave whole white race under the rule of allah. Check the stakes.

>it was a temple. why are you lying?
"Besides the image of the god, the temple precinct housed an offshoot collection of the great Library of Alexandria"

Cope how you must.

There was still Pagans in Eastern Germany and Poland 800 years ago?

What I think of Christianity.

The subservience to moses, abraham yahweh and semites.

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you were framing it as if Christians were book burners, don't try to weasel your way out of it

there are still pagans in greece dude

Im Christian and i dont really have problem with pagans, though i dont like the fact that it comes from an anthropological revival by deists and occultists during and after the masonic revolutions.

what i DONT like is leftypol raiding this place. these raids ARE directly coming from leftypol. ask yourself something. why are people from leftypol shilling against Christianity specifically. odd isnt it? it is because they are even worse than your old fashioned marxist and have thrown out the idea of class struggle and reframed it as a struggle of lgbt/nigs/women against white imperialist men.


some anons found where the brigading is coming from. the archived thread has the info in it. /cuckstianity/ and /leftypol/.

they arent really even pagan usually but are former garden variety fedoras that use the trappings of paganism as a means of infiltration. its classic subversion. they even use the same language of stormfags and use the jews in order to stifle all nuance, destroy all commonality, and purity spiral.

look for yourselves at the kind of posting. use your God given ability to reason. look back at the sheer amount of spamming done by these fucks. do they seem like they come in good faith? wake up

The only thing they accomplished was.....they took Jerusalem right? Wait....it fell. They helped eastern orthodoxy from Islam right.....oh right they sacked Constantinople....the only thing they accomplished was trying to forcefully convert the children of perun

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Death to abraham

Cool? And what would you have us worship Moshe? A big Tree? Funny shaped Rock? Deer skull perhaps?

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nigger the library of alexandria was burnt down multiple times. by pagans, christians, and muslims. dont be a yid and craft a narrative by ommitting the whole of the library's history.

Burger education at it's finest. The library wasn't burned by Muslims. The crusaders achieved nothing in the middle east

he is dead, shitwit, he will be brought to life anew in the last days. fuck off back to leftypol.


>Y-youre a shitwit
>Abraham will return!

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Modern day Pagans are just larpers and the sons and daughters of Christians. It's not like there's an unbroken line of Pagans anywhere in Europe.

You were wrong, and you need to accept it
>You were trying to frame
I simply stated a fact, and you got all butthurt and tried to damage control by lying like a little faggot.
I wasn't talking about the Library of Alexandria. I was talking about the Serapeum, which contained whatever remained from the original Library.

Notice how defensive you guys get when truth and reality are presented to contrast your bias.
I didn't "omit" anything.
Pagans and Muslims were already mentioned, and neither of these groups destroyed the Serapeum.

>Implying that religion is hereditary

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Well, Britbong lands were pretty early domesticated, same as France. Because of SPQR in UK, right.

Poland and Nordlands were never touched by SPQR.

If you worship Yahweh and semites you are a traitor.

Answer faggot.

It's not hereditary in the Genetics sense, it's hereditary because children follow whatever religion their parents follow, didn't they teach you this in the Call Centre?

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>Christians are so based, they fought the Muslims who burned down the Library of Alexandria
>Those filthy pagans burned it first too
>"Well, user, you see, it's not that simple, Christian's also burned down its daughter library."
>Wow fucking JEW why dont you respect the shabbat you fucking goyim, distorting history not talking about the Muslims and Pagans

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The sheer mental gymnastics applied by christards on pol to say they're not Jewish is astounding

Smell of shit intensifies

Mental gymnastics

>they got BTFOd pretty hard by orthodox slavniggers.
They were the only force to ever sack slavnigger Constantinople, pre-gunpower.

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Christians worship a Jew, you are a traitor and defile our people and make us bow to a foreign people.

By definition christians are not jewish.

I am a Platonist.
I don't think you are responding to the right anons.

no, the frustration comes from near constant spamming of antichristian threads for months. at times there can be up to three, even four of them. jannies either do nothing or as usual a lefty fedora janitor has been helping you guys.


was thinking about your region recently. some of the hindoo religion/philosophy can be very noble, but other aspects of it are disgusting. the tibetans particularly took a more occult form of it and basically created a satanic cult. you should read about their human sacrifice, sex rituals, and tomes containing heinous evil. in fact our elites have utilized key aspects from it and other shit from the nearby region. also there was the thuggee cult which had to be eradicated by Christian anglos who were controlling the majority of the subcontinent.

>They were literally mutts
First Crusade commanders were native French, but the soldiers were mostly criminals that were offered their freedom in exchange for joining the Crusade. That's why they went on murdering everyone in Jerusalem regardless if they were Muslim, Christian or Jews.
>Also they got BTFOd pretty hard by orthodox slavniggers.
Actually the Second Bulgarian Empire which attacked the French of the Fourth Crusade was ruled by Vlachs (Romanians) like Peter and Asan.

>misusing the word Jew this much
Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, He existed far before ethnic Hebrews did
His body was ethnically Hebrew because He came to FIX the Jews, which they resisted and they killed Him for it

Those Biblical Jews/Hebrews that followed Him became Christians and removed their Jewish identities. The Jews of today are the followers of the Pharisees that opposed Christ

Your obfuscation to try and trick Christians into abandoning Christ is the most Jewish thing in this thread

there is a difference between hebrews and khazars like yourself. btw show flag. also tell weev to stop being a cock sucking nigger.

Cry about it some more you little baby bitch.
All I did was state a fact, I didn't insult Christians in that post, unless you find speaking the truth insulting.
I don't need your excuses for why you act like an abhorrent faggot, Christians post threads hating on everyone else all the fucking time too.

>a fucking leaf

why were crusaders attacking orthodox Christians bro? did it have to do with the somewhat recent schism of latin and greek Christians?

fpbp. nothing good has ever come from germany

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The only good muslim is a dead one.


So what are your Gods American? Tell me? Zeus, Odín or Perun?

It's a myth that the Crusaders massacred Orthodox Christians during the First Crusade. There's very little evidence to support it, and most claims of such have been made in modern times by anti-Christian scholars.

Also, when he refers to "slavniggers" I'm pretty sure he's referring to the Teutonic Order and their defeat at the hands of the Russians.

no, not usually. the christian generals and occasional christian thread is most of the time pretty edifying. there may be irritating christian anons but not usually. also you know that the raid is getting old and the constant spamming is goin way overboard. thats why i think you fucks are being aided by a fedora janitor.

its divide and conquer, and that is why it pisses meoff. i dont like how you progressives do things. slithery, subversive.

Are you just upset because everyone shits on you when you speak about your Cow God?