I thought the Georgia bill was a little extreme until I saw *this* thread

I thought the Georgia bill was a little extreme until I saw *this* thread.


>especially pic related

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Other urls found in this thread:


Kek. Roasties will say literally anything to justify their negligence for responsibility

Feminists literally argue that "gestating fetal tissue" has so many health benefits that all women should get pregnant and have an abortion annually, shouting their abortion on social media to celebrate.

Should we still pray for these people they seem so completely totally violently evil I don't see anywhere to pray for these people

The image she's using is not 6 weeks. That's 4 weeks.

>t. medifag

Same. I used to be pro abortion to keep the niggers in check but after seeing how passionate so many white women are to kill their own babies I flipped. I can't stand living in the same society as these people

I still think Georgia and Alabama are playing with fire by essentially banning abortion. But maybe liberals will become so disgruntled they'll move, like how conservatives are fleeing IL but it's liberals this time. I still foresee the nigger population exploding there. They won't move. Once they get rooted in they are like cancer.

>literal tadpole
>alien in my body
>size of a strawberry as justification for ending its existence
Jesus help us. I couldn’t go on after a the first dozen. I’ll just sit this one out with my cat. You guys go ahead. I’ll catch up.

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You can't blame atheists for not believing they are killing a human being during abortion. It is our fault to allow atheists to exist in our countries

You don't need to be religious to understand the basic science of human life. That's why the left is freaking out right now, because the new wave of pro life people aren't that religious

They're trying to force the Supreme Court to reconsider Roe v. Wade. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, the liberal reaction will be 10 times worse than the 2016 election meltdown. They'll try something extreme like packing the Supreme Court, bringing us much closer to civil war.

so brave and stunning

I bet they would make good mothers if only chad would settle down

They do believe it's a human being. They're just arguing in bad faith because if they said, "Yes, we're killing a human being, but it's not immoral and we have the right to do it," then their legal argument would fall apart. It's similar to how homosexuals lied about being "born that way" to get legal minority status.

The problem is we can't really have a debate at that level.
When people are trying to find justifications for abortion based on those things, it means something more fundamental is missing.

I'm not religious, but it's pretty clear that the move to a value-less, individualistic, consumerist society has created a very fucked up value system.

This is only the beginning of the slope. If they are willing to murder babies even up to being born, in some cars even after bring born, why not 8 year olds, 16 year olds, adults?
This sounds like a stretch but is it really? Rewind a bit and it would be outside the realms of imagination for someone in the 1800s/1900s to think women would be up in arms to murder their gestating children AT ALL never mind up to 9 months.
Its no coincidence many religions and myths tell of a similar "apocalypse" scenario
In Christianity evil takes over the world after the rapture
In Hinduism the world is reverted back to low consciousness levels where we are slowly turned into moralless demonic-esque beings until no good remains, then the end arrives.
What we're witnessing is the slow conclusion of the drama, the show is coming to a close, and it will be evil.

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Say goodbye to your abortions, whores.

Baby killers vs actual killers. Honk honk

this pretty much,

I'm in a mild pro-choice position where I think early abortions are okay, but as soon as the baby can feel pain i don't like it.

But the left is so fucking crazy about it, it just makes me angry and not even care if they can't have any abortions cuz they behave like it's not even a complicated moral issue.

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Legal abortion is the sign of societal rot in it's purest form. I honestly think it could be the great filter. Once a civilization has crossed the point of justified dehumanization and murder of it's most fundamental form, the only thing that will save it is a complete reset.

Women will be incapable of feeling guilt until thirsty men stop fucking them, and we know that's never going to happen

By that same logic, it's ok to kill a 5 year old child.
>Not fully developed into a fully functioning human being
>My body my rules, it used a woman's body without consent to germinate and then caused damage when coming out.

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I hope God punishes every fucking pro baby killing scum in that thread I couldn't go past 12 comments without wanting to make a faggot Twitter account to shout these cunts down

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honk honk

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Why has no man refused to pay child support on the grounds her body her choice?

You have to pay child support if you live in the same house with a woman who has children that aren't yours.

How often can you even biologically get an abortion?
You fuck then some time passes two weeks a month maybe before you realize you're pregnant.
Then you have to murder the baby recover and wait for your next ovulation before starting the cycle again.
So ~3wks to realize, 1 wk to get procedure, 1 month until next ovulation comes out to 2-3months min between abortions which is about 4 abortions/year
This bitch got 3 a year
This woman fertilized 75% of her eggs for 6 years just to kill them

List of rigged things:


White Women get the most abortions out of any race. The media gets you focused on black abortion rates to cover it up and the actual statistics on white abortion rates are purposely suppressed and covered up.

White birth rates are dropping because White women get so many abortions. Also all the "Pro-Choice/Abortion" supporters are all white women.

I've always wondered why do women love abortion so much? I mean it's not seen as some kind of last resort for unfit parents or something like that, they actively WANT to get abortions. Why aren't they this supportive of birth control and not getting pregnant in the first place? Why do they want to get pregnant just to have an abortion?

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yes abortion is a symptom of the moral degradation of our society
so what?

why abort healthy children and keep alive retards?

Pray for swift justice. And for the to be saved, it might not help but won't know unless you try.

>but after seeing how passionate so many white women are to kill their own babies I flipped
You actually think women enjoy them? Spend some time in the real world.

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These posts make me wonder if miss "farless" might have another last name...

People who harbor this much hatred for humanity need to fucking kill themselves. Unironically.

i found this gem from the replies. Why the fuck is this kike pulling in 600 a month on gaytreon? absolute and utter kek, i'm screenshotting this shit for posterity's sake

forgot the pic

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I never understood why they can´t just stop whoring around and use protection on their one life partner until ready to have children with him

The premise for all this abortion shit is that women are retarded sluts

I think it's extreme too, but fuck it, they've pushed us to take extreme measures.

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yes, user
only God knows what the deal is with these..... people
many of them are likely completely controlled by demons
all we can do is love on them, pray for them, give them the good news, protest their murder of babies, and let them either come to Jesus or hang themselves
being kind to your enemies shovels hot coal on their heads for the judgment

The Roe v. Wade decision that got it legalized was based on the premise that Roe was raped. She later admitted that was a lie, and lived with the guilt of millions of babies' blood on her hands. She repented and became a Born Again Christian.

imagine believing this cucked shit
jesus would have told you to arm yourselves and destroy the evildoers.

These women are monsters.

Because according to Justin Trudeau said "If you kill your babies, you win."

Or something like that. I don't listen to that faggot.

*4 weeks
These people are so retarded they cant even read the header from their source.


Nothing torments those faggots like being a rational, levelheaded, Christian and challenging their belief structures with reasoned argumentation.

This but no one is willing to risk their lives anymore plus it gives them ammunition to further their cause.

Why are they so obsessed with sex.

Always pray for your enemies, pray for their conversion and have mercy on them. Justice belongs to the Lord and on the Last Day they will have to answer for their sins.

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>In Christianity evil takes over the world after the rapture
W-Was WWII the Rapture?

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Don't worry, infanticide is next on the agenda.

dude, they are far beyond rational though. This kind of person is so fucked in the head (through brainwashing, antidepressants, birth control hormones and a shitty diet) that they are unironically NPCs. You will never break their conditioning, and it is impossible to challenge their "beliefs". Interacting with this kind of creature in ANY way other than dumping lead into it is an utter waste of your time and is pure foolishness. They have been trained to ignore and discount reasoned argumentation from the day they were born.
time will manage it for you. Most of these people will kill themselves around age 45, or turn into mental cases. If some series of events allows for legally permissable action against them, do it with a righteous anger

People who mass reply should be aborted.

Modern young White women are disgusting

Everyone hates condoms and women hate responsibility

Spend some time reading the responses of those women, retard.

Roe v wade will never be overturned

This. /thread

Nah, dude, I'm not talking about reprogramming them. I'm talking about creating the physiological response known as cognitive dissonance. It gets talked about here enough that I shouldn't have to explain it. It causes them torment when a person who cannot be easily stereotyped holds a countering viewpoint to them. Just being a better person and having moral opinions harms them and that is funny.

>mass reply adding no value to the conversation.
I guess you’re right - your mother should’ve had this right and exercised it.

I just recently had a child. Her comment makes me want to puke, knowing what that "monster" will become.

This is it, man. They don't understand because they don't have their own kids. I know a woman that went from "you have the right to abort until they leave the birth canal" to "every child is a miracle, abortion is murdered and should be banned."

I think she is la goblina

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i understand what cognitive dissonance is, and i'm saying that they are immune to it. The strongest cognitive dissonance of all is the result of denying your biological imperative to give birth to a child and protect it (what these "things" are doing). Their entire lives are mental gymnastics. Trying to ben jewpiro these cunts is a waste of your time and you should do something productive instead, like shooting drills at the range.

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women want the ability to neglect their duties and responsibilities for
>muh career
>muh travel and see the world (cock carousel)
>muh freedom (to be a whore)
>muh Feminism (to finish the transition into being exactly like men)

Though it was only Georgio and Iowa, but there are four more, nice.

This isn't consistent with anything I've ever read. Sauce?

Why is it so prevelant among white people nowadays?
Jewish subversion?
Cultural marxism?

Most of these cunts aren't even going to procreate yet they get gratification in murder of and the decline of the european people.
Sometimes i think it's a subconscious force playing out as a way for mother nature to cull the herd, yet it's not europeans who boomed in population in the last 50 years but the browns and yellows. I feel it's the conditions we've been put under and the influx of foreigners that have triggered our psychy into thinking we need to reduce our own population because it feels like there are not enough resources and our own ecosystems will take a hit. When europeans were a conquering and colonizing people our population was booming because we were entering lands with vast resources to sustain us. Now we're huddled into cities and suburbs with regulations and laws that prevent us from flourishing, taxes and debt that put a noose on our will to live, resource extractions to inflate the 3rd world, or as the people who have outsourced and benefit from it like to call them "developing nations". The political elite and the profiteers have more power now than anytime in history, they own the world, they have no reason to care about race or ethnicity, and we can see the effects it is having on us. Europeans are an obstacle in their goal for utter domination as they see the slave race in the east and the 60iq nigger in the south as the perfect consumerist. That is the long term plan they have for Europe and its offshoots, a mongrelized people in an attempt to keep the current system of capitalism afloat and the future system of control to succeed.

Just a thought


People are cowards and want the state to protect them from their own cowardice. It makes me sick and ashamed to be called an American.

Justifying murder. Imagine if a “clump of cells” was found on mars? Would they call it life or how would their brains react

It's good for your soul

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they would just commit mass suicide due to the mental gymnastics they'd have to accomplish.

I used to be begrudgingly pro-choice.

After actually seeing my own children live on a sonogram, I just can’t imagine how anyone could murder their own babies. And worse, these sick fucks are literally celebrating it. Truly evil.

he's probably talking about absolute numbers, not proportional ones.
Why does anyone even want these cunts to save their babies? It's a good thing that liberals and niggers are destroying their own offspring. Sure it's not fair to the baby but life isn't fucking fair, and the kids would likely grow up to be just as worthless as their parents.

I get that youre trying to be a smug bastard on the internet, but there is a difference between life and sentient life.

>the kids would likely grow up to be just as worthless as their parents.
you don't know that and you can't prove it either. they could be the next hitler.

Public schools teach that Americans were/are the bad guys. Higher education where propaganda is passed down by self hating white crazy cat ladies

>life and sentient life.
is it, or is it not life? because these people are trying to say that it is not life.


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>products of conception
They are calling children "products of conception that resemble a human" now??? These women will need to answer to God for what they have done.

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abortion kills 400,000 negro babies each year. Imagine the kind of damage abortion is preventing. 4 million new blacks every decade with compounding growth. You should be thanking every sick degenerate subhuman scumfuck who fights for """"""""""""""""""""""reproductive rights""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" above for legalizing it. Pic unrelated.

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>In Christianity evil takes over the world after the rapture
The rapture comes AFTER the tribulation fagget

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Don't care mate. I put racism below killing babies.

>he thinks blacks won't get illegal abortions

Women have adult privileges and the mentality of children.

Imagine some negress has 10 abortions and births 5 niglets over her lifetime. If abortion is banned, do you think she would have 15 niglets? The answer is no. Given widely available contraception, abortion doesn't have much effect on the birthrate.

Good. Get these fucking thotts reigned in. Morality by force. Fuck it.

Then you're thinking emotionally, not rationally. Also, shit is eventually going to come to a head between whites and nonwhites and their traitorous accomplices, and there will be violence. What if each unaborted baby grows up and causes 2 people to die in the fight? Is that not morally wrong? What about sending food to niggers in Africa? We are artificially and unsustainably ballooning their population, and eventually it will collapse and tens or hundreds of times more nigs will starve because we sent them food. Isn't it morally wrong to give the starving child food and thereby allow it to grow and propagate, ultimately causing many more deaths?
PS fuck captcha, fuck jannies, and fuck niggers, spics and kikes

What if a new test is found to test if unborn babies are homosexual, should all christian women be able to abort all gay babies?

If not, why not.

Would love to rip her cunt off & force feed it to her.


I understand your argument. Sure you can say i'm coming from an emotional stand point but unborn babies are innocent from being niggers because they haven't even had a chance yet. Maybe niggers will just think twice about not using birth control or pulling out. Maybe easy abortion being there increased their abortion rate.

>Products of conception
Capitalism...ho ?

They literally march down the street in masses, screaming and shouting that they want to kill babies. In what world can this not be construed as a high level of desire and passion for something?

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>implying that would be a bad thing
We need another Hitler, faggot.

This has happened countless times in history. It always follows with God destroying the society. It can't come soon enough imo.

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