Thoughts on Anchor Embryos?

Thoughts on Anchor Embryos?

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Other urls found in this thread:

1. What would a fetus need child support for? Child support is to buy stuff for your kid, not yourself, so there is no reason to pay child support for a fetus
2. American citizenship laws are retarded
3. Sure, if any insurance company is stupid enough to make such a contract with you.

>What would a fetus need child support for?
A fetus needs nourishment. The mother needs to eat to feed the fetus just like the mother needs to eat to feed the baby breast milk.

Well, that's literally just the calories a fetus burns, sure, why not give them 3 extra dollars a day.

Typical leftist bullshit, see also:
>you care for babies in the womb but don’t care about them once they’re born because you don’t want to give them free everything

Mother always needs food, even before she was pregnant, she doesn't become incapable of feeding herself as soon as she's impregnated

she needs more food when she is pregnant

The problem isn’t unwanted babies, it’s unwanted mothers. The solution is to change the meaning of the word “abortion” to killing the unwanted mother. Then everything will be fine.

We should start giving abortions by guillotine. Decapitate the idiot mother. The world needs less sluts who think their inability to keep their knees together makes every day Christmas.

some of these are actually questions we'll need to answer eventually, because a fetus is a person and they're not unreasonable conflicts being raised.

So it's the man's job to put food on the table, got it.

I'm fine with paying women not to kill their children like retarded hamsters.

If I had my way this law would be nuked from orbit with all of the filth riding it.

>if you think parents should be required to take responsibility for their children you also have to be a communist or you're a hypocrite

>How can I best squeeze every dollar possible for the child in my stomach that I would happily butcher if I was given the okay to do so
Cunts like this need to hang

Imagine being such a pathetic waste that your entire life revolves around the lowest of gibs. Would be best for herself to kill herself ending her miserable bloodline.

I'd throw both out, we don't need more black babies.

>there is no reason to pay child support for a fetus
>sure, why not give them 3 extra dollars a day
Flip-Flop much?

Women need to take responsibility for their mistakes before and after the child is born.
It is not the burden of the state or taxpayers to foot the bill for a child that should be allowed to live. It is the burden of the mother to foot that bill, because she refused to use proper contraceptives or outright abstain from sex till she could handle the possible consequences associated with it, such as pregnancy, and the child should not be punished for her actions.
Rather the pregnancy itself is merely punishment enough, given that it is one that she inflicted on herself and is deserving of. Making sure that child is born, is more than enough, if she chooses to forfeit the child to the state, she must also forfeit any and all rights to visitation, as well as pay a monetary compensation tax as a secondary punishment.

The life insurance one is true.

Actually fuck all that.
30% tax break for household with pregnant married woman.
Get money for fucking your husband? How can a woman say no?

>we should go all in

Shes right, kill them both.

1. No because it does not take more money to feed yourself, you are the life support for the baby.
2. No, because the baby by law has to be born to be entitled to citizenship.
3. No, because this would be the biggest fraud risk in history. "Oops I fell" would be a job title to get 100K or more per year. Performers and athletes can insure body parts because they make money off of their talents, your unborn child is not a talent.

t. Mr JD

>shebone would starve to death without child support for the unborn nigglet
big if true

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OP and the fag on twitter that he posted are literally
>"HEH, i got your conservatives now! my superior logic and snark have ensured that *I* am the intellectual master!"

>it does not take more money to feed yourself
They are literally eating for two.

Um yeah surely a bebe needs 2000cal a day

It needs more than shitty fast food to achieve optimal growth and development.

>eating for 2

Women need like 500 extra calories a day for a healthy baby. Cunts who are splurging all day just have an excuse to get fat.

I am not american, so I’m not sure, but don’t you get your citizenship when you are born on american soil? If you’re not born yet, can’t you go fuck yourself?

In general, pregnant women need between 2,200 calories and 2,900 calories a day. A gradual increase in calories as the baby grows is the best bet. Here is an overview of how calorie needs change during each trimester: The first trimester does not require any extra calories.Feb 22, 2017
Healthy Weight during Pregnancy - Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

at most an additional 450kcalories per day. I'm sure most women are already in this range.

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Finally, a poker reference on Jow Forums

This is my chance!

Attached: michael_mizrachi_event45.png (337x441, 253K)

>asks a question
>gets a reasonable answer
>changes stance

That's not what a flip flop is.

I'd berry my dick in her so hard that the person who pulled it out would be crowned King Arthur