Iran is fighting United States sponsored terrorism :)

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facebook tier meme

Why are there still US military bases in Germany? Are we a threat to you?

Half those dots are practically resupply points with a barracks or two, half the time filled with French/British/ect...
A military base is like Fort Bragg or Fort Hood

Fuck Muslims and the Middle East

Nice source, lazy cunt.


Bullshit. Each of those dots are a base that the US may use. They could be property owned by the US military, it could be property owned by the hosting nation where they allow the US military to operate. For example, the base in al Dhafra, UAE, is NOT a US base. It is a UAE base. UAE uses it the most. France uses it the 2nd most. However, this image has a dot on al Dhafra.

>t. USAF fag who spent 120 days in al Dhafra.

don't make us teach you this lesson again, old man

No, we like your shit, and we want to keep sending army nonwhites to rape your women.

>yanks being wrong about WWII again
never change Jow Forums

Attached: Destone.jpg (640x640, 43K)

We mutts put bases where we want.

They are still ZOG bases, stop talmuding us.

"oy vey, those bases aren't really bases, goy"

not to mention the constant troop rotations on the border.

We get it, you're a faggot, no need to repeat yourself in every fucking thread. Besides, those are bases with US military, so who the fuck cares who owns it.

Not even that many. Big dots on a zoomed out map.

Because the meme calls them US Military bases when that is false and misleading.

I mean they chant "death to America" quite often, why not have bases to "control" how distant those chants are heard.


you're missing the important part about all this and instead you play with words

And somehow that automatically means it's wrong or inaccurate?

The US is the largest state sponsor of terror in the world

why do you hate the country where you live? Fool.

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EU is to fucking gay to stand up to Russia, sorry Europoor

Not an argument, Motumbo.