Hold on a sec

Hold on a sec...

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Moral: Stop being niggers

...Then some Taiwanese Chigger needs to screencap it and post it on Jow Forums?

Americans arnt white

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Why can't niggers form coherent arguments and sentences

nigger schools are better funded than white schools




Sources on those claims?


....it's almost as if......I have absolutely no reason to give a fuck

Attached: nige.jpg (620x387, 47K)

stop coping, Tai lost

Poc get stricter sentencing because they are repeat offenders. Woc are more at risk for health issues because they use their gibs for junk food and they all drink and do drugs. All education is worse in inner city schools thanks to low iq niggers screwing around instead of learning. Racial housing exists because niggers don't pay bills. What's your point? Niggers are worthless?

Only low IQ retards believe schools have anything to do with education.

It's an Israeli with a VPN. Sage and ignore

It's still genetic.


Hold on...wait a minute...what is that thing trying to say? I have no fucking idea what’s the point of any of that rambling. Pls help

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>its racist to discriminate by not renting to people notorious for destroying houses

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Ayo, hol up


No no, surely everyone else is at fault. Black people are always innocent, and will profess so at any opportunity.

>poc get stricter sentencing in court
Poc get charged down and then get the full extent of that charge.

Jamal gets caught with a gun and some weed in the car. The prosecuter drops the gun charge, gives Jamal the full 3 years charge for illegal subsatances.

Ronald gets caught with weed in the car. He gets 8 months.

>WOC more at risk for miscarriage
Woc don't care about what goes into their bodies while pregnant. Drinking alchohol, doing drugs etc.

Brother was adamant about his first 3 kids and watched his POC wife strickly. Last two he stopped giving a fuck, both have development and speech issues.

>sex education is worse in inner cities
only because they start teaching it so late while the kids are having sex at 10+(usually with an older relative, but they don't consider this abuse). When your poor, free sex is free,

>racial housing discrimination
You've obviously never lived with or around niggers

>school districts funded by those who live in them
really sporificates my fungi

Inner city school districts are controlled by black democrats and no amount of money can fix them. Look up Zuck and Newark.