Eddy basedssstein

Jow Forums BTFO

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Why are Jews so good at strawmanning?

I'm starting to think that those people aren't right in the head

>a jew making fun of inbreds


Yes let's murder millions of babies because a couple freaks will be born every decade

Soon ?????

Type it slower
I'm touching myself

who cares about this faggot? sage

wonder why he didn't even get his blue tick yet
And he even "write" a muller book for children
probably tha'ts not his real name

can ths guy be hanged?


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FPBP, Jews invented strawmanning

FUCK YOU Jow Forums!

FORCING children to have their dad's fucking kid? THAT'S WHERE I DRAW THE LINE.


You can turn this around. He's basically calling for the abortion of sick children. Sounds very Nazi to me.

Kikebro is just...

Fucking Florida kikebros man!

So he can become trans? Isn't this a good thing?

Holy shit, it's actually working!

Nice pasta

It'd be good if he deliberately castrated himself

>the coastal elite expresses disdain for the laws of the regional commoner by suggesting they engage in incest


Tbh I feel like the abortion issue is unusually hot in America, just like guns. It’s a “we should party in the streets to celebrate that I can drain-O the parasite out of my cunt” VS “not even if the poor girl fell into the gorilla enclosure, it’s God’s will now” type of debate.

Abortion should be safe, legal and available in the early part of gestation. But it should also be incredibly rare. It’s a solemn, horrible reality and should be viewed as such, but there are some circumstances where it’s probably for the best.

Perhaps people want to uninstall hookup culture rather than removing any possibility of ever aborting a child.

sosistein bros are too powerful for drumpf to handle

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Jews eat aborted babies. Foreskin is just the appetizer.

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20 years from now when the ingels have taken over Krassenstein will be forced to undergo gender reassignment surgery and have his name changed to Hayley. He will be given big roastie lips and butt implants. Then he will be shipped off to the braapp farm.

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Can’t bump your own thread faggot.

Soon in #America, an illegal immigrant can sneak across our border, rape a young woman, impregnate her with an mulatto emebryo that would end up growing into a spic, and that woman would be forced to have his child or she would be labeled as a white supremacist and racist by the libtards.

Is that the America you love?


>jews fantasizing about incest and mental illness

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We must’ve been barbaric before abortions. No one has ever been forced to give birth to their sister/daughter in states where abortion is legal before. This statement makes it sound like there is some incest epidemic. Fuck off faggot

I hate those two faggot brothers so much. Why can't a couple muzzies just commit jihad on them in Minecraft already?

Wow this completely hypothetical situation really made me change my mind when it comes to killing babies

gavin mcinnes researched this and he said he only found like less than 5 instances of a father raping their daughter and getting them pregnant in all of US history but libs act like half of the population will be retard inbreds because of this bill.

Or, yah know, get to an abortionist within 6 weeks like the bill said.

raising a mental disabled child would be wonderful and progressive

>jews saying inbreeding is bad

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Eugenics Eddy

I cant wait for niggers to start raping white girls in Alabama. Im thinking about air dropping free memberships to BLACKED,com over every white school in the state

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They think it’s a sign of intelligence to make bad faith arguments because they are “outwitting” the other person. But don’t realize that they are destroying social trust and making it impossible to engage with them peacefully. And most Jews are weak nerds that can’t defend themselves properly.

(Marginally) higher iq can make you full of yourself and make really stupid decisions especially if you wall off criticism

Stupid Sexy Mueller

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>Stupid Sexy Mueller

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So what's stopping the 12 year old from getting an abortion right after she was raped? That's still allowed in this bill. The other plus from this bill is women can't wait forever to say they were raped. You report it right away and abort. This will cut down on false accusations

He’s blocked me. Someone should consider pointing out how he and his brother continuously victimize children in their posts. I was blocked because I posted links to public info showing how the brothers are buying property and putting titles in their wive’s names to avoid another DHS confiscation of property. All verifiable on the Lee County, FL clerk of courts website.

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Man, he must hate Muslims too if he hates incest this much.

>that contrived premise
Says more about Eddy than it does about abortion

They are marrying out. In America they'll be gone as a distinct group in a generation or two.
The bottleneck is why their IQs are above average. The bottom half of the population were wiped out.

Krassensteins just mad that he cant force the kids to have abortions to cover up the sex slave ring.

Why the fuck was this the first scenario that popped into his jewish mind?

He aint talking about white people in this tweet

I'll never understand how people think it's okay this dehumanization of the unborn.

Imagine a Jew making fun of inbreeding.

They dehumanize people who simply disagree with them. It’s not a stretch to take that to people they have never or will ever meet.

The projection is so strong, really hard to put into words

Soooo a Jew advocating for Jewish genocide? what a twist...

And then, suddenly, for no reason at all...

but that cant be true didnt 99.99% of them die in WWII?

Dont they make a morning after pill? That shouldn't be coverd under the new law, unless I was mistaken in reading it.

How the fuck do you research this

Considering who his employer is, I'm sure he has an inside scoop. Unlike women in Alabama.

>projects his most vile and degenerate sexual fantasy on a normal healthy gentile family to discredit a completely reasonable law.

Enlighten me on this term?

>FORCING children to have their dad's fucking kid?

You do realise the republicans are just doing a power play. By approving the worst case the democrats won't fight the entire bill but put all of their attention on the worst case. You then give in by handing them a compromise so they have the idea that they've won even though they did not.

In an ideal world, abortion would be legal but rare. Unfortunately it’s just used as an excuse for women to whore around without consequences for their actions. It breaks social cohesion, and has negative psychological effects on the mother


It's all projection.

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