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That's gonna be about 2 months in jail because shes a woman

Fuck off asshole. You already spammed this murder porn once.

Kinda wish we did eye for an eye justice still.

He literally died, actually?

I hate how our society doesnt respect its elders.



If that was my grandpa i would genocide all hood

Give me the fucking sauce

She's charged with murder the justice system doesn't like coons luckily

>The woman was allegedly "yelling and cursing" at other passengers on the bus. That's when Serge Fournier, 74, told the woman to "be nice." Bishop then pushed Fournier off the bus, surveillance video showed.


Attached: black america.jpg (714x879, 262K)

he deserves it for not stop Ted Kennedy in 65

Here she is
Diversity is our strength lads

Attached: 7A06CD06-7A92-47FB-BC78-F2D73D02601D.jpg (450x300, 25K)

Being nice is racist

Same. This is part of societies problem.


Im moving to the mountains when Im in my 70s and Ill shoot any invader, will not go to any city and will live amongst the wild in a log cabin. I dont care if I die alone out there.

I dunno a dead boomer and a nigger off the streets.

Seems like a win win

lol. I still find it amazing how fucking ugly these silverbacks are.

I remember asking my friend if he'd ever date a black girl. He said fuck no. Lol.

>boomers ruins society
>society ruins boomers
Seems fair

25 years old. Looks WAY older.

>diversity is the problem
>not America's retarded culture
Ok lad

Had this happened in Brazil she would have been beaten to death

you could stick a chinaman's dick up one of those nostrils

The american dream

I‘m happy that retarded boomer got killed by a nigger, he wanted this, he voted his entire lifetime for this, he fought the nazis so this could happen to him.

Only thing sad is he didn‘t live long enough to see his daughters get raped and murdered by niggers.
Good riddance.

>tfw ywn get beaten to death by a brazilian tranny
why live

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Shoulda spanked em

I truly despise niggers

Dont cut yerself there, kid.

Trannies are the ones that usually end up murdered...
There is a video of a tranny caught red handed diddling a kid..they kill it with bricks

What do you think literally means?

>she ended his suffering
>he is putting her in a cage for life
it's a win win situation

Public transportation in a nutshell. Blacks screaming then assaulting people telling them to act human.

Amen, brother.

Shut the fuck up boomer

That fucking neck. Looks like a female Mike Tyson.

We'll all be elders one day, you foresight lacking nigger.

>he was rayciss cuz he say move

Always fucking niggers. Glad I don't have to deal with them much.

Here comes the lethal injection!

When euros ask why don't Americans use public transport...this is why

Based and Hunter Thompsonpilled

Fuck off flaggot

>Not using public transport just to fuel your righteous anger

Attached: public transport europa.jpg (2000x1500, 1.31M)

It's always the blacks on public transport that are crazy. Every single fucking time. Majority I would understand but it's literally every fucking time.

>absolute high test

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Looks like a dystopian sci-fi movie.

lol @all the retards here saying this is murder, it's not, it's manslaughter and she will get 5 years at most. probably less because of the old man was clearly white and the lawyers will successfully argue that he was racist towards her

jesus where is this?

do you know how hard life is for a black woman?
they have it hard.
You probably have never heard this, so i'm gonna tell you.
It's really hard to be a black woman,
So fuck all white men.

There's optimism for you

Go murica