What happened to the American Dream?

Our status, economy, and standard of living continue to decline; what is it going to take to actually Make America Great, or will the sun set on our country? I remember the 90's being great. Race relations, finances, jobs everywhere. Things were only improving; now I look around and feel like a stranger in my own country.

Attached: A-Perfect-World-1.jpg (1000x563, 137K)

It still exists. It's just being suppressed by the extremely corrupt media and political organizations in the country at the moment.

Little do they know, suppressing it is only going to make it more fierce, like an exploding dam.

Godspeed user.

This country was never good

Jews and their pet boomers

We told you the middle eastern wars would cost you

>smoking around children
That piece of shit should be been killed. What kind of scum could do something like that? How did nobody kill him in the street for that? Fuck society for allowing this horrible child abuse to go on.

There are 5 million unfilled jobs in the US and people literally wondering deserts on foot just to get here.

The problem in the US is not opportunity. It’s ambition.

So please shut the fuck up and get to fucking work.

I was at the store buying liquor yesterday and i heard some late boomers/early genx guys say that Florida has mad job openings in construction and trades that they cant fill

Everyone's so pressed with getting more, they're not willing to take care of what they have.

Good neighborhoods go to shit, because people have been cucked by superficial materialism into believing they never have enough to be happy with what they have.

you obviously have Internet. if you have a TV, radio, full fridge and a roof over your head and a car in your driveway you're living the American dream. 90% of the world want to be you.

Unironically smoking made society better

>90s were great

Attached: 5662EF75-6D8D-40AE-8DF8-25140E0DB2F6.png (500x581, 165K)

everyone fucked it up. too bad. time marches on. things will change. the whole world will become a better place. soon....

>people being filthy addicts
>child abuse
>>practicing self harm
Such good things for society.

Government has been perverted by business and greed.

you're out of your fucking mind, and sadly, have fallen victim to all the mindless propaganda here.on this board.
turn your fucking computer off and go outside, nothing has changed. Nothing will change. Until the US ceases to have the largest conventional force and the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons, the American Dream is still alive and well. You just have to go outside and grab it.
Your Failure to act does not constitute a failure for all

That's because our country has been flooded with third world socialists by (((the government))).

Huwhite people are being genocided, they want no competition for control, innovation or beauty. They would rather have a mud-world to live above.

I live it every day watching my kids on the ball field. 11 field baseball complex on the outskirts of town in the glorified country, all white kids in the league, great comfort food at the snack bar. For a second I wonder if it is 1979 or is it 2019, but then I see the face masks on the batting helmets and realize I am still in clown world, but I can get away for a few hours at the ball field

Get fucked boomer the problem was never jobs

>spastic retards like you
>ability to judge what is good or not for other people
Do you think you're human you unloved abortion attempt?

It is for mexicans, asians and indian fucks now.