Is sex the best thing in life?
Is sex the best thing in life?
No. Love is.
Followed closely by good sex with someone you love.
ooh yeah i forgot about love
Love is overrated
whats better?
Nope, WoW Classic is better than both sex, love, girlfriends, family, work, a job, and money.
MDMA probably is, followed by cocaine.
ask a man and he'd likely say sex.
personally it's love for me, it's much more intense and having/giving that feeling is wonderful.
I'm new to sex and only recently lost my virginity, sex is pretty overrated imo. wasn't that big of a deal of what everyone makes it to be.
Are you under the illusion you need do anything more than spread your seed?
It's alright, but sailing a boat you built yourself is better.
Crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you, and hearing the lamentations of their women is better than love or sex.
Followed closely by MDMA
I’d imagine killing every single technocrat with my bare hands would feel a little better, but who can truly say?
>t. Virgin
Never experienced that but it sounds really nice
It's over rated because the first time is always the worst. You are actually a mongoloid
>can't cum
>recently lost virginity
>thinks they're now qualified to make sweeping statements about sex
Have (more) sex.
With the right person it's pretty good, otherwise it's not better than videogames
Chocolate ice cream is pretty good.
Followed closely by cookie dough.
Frozen custard is exponentially better than ice cream, though
one, obviously I had no expectations for what is was going to be like so I knew it wasn't going to be great.
two, it's my opinion. I never craved for sex like 99% of virgins do, it happened and it was like an "okay whatever get it over with." feeling.
waking up in the morning every day is pretty much the best thing of my life.
Potatoes are the best thing in life.
you enjoy eating potatoes more than orgasming?
i wish i had your life, that sounds amazing
"Paradise in a tent"
No, kinda sucks really
That's a funny way of spelling "injecting cocaine infused LSD into that bit between the bollocks and the anus".
Tru true
Yes it is but only when you fuck a sexy tranny.
Only if that's the thing you're best at. Dedicate your life and it can be. Personally I love so many more things.
With a girl that hot?
Probably, yeah.
With your hag wife? No.
No, food is.
Meth is better than both
No it’s sex while on drugs, depends on the woman and the drugs you use.
If you take a lot of downers then it could last for 40 minutes and it’s way better too.
No this is
An old nissan?
No, Im a girl not a creep or shit and i fucking hate having sex, I have a bf so i have to but actually when im alone and i think about all the guys i had sex with i feel dirty, it feels fucking disgusting, and all cuz i wanted someone to talk with.
Actually if u r able to find someone good for you go for it, but personally i hate this so much
tits or gtfo
you sure you're straight?
no, drugs are way better, or maybe I just haven't had good sex
Love is way better. Also working hard at something and achieving your goal is great. Sex is pretty cool but if you're fucking a ton it loses its luster.
user, you're wasting your time chasing sex. Do something meaningful with your time, like art or some other creative hobby.
Sex and opiates are the 2 greatest feelings I've ever experienced.
Sex with someone you don't give a shit about is marginally better than jerking off desu
This is THE old Nissan to have right now
>I have a bf so i have to but actually when im alone and i think about all the guys i had sex with i feel dirty, it feels fucking disgusting, and all cuz i wanted someone to talk with.
that is so sad, I would feel awful if I got a gf who only put up with it, but I feel bad that you had nobody to talk to. I just really want to be able to feel a woman, especially one I have an emotional connection to, I guess I feel the same in that don't like that I have to do some weird flirting ritual thing, but I just want the intimacy.
Sex isn't much better than masturbation by itself, it needs other things such as emotions to augment the experience.
anyone who doesn't say, achieving your goals, is a genetic dead end
Whats the best thing in life then?
yeah but which goal? Not all goals are equal in the satisfaction they bring when you complete them
self accomplishment
ridiculously immature. you must be in high school.
awe cute
Best thing in life really is reciprocal love, it’s clearly what our brains our designed for in terms of pleasure. Most of it will never experience it or even doubt it’d existence, sorry
You all are low test or women.
I would trade love for one night of TayTay.
>Crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you, and hearing the lamentations of their women
I came here to make sure this had been posted. Good work user.
Carry on.
Sex is cool and all, but have you felt what's like remembering the thing you've forgotten for the last two days?
reading a new issue of COMIC LO is the best thing in the world
No, not by a longshot. Sex barely feels any better than an average fap. The best faps feel much better than sex. But our bodies still crave the fuck out of it.
>Sex barely feels any better than an average fap. The best faps feel much better than sex.
I disagree. Good sex is significantly better than good fap. Great fap is better than lame sex. Great sex is fucking amazing, but still closer to fapping than to how its perceived by society.
I can't even blame society, because baby batter brain makes me sometimes forget that sex isn't ambrosia. I feel like it's a biologically enforced delusion. I can't speak for women, because their experience of sex is different, more nuance and less urgency.
Well, I've only ever been (and ever will be ) with escorts.
Even when fucking 11/10 models, it still never feels better than what a good doujininshi can do.
I was with one such model yesterday, one I have great chemistry with both as persons and sexually.
Today's faps to some loli doujin felt much better than all the sex I've had yesterday.
>less urgency
That's actually a common misconception, there are plenty of women with high libido similar to men who need to get off 4+ times a week.
Well then, I expect that to remain true for you. My experience is radically different and sex varies in intensity, even with the same partner.
Enjoy your orgasms.
Hi, I am seeking for highly intelligent individuals.
>>less urgency
>That's actually a common misconception, there are plenty of women with high libido
That's a good point. But I was referring to the nature of the orgasm. It's difficult to discuss without meme replies, but women have a variety of orgasmic responses and can often really enjoy sex without orgasm at all.
If a woman has sex, but doesn't cum, she might still be satisfied. Many women never cum during sex.
If a man has sex, but doesn't cum, he is nearly universally *not* satisfied.
>inb4 "lol u she can't cum wit u" replies
Seeking for what purpose?
Sure the act of sex feels good for women relative to men, but I wouldn't go so far as to say they're satisfied without orgasm. The only time that's common is if they haven't actually orgasmed before, which is admittedly weirdly prevalent.
>I wouldn't go so far as to say they're satisfied without orgasm.
Some are, even if they've had orgasms with sex. It's like orgasms are a lovely occasional bonus. It's a foreign concept from the male perspective.
That's not the mindset in any relationship with a healthy sex life. It's not over until both parties have cum at least once.
>It's not over until both parties have cum at least once.
Or the woman fakes it so she can get some sleep.
Sometimes, it can't happen because her sexual stars don't align. I've had it described to me like a train going up a hill. If something interrupts it, the train has to start over. Which is why women hate porn-trained guys who change positions constantly like Kevin Hart. Once a woman is in the groove and close, it's the guy's job to keep doing whatever he's doing. Not speed up or go harder or anything. Just keep at it.
If the guy gets a leg cramp or she's worried about work or feels fat because she ate a slice of cheesecake or whatever else, sometimes a woman just can't get there. And some women literally never do. Some women can cum from a stiff breeze and are referred to as "lucky bitches".
Both partners caring about each others pleasure is important. Pretending that women can always have orgasms is unhelpful.
>one night of Taylor starfishing under you with the lights off for the 5 minutes it takes you to cum, then excusing herself to her waiting limo without kissing you
>posts something passive aggressive on twitter the next day
>maybe there's a line in a song later about your small dick
You're a retard.
It's the worst thing in life. I'm an incel because I don't have sex, and I jack off to porn to see women do it daily.
Iv meth, unirinically. God I miss that stuff. Sex doesn't even come close.
>Is sex the best thing in life?
Sonny, true love is the greatest thing in life-except for a nice MLT, mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe. They're so perky, I love that.
What does that even do?
But, I'm a cheerleader!
look guys i'm random potato please give me attention
>Is sex the best thing in life?
No. Not at all. There is nothing like the satisfaction of success.
disagree completely, I don't give a damn about "SUCCESS™", the only reason I would want a high income and some fancy car is so I could pick up more chicks (in theory).
materialism just doesn't do it for me I am wearing pants that are at least 4-5 years old right now and my laptop is 2011, sometimes I still use a Ipod classic from 2005-2007 when my phone is out of battery.
all I give a damn about is women thats the only thing that can make me happy...
Tay Tay doesn't starfish
I'd worship every inch of this
I don't even give a damn,
I'm hiring a prostitute for 105$ any advice for a 20 year old virgin NEET.
Im going to record the audio of our sex so I can listen to it in the future.
I used to record my conversations with people in high school just so I can keep it as a lifelong journal.
LSD outs all three to shame
each one is different I tried using gabapentin and lasted 40-60 minutes pretty good high too.