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All forms of Semitism are gay.
Including Christianity.

pseudoesoterism. Just a larper doing a meme.


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Jewish historians have declared these fake. I'll believe them over some stupid muslim any day.

Someone posted these awhile ago, anyone wanna chime in?
I think they mentioned them being from the Talmud or something.

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Fucking poorfag Weasly. Always with the handmedowns. Mudblood loving faggot.

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someone found ancient scroll lying around at the dead sea
there are all kinds of strange shit in there weird..
imagine what is this shit the western world is into

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>I think they mentioned them being from the Talmud or something.

They are instructions to preform jewish ritual murder that were found in rabbi graves buried over 2000 years ago.

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oh my..

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Damn, pretty spoopy.
Nice image.


>What does it all mean edition
>One of the unforseen consequences of the Syrian civil war was the emergence from looting of books and scrolls of a previously unknown Jewish sect, these were given as dating as anything up to 2,000 years old but many also appear to be more recent with well printed examples even up to the colonial period, the evidence suggests an ongoing tradition over many centuries.
>In this thread i'll post some of the best examples thus far emerged and continue to find new examples as well as consider the meaning and implications of what has thus far been found.
>One of the main points that needs to be considered is the importance of the Eye of Horus to this sect, in Egyptian tradition the two eyes of Re were the planets of inferior orbit Mercury and Venus that were constantly seen to merge and emerge with the Sun, Mercury as the Eye of Horus and Venus as the Eye of Hathor, it needs to be considered the dispute between Horus and Seth over this Eye as Seth was the tutelary God of the Suteans/Sethites/Shemites, in effect these are Sethian cults.

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>Previously unseen example of Jewish magic book demonstrating interest in Eye of Horus and much other strangeness.

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>Also previously unseen Eye of Horus/illuminati symbolism

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These are all fake. Supposedly from a Polish synagogue that was looted but just by looking at the art you can tell it's recently made.

>The Baphomet containing edition.

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Its a well known fake- retard idiots
Not even a good fake. The words are nonsense n dont make sense in heeb

It was pushed as a donmeh torah.
just look at it, its contemporary images, stop being a moron

>Eye of Horus
they stole their whole religion from Egypt, so no surprise

any atheist will tell you this when they want to shit on Christianity, but to mention it in regards to Judaism is antisemitic hitlerism

>Serpentine edition, also videos of colonial period cultic publications.
>Example of portrait edition possibly illustrating Sabbatai Zevi.

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tfw it wasn't even jewish sect but you retards still belive that rabbinic/phariseeic jews were hebrews and they follow same religion as hebrews did.

they are babylonians retards. they follow babylonian talmud and praise moloch like every canaanite and babylonian used to do
they just LARP as jews since 6th century bc and as white people since like XVIth century ce

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The text is gibrish

>Rosicrucian edition.

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>well known fake
>These are all fake.
>declared these fake

Don't rush to make excuses guys. it looks desperate.

Reveal your flag.

>Yes there are quite a few examples of scroll cases the earlier versions being on scroll, some of these may have been cut up and ring vound to produce the books.

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>There's another interesting angle most aren't aware of, that of Red Mercury, the people that tend to be selling the Jewish artifacts are also highly interested in Red Mercury, some of the artifacts considered to contain vials of such.
>The Planet Mercury was the Eye of Horus, Horus based on Horite/Hurrian thus the role of that ethnic group as intermediary of Re, of the light and the resentment of the Sethian, generally related to the Red, thus Red Mercury as Seth.


this has been posted before. Not rushing.



also kikes worshipping Saturn is nothing new really, you can see imaginery everywhere

but satanism always was and always will be a gay ass larp

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Its literally fake you fucking idiot

it doesnt even look old. the text makes no sense, written by some sandrat with no knowledge of heeb. they are contemporary symbols.

i read those words now i am a goat help
btw whoever wrote this has no grasp on hebrew probably google translate

give 1 source. last time I checked there is no basis for the claim its 2000 years old, and in fact it is professionally estimated to be

I'm just helping out bro. You don't want to look hysterical when you debunk something so "obviously" fake. It hurts your cause.

>Hebrew text is jibberish
>it's totally real guise!
Jow Forums really is dumb

everything you do is to serve your best interest
so it's basicaly talmudism just for one person

Losers that follow this shit

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If any of these retarded wanna-be occult researchers in this thread did more than a single google search, they'd find out that forging these texts and selling them as legitimate scrolls is a fucking racket in turkey.

Why are you calling me retarded and making assumptions?
I never even said it was jewish you dumb fucking polack(I'm polish too)
I was just curious as to what these were.
Tho you do make a good point you still sound like an asshole
The jews today aren't the jews of the bible.

because it's not hebrew you dumb kike.
it's some canaanite language
you just follow same cult

i can translitarate this you can compare and use google translate to see it is the stupidest thing ever

no those are hebrew words they just dont make sense

People get sick of morons.
Its not a cause, its a fact. Its fake
And not even a good fake.

This thread is full of kikes and memeflags
It's genuinely impressive how they flock here.

Fake fake totally fake

no thanks, I'm just fucking with ya
I shit up /x/ with this fake concern all the time

yep, it has nothing to do with spirituality or satan

this is why its just a gay-ass larp

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it has modern hebrew characters on it you fuckhead, which immediately shows that its fake even without taking into consideration that they are gibberish. google ancient and biblical hebrew and you'll see that they don't look like the characters in OP image

Oh wow, they just found another grimoire on Ultima Thule.

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i've seen couple time someone saying its jewish so i just quoted all anwser with pictures on it. sorry you got insulted by ricochet.
you should get used to getting insulted though. it's the internet

i just noticed it has a modern abreviation in it looooooool
in the bull picture there are the words
ונסע לחו''ל which means travel abroad but only in modern hebrew

I'm used to it polskibro
Was just curious as to why I was retarded
Thanks for the explanation
Carry on

bUt iTs aNcIeNt cAnaAnItE
honk honk

It doesn't make sense because it's a fucking centuries old cryptic dialect

no its modern hebrew, done by a guy who does not know hebrew enough to make sentences that make sense

Boomers were a fucking mistake

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>mfw you meet a pretty yiddish thot on tinder and her profile says she likes to " ונסע לחו''ל " and spin dreidel.

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Just in case.

This image didnt even exist until Eliphas Levi (Real name Alphonse Louis Constant) designed it in 1856

If someone is trying to pass it off as ancient that’s pretty autistic.

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The stuff that goes on there is more luciferian, not satanism.
And was slowly implemented by crypto-jew jesuits, working for some baal worshipping kike cult :(
it is terrifying tho desu

It's just jooish black magik. Nothing to worry about, goy.


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Absolutely. Can you think of any resources that speak on this matter more? A website or even a blog would be very useful if it can clearly explain this because for some reason it's not enough that it says in the Bible itself that the tribes had many people start practicing child sacrificing and worshiping the false gods of Babylon during their captivity (after about a decade of being captive only about 8% of the tribes returned back to Israel after their captivity). So this can give you an idea of how easily it would be for a majority of them to shift to a blended false religion.

Could you translate the text in the goat image? Or is it Aramaic?

or maybe that thing actually exists. makes me think

>they follow babylonian talmud and praise moloch like every canaanite and babylonian used to do

Whatever you believe, do not believe this ever, for the christkike likes to pretend every religion accomodates to his silly beliefs about other religions, the story would be different, as there is nothing of interest in the talmud save for rabbinical interpretations of the old testament.

ill give you a mock up of how it sound in hebrew just for shit and giggles
the man coled (i imagine he tried to translate cold into hebrew in google translate but fucked up) and his hands are closed and he died and his hands op
en (thats how thats written)

fpbp judaism is truly the root of all evil. and beyond that, the semite high-functioning-schizo genes that produce 'prophets'.

and throu him he fasted

just dont fuck around
is kikeism polytheistic religion? all these weird rituals and shit are for different deities all along

What thing? The goatman or you mean the book in the pics?


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>19th century symbols
Who cares? Seems like a smokescreen to hide real reasons jews are dodgy.


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what rituals. and no its hate polytheism so much sometimes to the extremes.
what about it its a dumb superstitioun

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>what about it
I'm explaining what one of the symbols means before some christlard gests hot and bothered with his insanity

Yes, there are no jews, only Satanists pretending.
Why do you seem so surprised? You already knew they weren't a race or really a culture. You see that symbol they call the star of David? It's a perversion of a symbol invented by Jesus. The original didn't have the sides entertwined, it was one triangle set within another, a symbol representing heterosexuality.


>Around the 6th century BCE, the Neo-Babylonian Empire conquered the ancient Kingdom of Judah, destroying much of Jerusalem and exiling its population far to the East in Babylon. During the Babylonian captivity, many Israelites learned Aramaic, the closely related Semitic language of their captors. Thus for a significant period, the Jewish elite became influenced by Aramaic.[30]

>After Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon, he allowed the Jewish people to return from captivity. As a result,[improper synthesis?] a local version of Aramaic came to be spoken in Israel alongside Hebrew. By the beginning of the Common Era, Aramaic was the primary colloquial language of Samarian, Babylonian and Galileean Jews, and western and intellectual Jews spoke Greek,[citation needed] but a form of so-called Rabbinic Hebrew continued to be used as a vernacular in Judea until it was displaced by Aramaic, probably in the 3rd century CE. Certain Sadducee, Pharisee, Scribe, Hermit, Zealot and Priest classes maintained an insistence on Hebrew, and all Jews maintained their identity with Hebrew songs and simple quotations from Hebrew texts.[13][31][32]

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If it's fake then why keep posting?
Faggot trash.

fuck off rabbi


Levi’s symbol is an amalgam of various symbols and principles which were common in 19th Century French Occultism (mostly thanks to him).
In the Templar’s time the term referred to Islam/mohammed - which was a place-holder for Idolatry generally.

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I believe that this is the Talmud of the people who stayed in Babylon rather than going back to the land of Israel to serve God, but what are your thoughts on this?

those are not torhas and that taoestry is an medievel mock up of how circomssision was precived by non jews

See? He wants to considered a Jew and not a Satanist.
Jews simply don't exist.

Let's play a game user
I demand of you that you prove the talmud has any of the nonsense you pretend it has.
You post fake quotes.
I prove then with a screenshot of the talmud that the quotes are indeed fake.
And you call me a jew.

And everytime you keep getting further and further btfo, your only answer would be calling me a jew.

Deal? Do we play this game?

its blood libel kike.
its your ritual murder you are worldwide known for even though you always pretend all those different nations around the world should take their meds

>to be considered

>wants to considered a Jew
I don't want to be considered neither a jew nor a satanist.

Your god is one among many, not very special, unless you want to think that he fooled the gentiles and he's making the jews powerful on earth.

yes and?
i read the babylonian talmud its not that bad just aged badly if you look at it in context and what later jewish rabbi did to soften it its not that bad

they were called Saracen

nah, i dont give a shit about you kike and i dont give a shit about your pilpul because it always ends on pic rel

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oh i see that now right
still those are not even close to thoras
and again filled with more anacronistic gibberish


He's ahead of the game, he calls you a jew before you actually btfo him, he knows he is to be btfo so in advance he calls you a jew.

I guess I win, you only get called a jew when you utterly destroy someone on pol.


video unavailable

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>yes and?
and it's one of closely related semitic languages that canaaninte moloch worshippers used in the area.
when i read other slavic languages they sound mostly like bullshit even though some words are the same

Is this real?

talmud is from the 6th century