B-b-b-but muh capitalism made me free!!!! Now I work less thanks to technology supplied by muh boss

>B-b-b-but muh capitalism made me free!!!! Now I work less thanks to technology supplied by muh boss

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not to mention the KIND of work people do today. totally meaningless humiliating service sector jobs.

>Source: Trust me bro, I was there counting how many hours every single peasant worked.

I work in the air condition and eat pizza. They worked in the fields and ate plague.

>peasants didnt work as much as a modern American!
Do commies have such a low IQ that they don't even understand what this means?

>dumb dumbs thinking they’d survive medieval Europe
Peasants worked less because winter dabbed them into the grave

Just compare the quality of life between you and a peasant with no vidya or anime

I work 1850 hours

>high death rates
>giving birth was a huge scare
>access to food was on the same levels as communism
>health was low
>economic mobility was lower
>the common cold was an almost death sentence

Damn, capitalism sucks guys

you work in an office stuck to a computer screen like a fly trapped on glue


>what are lights

>standard of living magnitudes better today
>commies think we'd be better off living like medieval peasants

Let me guess, bread lines are a good thing too?

I love how the capitalists want to take credit for technological innovations (even those that occurred outside of a capitalist economy) but then cry that real capitalism has never existed. All while thanking their masters for making them work much harder.
Fucking slaves.

You don't work at all. You suck welfare from the hardworking taxpayers

>1,949 hours annually

That’s 22% of your time, honestly not that bad

That isnt how it is now you tard bard, suck on a nigger cock and get aids

>his company doesn't have separate sick and holiday days
Is this true USA?

Capitalism didnt make me free
it fed me and my children
Every fucking ass lancing commies proposals have been pretty fucking simple at the end of the day
return to fudalism, but with less white men and christianity
inevitably millions starve in the "not really communist" state that inevitably becomes communist again
it isnt intelligent to be communitist
or pragmatic
or even based on self interest
to be a communist is to be believer in 200 year old cult that never got updated to fit real world results.
If it had
it would be national socialism.

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the medial peasant was immeasurably more healthier, freeer and heapier then we are. peasants didnt require tons of anti anxiety and anti depressant drugs like people today


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>peasants in the 13th century knew how to count

>Be medieval peasant
>Get to live off the land
>Sow the crops in the spring
>Harvest in the fall
>Spend all winter going to taverns, picking up wenches and going to church on Sundays to repent for your sins.
Sounds like a pretty sweet life. Liberals were faggots to ever oppose monarchy and feudalism.


modernity was a mistake


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You really are an ignorant fuck arent you.

1/4 of europes population died from a curable plague under feudalism

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>souce: my ass

People choose to work long hours in a prosperous society because they aspire to a consumerist lifestyle, but it is possible to live simply and cheaply in our society without much effort. Contrast that with a Communist society in which all choices are made for you (and all of them are bad)

t. proletarian Gen-X slacker

They were all manlets and tons of them had fetal alcohol drone

Your average westerner has more luxury in a single room than any ancient king could have dreamed off. Exotic fruits and spices only the wealthiest could once afford, a fucking direct line of communication with any acquaintance at any time, a goddamn motherfucking REFRIGERATOR to keep your fat diabeetus medicine from spoiling, a repository of knowledge that makes the Great Library of Alexandria look like a joke and mail order painless suicide kits for those too weak to handle a world crumbling under the burden of jews and shitskins.

kill capitalism


Well doth my troth we gonna party like it's 1307:

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>Sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day is harder than plowing a field or manually chipping wood for 7
>What is improved life standard

I mostly masturbate at work. Very little work actually gets done. Whenever a qt goes on vacation I almost always spend a day in her office ejaculating on various objects she touches. I don't wash my hands and touch as many people as possible

you sit stuck in front of a computer for free all day virgin

Work will set you free

Except the peasant lived in a shitty as house.
No electricity, no heating, stank of shit.
Meanwhile the american in '87 came home to heating ,good food,electricity, a computer(based 80s machines), late night movies on tv etc.
Not to mention his job was less tiring.
Fuck off commie.

Alright, mate. Here's your choices

>1900 hours in an airconditioned office with relative freedom to change careers at any point


>1600 hours toiling in the sun six days a week and being tied to your land like an object (Winters off)

>a repository of knowledge that makes the Great Library of Alexandria look like a joke

This is an often overlooked point. I first went online in 1994 when I was already in my twenties. Prior to that, if I wanted information from books or music I had to save up and pay to buy them (often they weren't available in local libraries). Same thing with music, even classical music, which today I download for free. We have almost the entirety of peak human cultural achievement at our fingertips, and yet so many people not only refuse to take any advantage of it but even pathetically pine for the days of almost total ignorance and superstition

Yes but what about my harem


imagine actually believing this, hahahahaha
Average life expectancy of 45, plague, nobody in their 50's has a single tooth left, half the children die before they are ten. But sure, they were oh so happy. They surely didn't take anti depressants because they didn't NEED them, not because they weren't available or anything.

And what about average life expectancy?


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Until 1500 estimated GDP per capita across the world was somewhere between 400 and 700 1990 USD, maybe 800+ in Northern Italy and Flanders. According to IMF, the poorest country by GDP is Central African Republic which after converting to 1990 USD lands at whopping 374 GDP per capita. However, it's one of few exceptionally poor countries, together with Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi. Afterwards you have Malawi at circa 630, Niger at maybe 8 dollars more, Mozambique already crossing 700. Of 185 countries with their GDP listed, only 6 are still on a relative material level similar to that of pre-modern times, but let's be honest - GDP per capita doesn't tell you that much, so let's assume you need quadruple that of 1500 Italy(let's say 900 USD 1990) to have actual increase of living standards - that's slightly over 7000 dollars per capita. At number 125 you have Angola at 6800 and then at 124 there's Moldova actually crossing that threshold at 7300.

So adopting this artificial filter, that's way too optimistic, we can conduct that the living standard has improved since late medieval times in Italy/Flanders in 124 out of 185 countries, that is in roughly 2/3rds of the world, and at 1/3rd best we're talking about Bulgaria at 12k 1990 USD which is 13 times more. Remember, that 900 dollar ceiling wasn't broken for good 10000 years since we've started doing agriculture, only in the last 250 or so. Like it or not, capitalism did improve the life of average person regardless of how you slice it.

>capitalism is everything I don't like

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did peasants have smart phones?

What the fuck peasants had more time off than we do? Why the fuck do we put up with this shit half of my checks go to rent and insurance fucking hell fuck bootlickers fuck boomers but most of all fuck Jow Forums

It's not that simple. Think about it - does electric lightning matter if you can afford candles and servants to maintain them? Does the existence of cheap high quality clothes matter when you get yours tailored anyway? In many ways the technological and manufacturing improvement improved the life of poor to a far greater extend than that of the rich.

Miniver Cheevy, by Edwin A. Robinson

Miniver Cheevy, child of scorn,
Grew lean while he assailed the seasons;
He wept that he was ever born,
And he had reasons.

Miniver loved the days of old
When swords were bright and steeds were prancing;
The vision of a warrior bold
Would set him dancing.

Miniver sighed for what was not,
And dreamed, and rested from his labors;
He dreamed of Thebes and Camelot,
And Priam’s neighbors.

Miniver mourned the ripe renown
That made so many a name so fragrant;
He mourned Romance, now on the town,
And Art, a vagrant.

Miniver loved the Medici,
Albeit he had never seen one;
He would have sinned incessantly
Could he have been one.

Miniver cursed the commonplace
And eyed a khaki suit with loathing;
He missed the mediæval grace
Of iron clothing.

Miniver scorned the gold he sought,
But sore annoyed was he without it;
Miniver thought, and thought, and thought,
And thought about it.

Miniver Cheevy, born too late,
Scratched his head and kept on thinking;
Miniver coughed, and called it fate,
And kept on drinking.

No but they had their own land and no cops or lawyers or advertisements

Move to a small town, buy a cheap house, work part-time

>Commie's justification for his views is literally being a lazy shithead


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>be peasant
>only work in the summer
>still work as much per year than someone who works all year

>bottom left corner
>labour theory of value
Not relevant since guild houses don't control prices.

They had lots of feast/festival days especially from the church (and their attempt to co opt pagan holidays/traditions). Also farming is seasonal work, it's not hard core intensive labor all day everyday all year long.
People ITT acting like people couldn't do this sort of work for what reason? Back then you'd be raised this way and fully prepared to do it, but even still it's not more labor intensive than a lot of blue collar work today.

>Haha stupid capitalists you don't spend all winter huddled around campfires not taking baths and eating intentionally rotten meat

My ancestors were incredibly tough agrarian pioneers who survived winter without being able to work the fields in desperate conditions. It is because of their ingenuity and sacrifice that I am able to live the comfortable pleasant life I do. The idea that they were less exploited or had it better than me because I go to my white collar job all winter is so retarded only a communist could believe it.

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How are you this much of a brainlet? Holy fuck. It wasn't curable back then, it only went away because those who survived became progressively more immune due to darwinian results. I'd say 1/3 of the population dying is a very good incentive considering you're a member of the population.

Silence commie scum

And the average 13th century peasant had a better standard of living than an average 20th century communist. What’s your point?

I know this may come as a shock to you lazy parasites, but industrious people will want to work more and be more productive when given modern conveniences like electric lighting and computers.

Farming wouldn't really take that much time anyways. Dig a hole, put seed in ground, water, and wait a few months.

This, if you're on here, chances are you're already stuck to a computer screen doing shit. Suddenly getting paid for is practically a dream job

Okay you dumb cunt
>working like pic related
>driving around in comfy tractor for about 20% longer than peasant has to work his guts out
pick one

fucking commies, I swear.

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>Only work in summer
What is planting and harvesting and storing/preserving?

Some other stuff like weeding and farm chores. Assuming you have livestock then caring for them too. Not a terrible life honestly, except the mortality rate.

Work back then:
>working with your neighbours, your local community

Work now:
>working with a bunch of literal whos


>1 post by this ID

Why are people here so opposed to hard work? As long as you don't have troglodyte posture it won't break you, it will only make you strong.

>it won't break you

It will eventually, just ask anyone in the trades

Still better than getting tetanus from a cut with a splinter.

Peasants probably had a better life. Less depression, more sex, lived in an ACTUAL patriarchy where men dominated, no feminism, and life was structured around home and family rather than materialism.

Most people don't know proper form nor posture. Then and now, but especially now.

Peasants did things like plow the fields, things you can’t do, once the sun sets

>Constantly under pressure from king
>Most likely would die by 30 if you're lucky that a plague didn't kill you earlier.
You're fucking baiting faggot

the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

Yes you can. lol

>hard work will make u stronk
then every construction worker should be like on roids but most of the time I see beer bellies.

They were also up before Dawn and ready to work when the sun was out. They worked less because they had more days off due to holiday type events, especially at the behest of the church that Co opted previous traditions into the church. Also not much work to do in the winter.

Silence unabomber cuck

Most people were not affected by the king in the slightest. And territory worked a lot different back then, Kings didn't have cut and dry borders but rather areas of influence and control. Only under certain Kings and times would it be overbearing, certainly not all.

Both were utter shit. Imagine having to choose between beeing a worthless medieval serf or an unimportant wagie.

Life sucks and then you die

As I said before, most people do not know proper form nor posture. I worked with a guy from construction with a ridiculous hunch back. Like I would stare because it amazed and repulsed me about how he could let himself degenerate to that point and not take an active roll in fixing it. Not to mention that a beer belly is a symbol of their diet and lifestyle, if they ate proper diets with proper form at work they'd probably look and feel better. Those who are actually active in construction and not vehicle operators in my experience were at least in pretty good shape from it. Those who were worth their work anyways.

>. It wasn't curable back then,
No shit
You do realize that our current system of productive enterprise is, at best, 200 years old right?
And for some crazy fucking reason, the past 200 years saw the largest boom in inventions in the HISTORY of the world
the internal combustion engine
the electric light
air conditioning
the telovision
the radio
the microwave
the machine gun
the sub machine gun
the tank
atomic energy
the photograph
and fucking milkshakes!
all of it because of capitalism
none of it came without it.

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Life is Life, you can complain about it and reject reality, or you can embrace it and take it for what it is, making the best of it. One of these will have better results than the other.

>ate plague

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Nigger you're delusional. What is the industrial revolution? Science had a decline in the early feudal age after the civilizational force of Rome collapsed and was replaced with superstition and folk theories. Capitalism didn't cause it, things need to be built stop one another and progress in technological advancement has been accelerating along a trend even before capitalism of the last 250 years

Doing back breaking work just to have no money left over after paying bills means you are getting financially raped by some jew.

Also are you aware that free market principles were at play even during the plague? Plague doctors got to try all sorts of things to help people and test their theories, often charging for their services.

>Back breaking work
Don't be a faggot and learn how to use your body. Also don't be a soiboi opposed to working hard with your body.

> economic development = capitalism
When will this meme die?

>owning the land

>Science had a decline in the early feudal age after the civilizational force of Rome collapsed and was replaced with superstition and folk theories.
>People unironically believe this

>be medieval "freeholder" peasant
>be forced to work for Church for FREE
>provide unpaid labor 2+ days out of the week because "muh God n' Jesus"
>despite this, still owe 10% of your produce to Church via tithes
>when not working for free on Church lands, work on lands of your local lord for free
>lord keeps 100% of your labor produces from his lands as "protection money" in case your lands are raided

>be medieval "tenant farmer" peasant
>exist exactly like the above, Except:
>local lord keeps almost all of what you produce as "rent payment" for using his lands
>have bad harvests for 1-2 years due to weather or other extenuating circumstances
>get kicked off lord's land with your family
>live illegally in the woods, foraging to survive

>be medieval serf
>exist exactly like the above, Except:
>local lord can sell "your labor" to anyone for his own profit
>spend most of your waking hours working for free for someone else
>have barely enough time to farm the small plot allotted to your family by local lord
>be legally forbidden from leaving lord's estates no matter how bad conditions become
>all your children are born into lifelong serfdom they can never escape from
Wow, capitalism in 2019 sure does suck ass.

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lol no doubt
and also
>but we've never tried "real" capitalism

Notice how the communist shill doesn’t reply to this.

Commies actually believe that you can get an accurate figure of 13th century working hours and not some number pulled out of their ass

also remember that every work done in medieval times etc was meaningful and not sorting the stack of paper A onto the stack on B and the next day vice versa.

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Could have sworn Auschwitz had a sign about that


Imagine how much more rewarding it would be to be a mason or carpenter when you're building cathedrals and shit

Fuck off and die!

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Never read that one before, very fitting with this thread.

People who relish in a past they can't live and forsake the present only lead themselves to ruin.

Our world has problems that need attention. drawing parallels to the past isn't bad, wishing that it was like back then with inaction is.