Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Unicorn Edition

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>Meme Collections

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

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>English language analysis

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>AfD TV (german)

>A f D W A V E


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Other urls found in this thread:,av-o1118422-100.html

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>Stadträtin Cynthia Schneider (Linke)
wew lad
lefties are mentally insane

Kretschmann der alte pedo Kommunist findet sowas natürlich geil.

Attached: w1176_h662_x750_y503_88b4f2213597efc7.jpg (1176x662, 324K)


Attached: If only you knew how bad things really are.png (516x656, 533K)

time for chainsaw abortions throughout germany

candidates up to 36 years old eligible

>Weimar era Germany, 1930, colorized

>Cynthia Schneider
EEEW, I think I've seen a demon!

Attached: Demons.jpg (200x300, 6K)

One day, and for no reason at all...

NatSoc-Kraut reporting in for duty, you scallywags.

on a scale of female madness going from "cool whine aunt" to "crazy cat lady"
where do you guys think she is?

He will be the next Führer

Attached: Unbenannt.png (1644x916, 492K)

Yeah, even without the warpaint she looks like a demon.

5/10 - no child sacrifice, also she needs to bleach her teeth

Attached: DBEE15E3-8E75-45C4-B821-BA431B76EDFA.jpg (557x800, 220K)

No reason whatsofuckingever indeed.

Attached: no_reason_whatsoever.jpg (900x1200, 286K)

Also, here's the template in case anyone doesn't have it, yet.

Attached: template.png (1474x198, 44K)

Attached: freee.png (1064x190, 27K)

Be luck you don’t have drag queen story hour like in the us

Yet, we dont have that yet. How much more must we endure before thesuffering finally ends. I want off mr skellys wild ride

>Slaaneshi whore prancing around in public unchallenged

Attached: 1475781247311.jpg (990x1227, 509K)

You live in a very cool country. You can do a lot to create beauty.

Be a beacon of beauty and goodness in the dark final chapter of the world.

habt sexuellen Verkehr

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Attached: 3a4.gif (550x400, 218K)

he is back

Attached: mr_president_is_back.png (504x348, 394K)

Extremely satanic imagery in that pic

Is it just me or do the women on the right have rather...prominent noses and Barbara Spectre eyes?

I present to you:#
the new AfD General Queen:

Attached: Carolin-Matthie-5.jpg (1600x1066, 168K)


It's pretty amazing, how many kids on these tranny pictures look really pissed off.
Generation Zyklon rising!

She's somewhat cute, but the way she always looks to the top left (where the camera is) ruins everything.

(((the looks)))


any last words?

Attached: image-1228472-860_poster_16x9-yesq-1228472.jpg (860x484, 61K)

No need for last words. She lives in fear of losing her precious Waffenbesitzkarte at the drop of a hat, so she won't even think of ever pointing that blank gun in anyone's general direction.

Quitting this place, it's always drama central city with you all. Adios!!!

> young
> thot
> looking for attention
> jewish
will make a career in the (((afd)))

shes top notch SS material

Attached: 1538858279433.png (1064x1060, 855K)


That's the second time (as far as I am aware) you make that announcement. You have yet to follow through on it.

das hast du dir aus deinen dreckigen Pfoten gesogen, du Wurzelsau

Attached: you what.jpg (480x360, 29K)

> dunkler Typ
> top notch SS material
afd is so low IQ

>next Führer

Position already occupied. Accept no substitutes.


Alte Toppsau ... ;)

Hello, little dormouse. Teatime already?

Phosphex. Only way to be sure.

Did so yesterday but thx for recommendation.

Attached: yo_dawg.jpg (497x296, 56K)

> kikess

Do you have hard evidence or is it simply your jewdars pinging (so is mine, for what it's worth)?

You forgot.
You are here forever.

Attached: autismus und aufgabenfokus.jpg (752x1063, 176K)

>never cared about muh origin
>people tell me i look russian/slavic
>surename of my fathers family is russian, but all first names are german
>family was living in east prussia
>google the name
>not much comes up
>google it in russian 2 million results
>people look somewhat familiar
>mother is very germanic/nordic looking
>thats where i got my blonde hair and nordic pale skin from
>father has a more weird slavic white skin
>dunno what to make of this, family history isn't accessible for me

Are these heritage tests Jow Forumstards do worth anything? I see sometimes a thread about it, but didn't research it. I don't really have a problem with my russian origins (I know you do), but it's just weird that everything but the surename was always german. My fathers family fought for germany in both world wars, so it's kinda weird. Was there a sizeable russian population in prussia? Should i do a dna test or are they just a scam?

Attached: 1468527495_ruski pepe.jpg (441x604, 38K)

You're fine. You probably have a little steppe nigger blood in you from Mongols invading from the East, but Russia as a nation is the result of Vikings conquering the shit out of these lands from the West.

uh, didn't hear toppsau in a looooong time.

degeneracy much. :(((((

Just fucking go full Weimar already.

AFD bringt euch nichts und wird von Juden, die ihr offenbar nicht sehen könnt, kontrolliert. Vielleicht könnt ihr etwas von den Franzosen lernen. Auch wenn sie nur Französisch sind.

Attached: meh.jpg (254x199, 10K)

>jewdars pinging
this, funny where are these damage control shills who accuse me of being a rabbi or even Jewish myself?

Attached: afd_hakennase_2.png (248x288, 124K)

Just a strong jewdar...couldn't find anything about her confession on the internets.

Nobody in here considers the AfD to be the solution, they are merely a tool to cause conflict and force the enemy to commit more resources, exposing themselves in the process.

No party can be trusted, even the NSDAP was corrupt.

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They usually have covers, like
is "refugee from Iran". They'll also claim to be patriotic.

Be very, very careful when you want to join the AfD or close political orgs (freemasons, rotary etc.)

Attached: hakennase_nazicosplay.png (468x386, 199K)

AfD is your enemy.

>Das muss das Brot abkönnen ...

I welcome the escalation of degeneracy by that point. We're beyond event horizon, the loss of decency and reason (the latter I mourn even more!) together with the impending collapse of material security will ultimately result in a 'shellshocked' populace prepared and willing to do ANYTHING for their salvation from what is about to unfold. Let them swallow the toxic fruits growing on our soil until they choke on it. Many will break, few will resist and grow stronger from its poison ... but all will beg for a saviour in the end.

>Just fucking go full Weimar already.

This. Thus the seal will break and the door will open ... and darkness will pour forth into the chalice. And then ... the new dawn breaks.

Attached: braucht_mehr_vaseline.jpg (590x250, 19K)

> funny where are these damage control shills who accuse me of being a rabbi or even Jewish myself

Right here. I only raise that accusation that when you act like a jew, though. Depending on whether you are or aren't there are two potential outcomes:

1) If you are not a jew, you may yet learn to develop a non-jewish debating style.

2) If you are a jew it wil piss you off to be called out.

All will burn in due time.

All will burn.

Attached: purged by flame.jpg (1920x820, 626K)

Damn, looks like Great Grandpa describing Weimar.
Well or american drag queen storytime...

I literally see some feminist garbage sluts begging for some toxic masculinity to save them from their demise.

If there is a Jewish exodus from the US in our lifetime, and it *could* happen, there will be fire.

> 1) If you are not a jew, you may yet learn to develop a non-jewish debating style
You are starting from false assumptions. I threw bones here, pretty big ones that is, and people have to pick it up themselves. Not willing to spoon feed. If I were to die, I would not be able to spoon feed anymore, so it's useless.

Außerdem halte ich sehr wenig von dieser Art das Gelernte "vorzuzeigen". Das ist so eine peinliche Unart. An der BdK (pic related) gab's genug Klugscheißer, die Spengler gelesen haben und meinen die Welt erklären zu müssen. 17 Jahre und altklug, jo, oder Kerstin, die mit ihrem 1,0-Berliner Abitur (und vermutlich Initiierung in gewissen Kreisen, was wohl mehr ihr "Erfolg" erklärt als ihre durchaus mäßige Intelligenz) denkt, sie sei die geborenen Weißheitsgöttin.

Attached: nazi_cutie.png (944x820, 581K)

At least i know now where i got my bitchy resting face from and it maybe explains some other stuff about mentality and personality.

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>AfD is your enemy.

Attached: 1507309152994.gif (359x346, 1.98M)

> Außerdem halte ich sehr wenig von dieser Art das Gelernte "vorzuzeigen". Das ist so eine peinliche Unart.

And that is the very reason people do not listen to you. For you are doing an even worse thing than

> An der BdK (pic related) gab's genug Klugscheißer, die Spengler gelesen haben und meinen die Welt erklären zu müssen. 17 Jahre und altklug,

You don't even try to explain anything. You think you understand things because you got a bare glimpse of something, drew conclusions from that and try to rally people to whatever the fuck your cause may be with vague, veiled allegations to something-something rotary something-something frats something-something AfD something-something Verfassungsschutz and somethings-something freemasons. These "bones" as you call them will see a little bit of nibbling, maybe somewhat more intense nibbling but eventually people will give up because trying to make sense of your rambling is ultimately a lost cause. It may or may lead somewhere, but nobody is going to follow your barely visible trail of breadcrumbs.

What it boils down to is you don't want to get your message across cleanly. Whether that's because you are a jew intending to sow confusion or what I described above does not matter, really. In both cases this needs to be called out, either to expose you or to educate you.

>And that is the very reason people do not listen to you. For you are doing an even worse thing than
just say what you want to say Kerstin isntead of doing this slimey Rumgedruckse

Mach dir keinen Stress, Russen sind ein großes Volk und du sagst doch selbst, dass sie sogar blond waren. Wie schon gesag wurde wurde Russland von Wikingern gegründet (Rus=Ruderer), also kein Grund zur Sorge

you are beyond salvation if you think AfD is positive of you, they are not going to fix ANY of the problems they mention

>What it boils down to is you don't want to get your message across cleanly. Whether that's because you are a jew intending to sow confusion or what I described above does not matter, really. In both cases this needs to be called out, either to expose you or to educate you.
Nice closed world-view. Because I may get shot if I put things out too clearly.

Russlanddeutsche are some of the most based peope in this Country

*of you => to you

*ihren *geborene

It's too tiring working with this many frat shills + white bois, going to read some classics now.

Russlanddeutsche are the fucking worst!!
Can I haz some german cursewords for them?

> of you => to you
It's "for you" in this instance.

>you are beyond salvation if you think AfD is positive of you, they are not going to fix ANY of the problems they mention
so arent any other partys, the difference is AfD is yet about to prove its worth, therefore im looking forward for their trial of fire in Saxony.
>Nice closed world-view. Because I may get shot if I put things out too clearly.
yeah sure because free speech is so prohibited here on Jow Forums
just say what you fucking want and stop this retarded behavior

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plastic Germans are plastic Germans and you forget that easily 80% of "Russlanddeutsche" are Chechens who behave worse than anything else.

>Russlanddeutsche are the fucking worst!!
citation needed
>Can I haz some german cursewords for them?

Can't just call them all Ivans and Olga, I need something more them fuckers calling me Kartoffel.

I consider him an object, like how the AfD does, so "to" should be fine.

> party full of jews and austrian FPÖ shills
> t-t-t-they still have to prove their worth!
worked out well with Kurz and Trump, right?

>Nice closed world-view. Because I may get shot if I put things out too clearly.

In that case is even more unwise to namefag and publicly rail against somebody from the very social circle endangering you. For she or her handlers will easily be able to identify you from all the information you've dropped on here by now.

> It's too tiring working with this many frat shills + white bois, going to read some classics now.

Do that. Leaving if somebody disagrees with you is truly a winning strategy.

>For she or her handlers will easily be able to identify you from all the information you've dropped on here by now.
True, maybe I am baiting on purpose and also do other stuff with various degrees of concealment to figure out whether I am wiretapped and/or my pcs are bugged.

Maybe my repeated "spitting on them" is telling them a message.

> party full of jews and austrian FPÖ shills
Nice closed world view.
I threw you some bones already but youre too lazy too look into it.
youre beyond salvation.
Im off reading classics.

HALP, need some harsh german cursewords for russians.

Got this in exange ;)

>Im off reading classics.
Good, maybe you are enjoyable in 3 to 5 years.

If you want to piss of russians, tell them about the single handed victory of america in ww2.
Also, bring up mail order brides, gets them fuming.

If you mean actual insults, well many animal names are used as descriptions of insults as well.

Tell me one thing that didn't work out with Trump?! He's doing a goddamn hell of a service for Israel. Isn't that supposed to be called "working out"?

>Good, maybe you are enjoyable in 3 to 5 years.

Because people who spend their time reading classic will be busy being quiet and reading classics (as opposed to saying mean things to you on the Internet)?

HAHA, now we're talking. Good stuff!

Got animal names? Can't imagine something like bear whould piss them off.

Well, I would start to care about his "opinion" in the first place.

What? AfD is connected, deeply, with the Likud party and AfD memes are created by an Israelian agency? Lies, probably funded by Putin and Soros :^)

H-h-how is he driving this car, he looks like a Hobo!!!

Attached: afd_middleman.png (1407x820, 2.4M)

Where did the russian hurt you user?

have you even read what i typed?
this is how you sound like
>Good, maybe you are enjoyable in 3 to 5 years.
>Well, I would start to care about his "opinion" in the first place.
wow, why even come here when we are all uneducated scum which opinions arent worth recognicion?
probably some highly advanced 4D Chess thinking here by our Master and saviour Kerstinposter
how was that again about "halte ich sehr wenig von dieser Art das Gelernte "vorzuzeigen"" when you constantly talk like a prick who never worked a single day in his life and got everything shoved up his ass from birth, thinking hes better than everyone else
>muh bones
>muh salvation
>AfD is not good but i dont provide an Alternative to the Alternative

seriously, the only one here who isnt enjoyable is you

I am not reading your posts. Very careful at what info I digest and you are not interesting.

Why are you even remotely asking for respect?

Yea, rumor has it that they're intertwined with the Mont-Pelerin-Society.

Soros paid me. I love getting paid by kikes to call out kikes.

They called me Kartoffel!

Attached: brenton serious.jpg (250x187, 5K)

>Haha too long did not read

Attached: 1535803207687.jpg (516x550, 60K)

> Expenses (2015): $113,886
BdK got 400-500k€/year... "officially" ;)
Guess they have the "liberty" to hide some stuff

Attached: karma.jpg (2100x1599, 885K)

again, why are you here if you think we are allbeneath you?
>Why are you even remotely asking for respect?
Im not
Im pointing out your shitty behaviour and Hypocrisy


>I am not reading your posts. Very careful at what info I digest and you are not interesting.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

Attached: sour.gif (800x627, 404K)

Pffff uh...

Rooster is a raging homosexual iirc, kran I think.
Cow is like fat and clumsy girl, its Korova.
Goat is problably the worst and might get your nose broken, its koza.
Calling a woman goat is a silly girl and not that bad

Wow, ist das eine Fabel des Äsop? Hätte ich nicht erwartet.

Dumme Ziege, Kuh and Hühnchen...might break their nose afterwards.