This. Stop with the propaganda buzzwords right now you bigots

This. Stop with the propaganda buzzwords right now you bigots

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Only if you rename Planned Parenthood "Eugenics R Us" in honor of based Margaret Sanger.

Dear press, stop calling them kids. Call them part of woman.

The problem is not unwanted babies it is unwanted mothers. Just get rid of the unwanted mothers.


>if I change the name of something it magically becomes something else
Im not even against abortion, but this is textbook mass delusion.

Alyssa Milano should have been an abortion.

Well, you call killing and dismembering of baby - abortion.

We should prevent abortions by cis white women. Rape is not an excuse when black men literally can't rape white women, (rape is penetration plus power). White women are also taking valuable appointment slots away from POC, who are much more likely to need abortion services.

Not shit Yuri.
>dismembering a live human fetus with a metal clamp and the sucking out the pieces
Doesnt sound fun.

I couldn’t agree more. These anti-choice, misogynistic, racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic, bigoted old white men need to stop with the propaganda buzzwords right fucking now! Don’t they realize they’re on the wrong side of history??? Don’t they realize the future is female??? Oof. I’m with her

Planned Genocide is the most successful white supremacist movement in the history of mankind.

I guess one without a heart cannot understand someone that has one

>cardiac activity

Aka a fucking heartbeat.

>hardly any white nations left

Some of you are so desperate to one up liberals you've started living in a fantasy world of delusion

who the fuck care about what an old woman has to say?

Right. I dont know what she's trying to achieve by this. Totally retarded.

I love Alyssa Milano, shes constant reminder that hollywood opinions are worth fuck all

Dear Press, stop calling it abortion and call it lethal injection and dismembering

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they want complete control over language

That Milano is so fucked up in the head.

white women are the source of all evil

literally lusting for baby murders