Is there any saving you guys?

Is there any saving you guys?

The right has become the terrorists you were afraid of out of fear, but the world is still a beautiful place, and we have time to lower emissions and save humanity -- but humanity absolutely must unite for this to happen. To accept the earth is not flat. Atomic bombs are real, and most of all global warming is real.

Instead, we have this trajectory. With people shooting up mosques and stabbing black people for no reason with swords. It's terrifying and fueled by hatred and fear, and you're in part responsible for it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

We have the freedom to do what we want, and given the facts, evidence and content that we chose, we use that freedom to plot our own course. Maybe you should just grow up and accept this reality.

>The right has become the terrorists
you can't be a terrorist if you're correct.

>talking about individualism

This is how literally every single terrorist thinks.

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>the right has become terrorist
Meanwhile more people die in a weekend in chicago and the media sleeps.

OP has a point stop being politically incorrect on Jow Forums you guys come on it looks terrible for our movement

Stop celebrating murders.

Maybe go outside and talk to a Jewish person.

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I wonder if blockbusting, ghettoization, and Reagan feeding the ghettos with crack cocaine has anything to do with this?

>humanity must unite

Well there’s your problem. Most non-white people lack either the honor or intelligence it takes to work together for a common goal.

As long as niggers living in mud huts keep shitting out kids, we’ll never fix global warming. They can’t stop fucking to avoid aids, how will we get them on board to deal with something as ethereal as climate collapse?

It sounds like "white people" are in the same category, judging on your post.

Many of these minorities would say similar things about white people. They have a genuine fear. You're spewing hate speech from a computer -- how do you think a black guy is going to take that?

"Aw lemme just be friends with whitey now it's cool I'll be the better guy"

Also going to add this.

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>Afraid of

Jesus Christ. Shut up, you stoned idiot.

>afraid of out of fear from being ascared

If niggers, spics and chinks really feared white people, why are they risking their lives to get into white countries?

Further, I’d love it if minorities could get on board and pull their weight, I think you’re being unrealistically idealistic to think that’s possible.

It is astounding that the majority of conservabrats think the earth is flat and that atomic bombs are not real. I honestly see no way of correcting global trajectory without fighting fire with fire. If I see another black person being stabbed for no reason with swords, I think am going to explode

it'l be ok

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Whitey’s emissions are currently declining as we have started to deal with this issue. Chinks and niggers are currently increasing their emissions.

What were you telling me about uniting humanity again?

>white people are making niggers act like niggers and kill each other
That's it, keep blaming all the world's problems on the boogey-man. That will solve everything.

>meme flag kike thread

and you really expect the left to unite humanity?

That is a fucking joke.

Let's face it, the lefts idea of stopping global warming is to stop the development of clean energy ini callifornia and buy unregulated dirty energy from mexico.

The left throws away cars that would have worked for years and digs up rare earths that destroy the ecosystem to silently zoom by in electric cars.


>he hasn't taken the Mcveigh pill yet.

This. Leftist aren’t prepared to take the real steps necessary to stop global warming which include reducing consumption and birthrates.

The fly all over the world and preach about climate collapse without even an inkling of their hypocrisy.

The complete and utter irony of that song is bring teh lulz

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Oh my goodness the conceit.

We don't need to be saved we need a civil war to remove all liberals from power and make this nation moral and prosperous again. Tolerance is a weakness that allows the weak of society to thrive at the expense of those who produce. Parasites should be punished and those who work hard and produce should see the fruits of their labor.

Stop spreading the climate change conspiracy theory, it's designed to coincide with globalism to create world wide austerity by forcing the little guy to pay more and more taxes for increasingly worse living standards. Also, even if it were real, bringing niggers out of 3rd world shitholes and into 1st world countries will create an even greater emissions footprint. 3rd world Immigration is incompatible with energy reduction policies.

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The right was never afraid of terrorists. We only ever used terrorism as a "we told you so argument" in regards to why you were absolutely retarded for supporting immigration


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Sneeds Feed and Seed

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>criticizing islam creates terrorism, despite islam being the worlds most peaceful religion
>criticizing white males shouldnt cause terrorism, despite them being an evil, toxic cancer on the planet
Lmao leftys

uh no islam kills everyone who isnt islamic

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Where do you think you are?

pretty much this for the past couple centuries

Don't care faggot

That was my point

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The right wing is far from being the terrorist side of the political spectrum

youre right we should stop
>feeding the ghettos


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More than 700 hundreds innocent people have been slaughtered in Europe alone by your beloved mudslimes since 2000, and yet you only care about those fifty fuckers who died in Christchurch, you’re a disgusting hypocrite and the world would be a better place if you died tomorrow

You guys literally would vote for Hitler and multiple acts of terror are linked to the alt right and even furthermore a sister board with the exact same interface heavily influenced by the beliefs of this board.

Who said anything about white males? Or that Islam is a religion of peace? (There is no such thing.)

I'm arguing that you're no better than those you criticize because you've indoctrinated yourself into a lifestyle of extremist beliefs. This radicalization, and the promotion of this radicalization, has lead to real human casualties, yet, you blame others responsibility for your actions. You ignore basic scientific data at this point like global warming, because it conflicts with your world view. Which is greed is good. Working is good. Consuming is great. Being wealthy is good. Those who don't work are bad. Being poor is bad. This is what matters in life -- not sustainability. You've reduced humanity down to a numerical value system based on wealth within the capitalist system, and refused to care for another human's life because you've rationalized it as being lesser than your own.

Check and mate.

>You ignore basic scientific data at this point like global warming, because it conflicts with your world view. Which is greed is good. Working is good. Consuming is great. Being wealthy is good. Those who don't work are bad. Being poor is bad. This is what matters in life -- not sustainability
Wrong. You don't know me. I am not a boomer-conservative. My views align with bernie sanders if he wasnt pro replacement level immigration. I give zero fucks about the free market

>Check and mate
Also kys

>everything is white peoples fault reee!
>h-hey why aren't you taking us seriously anymore?
1. I didn't vote for Reagan because I was a kid when he was president so it's not my fault, assuming there's any validity to this claim (which I honestly don't give a shit about either way desu)
2. Why should I care if muh society let down a group of people you've gaslit into hating my guts? Seriously, give me one good reason other than "how dare you not share in the white savior feels with me?!"

Jfc even when you're trying to bring us back into the fold you can't help but antagonize and scapegoat us.

>if I see another black person getting stabbed with a sword I'm going to explode

Lolwut? Game of thrones isn't a documentary man, chill

>Is there any saving you guys?

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Nope, my friend got stabbed to death more than a decade ago by fascists because he didn't want to give them his shit but the authorities and media treats these incidents as "gang violence". Kill yourself fucktard.

>check mate
Jow Forums isn't a neolib/neocon board. The farther right you go, the more criticism of capitalism, consumption, environmental destruction etc you'll find. However well intentioned you may be, your commie shit has been coopted by the Apples and Nikes of the world and you're being used as the militant wing of the global corporate oligarchy movement. Big tech already pretty much runs the world, if you people get your way all you'll be doing is removing the only barrier to them building their own military and executing their will on everyone by force.

Kinda sounds like an act of gang violence t b h, unless white nationalism became a pro broken window crime and petty thievery movement at some point. If that's the case, they should have joined forces with black lives matter years ago

That is gang violence you fucking retard. We could easily argue alot of those "13=50" crimes are black supremacy if we use your standards

>Consuming is great
Imagine thinking Jow Forums likes consumerism

It's RIGHT WING FASCISTS TERRORISM and will be treated as such. Enjoy it while you can.

Go back to r*ddit retard.

Amerimutt reading comprehension everyone.

Without Jon Stewart around to advance left wing discourse their conception of their opposition has remained stuck in the second Bush term era

Go commit rage quit IRL faggot.

>stabbing black people for no reason with swords

Sauce? I wasn't planning on jerking it today

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>the world is still a beautiful place