Why do leftists recklessly ignore obvious things such as the fact that Europe is way worse off having accepted...

Why do leftists recklessly ignore obvious things such as the fact that Europe is way worse off having accepted countless of third world savages? Why do they act like they're saving the world when they are so plainly destroying it? I've never considered the option that it is being done on purpose, but now I am starting to wonder

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I remember when eurocucks would make fun of americans for being in a police state

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Because (((they))) are trying to heal the world

Now we admire you and want your cops to protect us from niggers

Nairobi is starting to look better than Paris

A fucking bicycle wheel lmao

Of course it's deliberate.
Divide. Conquer.

It is narcissism, plain and simple.

No one likes to be told they're wrong, and that they're beliefs or thought process are the source of problems.

>british policemen
Go home burgoids.

I really dont know. I've tried to understand, but I can't... I think it probably has a lot to do with being the sort of person who values fitting into a group (and being approved of) more highly than anything else. The fact that there's absolutely no part of that in my personality (or probably yours either)... is why it seems totally baffling.

I think it's just a matter of being a pussy with the soul of a social-media attention-whore who would literally die inside if people disapproved of them... So they literally CAN NOT override pop-culture narratives and risk bringing this outcome on themselves.

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Because it is easy to have delusions of grandeur to distract themselves from how they are failing on every other scale.

>Europe is way worse
cope more 56%

I spoke to a scottish leftist who said he wants more immigrants although he concedes that muslims are taking over areas (said with a smile)

Intentional not narcisicm

because scotland doesn't have to deal with it

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>Why do they act like they're saving the world
>Assuming they want to save the world
>They just want to virtue signal to score social points so it looks better on them..

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Of course its being done on purpose. They know exactly what they are doing. Driving the white man away from his homeland.

This is the correct answer

Saw a youtube clip today about mothballing the ISS as the Chinese are sending up a competitor.

In ten years there will be no orbiting space station, mark my words. We're done, lads. If you're over 25 you got to see the peak of humanity.Well done. Hope you enjoyed the showed.

>Why do leftists recklessly ignore obvious things such as the fact that Europe is way worse off having accepted countless of third world savages?
ETA killed more Europeans than all Islamic terrorist attacks put together. IRA killed almost four times more. Crime rates are among the lowest in decades when looking at verifiable crimes (i.e. homicides, robberies, etc.)

your premise might or might not be correct, statistics sure don't show it conclusively one way or another.

Metastasizing cancer looks like this too. Still kills you.

The whites that support immigration are few and between. The propagandist make it seem like they are many.
FEMEN, for instance, is financed by open society foundations.
ANTIFA, for instance, is financed by open society foundations.
BLM, for instance, is financed by open society foundations.
IsraAID and HIAS, for instance, are financed by Israel's ministry of foreign affairs.

Because large part of germanic / anglosaxon people literally hate themselves for some reason

Rape rates in sweden in 2008 were 6 : 100000 according to UN, spectator index and swedish police census.
Rape rates in sweden in 2016 were 72 : 100000.

Grenade attacks in sweden were zero in 2008. Grenade attacks were 112 in 2017.

I never implied that was good.

They're like retarded bower birds, bringing in a bunch of random, useless shit to line their nest. They'll probably accidentally bring a ied in someday.

This is funny

>Jow Forums: durrr Kavenaugh is innocent, fuck lying roasties
>also Jow Forums: #BelieveAllWomen
meanwhile objective statistics, death counts, value of stolen property, etc. aren't historically unprecedented. nobody is denying that lower class foreigners will inevitably commit more crime and will be the chief perpetrators of most serious crimes, but the rates aren't historically unprecedented for Europe. living in a 100% white UK neighborhood in the 70s was more dangerous than the most dangerous of *ghettos* today.

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This is just like the maritimes in Canada. They always vote liberal because they have the best social programs. But they never have to deal with the diversity because its 90%+ white there still.

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Living in a homogeneous britain in 2000 was infinitely more safe than living in britain in 2018.

You are employing a post hoc ergo propter hoc, it's not a valid argument. You cannot conflate different chronologies and topographies, it's asinine.

Well, as far as the actual people and not the government and banks, the Europeans unironically want to be like the US. They want a big cosmopolitan society full of diversity. They think the problems we have with blacks other minorities is all down to racism because that's all they've been taught from literally every single authoritative source for the last 60 years. They think if they import third worlder's they'll assimilate easily because they won't be racist to them like the stupid americans were, and they'll have a bunch of cool musicians and athletes and people will want to consume their cultural output as a result.

Some blame the US for the influence of our cultural exports, and I can see why, but at the same time it's your own fault you dumb cucks. Enjoy your niggers. You won't fair any better than us. Probably worse because you're so absurdly ill prepared and delusional.

As a former leftist I can tell you that, in my particular case, was high levels of indoctrination and conditioning mostly done by american media. I don't think it's a coincidence that I consumed much more foreign entertainment as I didn't have parents and lived with my aunt and uncle who didn't really pay much attention to me. So I watched hours and hours of american shows and that made me more leftist than any of my friends. I had both commie and falangist friends and neither of them shared my views on "progressiveness". As a matter of fact my commie friends were the most racist of all (to the point that they beated the few moors that we had back then and got in lots of fights with gyppos).

I can assure you that nu-leftism is an alternative reality and it's impossible to pop the bubble unless you crash head first with reality (some not even).
They think it's cooler to help foreign people over the locals, even if they have the same problems.
They think other cultures are richer and wiser than ours even if those cultures think raping babies cure aids or that dirt is nutritious.
They think their own culture is bad and evil, and it's cool to self-deprecate in front of minorities.
They think the world needs their voice and opinion to solve all the problems yet they get wasted everyweekend throwing their lifes away.

i doubt it

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using big words only makes you a bigger fool when everyone can see through your argument. 1 min in Google produced this

not guilty verdict fucking when!?

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That is complete bullshit. Crime here is off the hook. Instead of trusting (((google))) talk to real people actually experiencing reality

He is using a Bosnian flag, he is likely practicing Taqiyya.

We bombed the wrong country,

>instead of trusting official statistics trust my entirely subjective feelings on this issue
how can you not realize how ridiculous you sound right now

>reductio ad vexillum