Is therapy/psychology a scam?

Is therapy/psychology a scam?

Feels like the more and more I read about it, the more it seems like a huge waste of time that just sucks out your money

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It works on the docile. So yes for some.

Baste gook whore

it worked on me and massively improved my self confidence.

the therapeutic concept of psychotherapy and the pseudo science of psychology are two very different things but yes,
they pretend to be something they are not, for money. that is the definition of a scam.

>Is therapy/psychology a scam?
Add psychiatry in there.

t. spent 2 years as a victim to the mental health industry

Depends on who you get to talk too.
But yes a majority of them are fucking stupid or are just there to waste the time so they have to do as little work as possible.
You should try to avoid anyone under the age of 40 (having little life experience is a bad thing), and especially women. Women are fucking useless in the psychology/therapist field, especially if you are male as they cannot deal with emotions in a logical manner in order to find the root cause of your distress. They also tend to say what you want to hear or even what they themselves feel about what you are saying, not what you need to hear. (Women always conform to men, even strangers).

Or another way at looking at it. Treat it as a last resort and make sure to find someone who's really good at it. And for the love of god make sure it's someone of your own race.

I specifically told the ones arranging it for me that I did not want a nigger and it had to be someone from my country, and had to be above 40 with experience.

They complied (because women do that when you command them).

I ignore your post, only care about the picture. I'm ok with it unironically. People can date whoever they want. As long as jews don't meddle, it's the free market of appeal and fitness, let the best men win.
>as long as jews don't meddle
should have stopped halfway there

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Sex without Love is just a Junkie Fix

Therapy really worked well for me and helped me get over myself. But the guy i went to wasnt really a therapist he was called something else thats similar. It was faith-based although i tended to just ignore that part. Great guy.

Swedistani gets it
Guy i talked to was a seasoned 60+ year old white man with plenty of his own highs and lows in life, and wasnt there to just tell me shit that made me feel good. He took the info i fed him and threw back quality questions & inferences to force me to process it all

hot pic desu

Psychiatry is two parts fraud for every one part useful. Yes, therapy is a scam. 95 % percent of rehabs push the 12 step model and form a continency agreement (extortion) which is causing personalities to split. The psychiatrists are deliberately stimulating trauma in highly vulnerable people in order to sell unnecessary and even harmful medicine.

True, sex without love is just a Junkie Fix
Celibate since early 2012 and still searching for a heart of gold.

Lmaoing @ the Asian incel (Tenda) claiming he has a white girlfriend. I've run into these gooks as well. They are completely oblivious to how hypocritical their arguments are.

Exactly. It works like this:
>The pharmaceutics industry conjures up a bunch of new disorders every year.
>They also move the goalpost a little more each year with known disorders. Diagnosing more and more people.
>They do this by owning the all important dsm, a diagnostics tool used by all.
>Every iteration of the dsm converts more and more behavior into disorders.
>More pills get sold, billions more are made.

Example is autism. First you'd have to be retarded, unable to work or maintain a social life. 1/20.000 people had it. Then they invented a few new less strictly defined disorders like aspergers and pdd nos. Then they dropped the IQ thing. Then the work and social qualifier. Then they made it a spectrum. You can have only one sign and you are an assburger. And now 1/7 kids get medicated by big pharma.

Same goes for every other disorder. And then they attach a disorder to any and every negative human trait like naccisism, it's suddenly a disorder. "You are perfect or you have mental problems". Don't fall for this shit. Every psychologist will tell you the same. Find the power to fix stuff yourself. Change yourself. Stop harming yourself. Basically stop being a lazy faggot and solve your problems.

T. Psychologist.

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Yes, it is a scam.

t. got a psych degree because i'm an retard

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Therapists are secular priests who assert that they have some "truth", and if your values deviate, then you are "wrong". Hence, The Rapist. They impose their values onto you through their mindfucking.

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Psychatrists themselves have psychological problems hence pathological cycle continues.

Worked well for me. Helped that it was almost free as it was taxpayer funded. Really depends on the doctor as well. I'm sure many of them scam their patients and make them spend thousands upon thousands of dollars for nothing.

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Can confirm from personal experience

Every person who wants to become a psychologist is usually a mentally retarded person who tries to figure their own fucked up brain. That profession is filled with loser weirdos.

PS: If I was a psychologist i would rape and molest hot girls while telling them its a new form of therapy or whatever

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Yes, it is 100% scam. Psychology is a pseudoscience, and therapy is about as useful as getting your fortune read by Madame Cleo.

Seconded. When I was younger they literally over rationalised everything in order to meet the 'so it's not your family, it's video games and metal music that make you depressed.' the mental gymnastics they perform to pander to the one that pays them are astonishing. If you need the pills, feed their little narrative and leave as soon as possible with the prescription. Also don't forget you live in the' masculinity is a disorder' era. Chicks don't have it much better either, I remember listening to a chick when I was a teenager that was labelled an attention whore, and when she did something serious, apparently they said there were not a lot of signs

The combination of your faggot pic and stupid question means that I can answer truthfully. I'm a nationalist psychologists and think you should skip therapy and just suicide. Nationalist psychology is the only true psychology and a legitimate science. Thank you.

>an asian that doesn't groom her eyebrows
She's filthy

you became a faggot?

>Is therapy/psychology a scam?
As someone diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder (Hypomania type) and ADD, no it's not a scam.
But that's in the EU.

I know that in the USA there is over-precription of amphetamine-like substances to kids.

I take a daily dose of 800mg of Quetiapine, a mood regulator, and it works fine for me. Don't have the same fucked up mood as before, when I was over-sensitive and was a slave to my emotions.
I can now keep my emotions in check, even though the trade-offs are that I'm less energetic, less creative and less excited/talkative.

Psychiatry / Psychology is a legit science and a good thing overall.
But it varies, like a single Psych could be wrong about you, so you need to see multiple to be sure/adequately diagnosed.
Trust the specialists, for me it would be Bipolar specialist, which I'm thankful for having, and also ultra-thankful for my country to pay the 100 euros for the appointment and the money for my treatment.
Pay zero money in the end.
Fucking love the EU/France, fuck the haters.

>pay zero money at the end
>love the eu/france

yes, socialism is great for the sick, the weak and those who don't achieve anything

not saying you are anything other than sick nor am i saying that a sensible healthcare system doesn't or can't make sense, but to love something it gives you something that others pay (and by extention work) for doesn't sit right with me.

People are born faggots. It's nature, not nurture, scientific community is unanimous about it.

But having been in a mental health clinic myself, I have to point out that a lot if not all the young people who were there were homos and shit.
It's simple really, homosexuals have a Atypical Brain. (Tumblr speak, but it's not bullshit)
Having a Atypical Brain, increases dramatically the chances of being non-heterosexual.

So it's normal for homosexuals/trans and others to have mental health issues, I saw mostly depression/borderline and eating disorders among them.

Have to point out this was a private clinic for minor health problems, no nut jobs, mostly normal people (atypical mentally) that were going through a bad episode/crisis.

>censoring her name but missing a spot
eyy ya missed pal

I'd rather have the state help everyone who is sick than have to walk through the streets seeing homeless schizos everywhere.

>but to love something it gives you something that others pay (and by extention work) for doesn't sit right with me.
I understand.

I am at work atm, and was at the same place 1 year ago when I was diagnosed and started treatement.
And at 26, this is not my first job / so I already payed before that.
I had to take approx 2 months off , 1 month spent at the clinic.

So, I don't feel like stealing from others, as I'm paying through taxes for others problems.

I understand the "fair" part. I'm not saying it's fair to give to people in need and such, and I do hate leeches, but consider this:
My productivity was shit before, now it's great.
I'm being a "better member of society" in economical terms, as I output mofe than when I was sick, so that's the first point:
- Helping people individually through socialism will result in a better overall group of more productive açd happier people, generating more riches that way.

The other part, that is not "fair" but logical is the following :
-Rich people save up the majority of their income. Saving up money in the bank. It's called "frozen" because the money stays put, is not used to stimulate the economy.
(We still need rich people and investors, that's not a problem)
-Poor people spend all their income and almost don't save up money.
Spending all or almost all your money like poor people means that demand is strong, and demand drives the market.
More demand and consumerism, means a stronger economy and growth.

So to take a small portion money from Mr Rich and giving it to Mr Poor is not "fair" but it is economically beneficial, and so instead of ending up frozen in a bank acccount for decades, the money will instead generate wealth.

So yes, redistribution of Wealth is a good thing, not because it's fair, it's not in my opinion, but it's logical because spending stimulates economical growth.

In my early 20s, I saw a lady who helped me tremendously with confidence issues and social anxiety. Based on that one positive experience, I tried four more therapists over the next 15 years, and found them all to be complete time-wasters. And I'd probably never go to another therapist again...

Another important thing to realize is that the laws have changed to such a degree that any one of these quacks can send your info to the state government and have you put on a list that prevents you from owning or buying guns. Considering how inept and unhelpful (and expensive) most therapist are anyway... that's not a risk I'm willing to take.

It can work. Honestly 90% of therapy is just having someone to talk to. They may be able to give you some tips, but hearing things out loud will generally help you reach conclusions.

Never take any drugs the prescribe you tho.

doesn't help anything. waste of time. just say no

Gross majority of homosexuals are homosexual because of childhood trauma. So Freud says. On the topic of homosexuality - all homosexuals are born from heterosexual intercourse.