Clown world is ruining my life

my wife lost her job which she was absolutely stellar at because of one misunderstood comment from a personal conversation that was overheard. no warning or investigation, just took the other employee at their word and fired my wife. we have a two year old. i just started a new career and im currently at the lowest wrung of the corporate ladder and im watching completely undeserving diversity hires getting promotions over me. were currently living paycheck to paycheck to keep our apartment and feed our child. my wife is having a hell of a time finding work that paid the same as her last job and unemployment doesnt go far at all. its all so tiresome. whatever happened to just getting a job and working hard and succeeding? we work hard but never seem to be able to rise above all this clownish bullshit. what has become of the american dream? we just want to own a house have a family and make enough money to pay our bills and live a comfy life. thats not much to ask is it? how do people save in these situations? how do you accumulate wealth? is it even possible? im on the verge of tears every night thinking about this. i need help and advice.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>one misunderstood comment
Elaborate user.

1989 is a hundred years after a certain someone's birth year.

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>how do people save in these situations
>how do you accumulate wealth
Stop buying things you don't absolutely need. You need to be eating rice and beans at ~5 cents a serving, 3 times a day. You need to cut out all eating out, all fast food, all entertainment services that aren't free, all unnecessary toiletries and other consumables, makeup, and all the rest of the consumer nonsense. Your child doesn't need pampers, you can make diapers out of cloth that you can reuse and clean yourself. You can optimize and live like a peasant of the 13th century and save save save.

i dont want to divulge too much as i did so on twitter which got us found out somehow and im extremely concerned about doxing. call me a pussy all you want. but it was regarding a different culture than the west and its completely true and not negative. just a cultural difference pointed out. but because of clown world white people cant even say true things about other cultures. we cant even say anything about other cultures at all. but at the same time if we dont acknowledge other cultures were racist for being “color blind” or whatever. god its all so tiresome.

what does 1989 have to do with anythinf?

oh nevermind its in the image i posted haha

High achievers do not obtain promotions because they are efficient at their job and thus have no need to seek out issues that could be discovered and dealt with at higher levels in the ladder.

what are you suggesting?

he’s a meme flag so probably a Jew. He’s suggesting nepotism or bribery

it seems these as well as diversity hires are the bane of my existence. why must honest people who want to make honest livings be punished so much?

What state are you located in user?

Everything will work out. Your wife will find a new job.

You might as well keep out of the upper echelons and unionize if you hate your job that much.

i actually like my job. i work at a (((bank))) but its comfy. im good with numbers and find pattern recognition fun and exciting. i dont think the (((banking industry))) has unions? i should just drop it all and learn a trade, start my own business maybe idk. tired of being held down due to clown world.

in a liberal city thats all ill say

Get off social media. Go to work to work- not socialize. They are co-workers and not friends.

tell you wife to sue them for sexism. use their tactics against them. they fired her for no reason other than being a woman. she was good at her job. get the press involved. if they bring up your tweet as a reason sue them for punishing her for your words. there are judges who will see this as a right infringement. she might even get some good money to settle which will give you enough time to find a new job / start a business.

I understand, god that's hard man. I live in Los Angeles and its eating my alive. I have a college degree but im in a teaching credential program. Considering packing all my stuff up and taking off to PNW at the end of the summer to start over. What happened to your wife can easily happen to me here.

One slip up and im fired. Im thankful that im still single and childless, im going to go start a White family in another state.

If you want things to change there needs to start being swift, severe, permanent consequences to people like the boss who fired your wife
The ball is in your court, soft as pussy boy

copious corporate shit-eating and ass kissing duh... desu you get more mileage from talking shit about employees you know the boss doesn't like. there is an art to this and i do not profess to be a master but some people are easily played

Again, because kikes and their ilk are willing to crush your wife for an off handed comment, while you meet blatant abuse of your loved one with crying on the internet
Why are you pretending this is complex? It’s not

try to find a small private company to work for - or even as an assistant (you'll learn a ton) to someone working solo. corporations are for fags, women and minorities. good slaves willing to trade all for more of whatever the tv tells them to consume.

This will not work as OPs wife is probably in an at will state, and even if she wasn’t, racism and xenophobia are sufficient causes for firing
Thank our politicians but especially the coward adult men who let it get this far

Good. You wh*tes need to pay for your degeneracy

Would buy tshirt

Stay jelly half human

honki honki x

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For every mean comment from you wh*tes I will send a hundred rupees to Israel

seconded. take it to an employment attorney (somebody solo or part of a small private practice) who is willing to work on contingency - that is, they take a percentage of any winnings rather than bill hourly. if such an attorney is willing to run w your wife's case, it will be on his dime and means that there's at least some potential there.

>but because of clown world white people cant even say true things about other cultures

You could take legal action. Judges in liberal cities tend to be pro-employee.

Not if the employee was a racist sexist bigot, retard
The judge will agree it’s the “effect on the listener” that matters, not the intent of the speaker. Are you pretending not to know this?

it's more complicated than that. are you pretending to know everything?

No, pilpul rat
It is clear how the law will treat OPs wife

>d-d-d-don't sue goyim! That's only for (((our))) people

Why turn your back on your racial second cousins?

Do you not remember the Steppes?

if your'e right, then op will get that same answer from the employment attorney's who he talks with. a lawyer isn't going to front the litigation costs for a case that he already knows won't pay off. op just needs to make a few phone calls and go meet with an attorney or two to get a preliminary answer whether there is any value in pursuing.

Half of the world live like you is not that bad .dont put presure in you .look what you have ,what you been achive this years .and what you are able to do and try to do better next day . Try hard with the time evrething will be in the right place . Good luck .

Your wife revealed her PL in public, she dun goofed.

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That's what you get for using retarded social media platforms

Isaac Kappy's DEADMAN switch activated!! Who's KIDS ARE THESE!!!
>WHERE is this weird altar/bathhouse
>WHY are there young girls there?
>What did Kappy do that troubled him so much?
>WHO killed him??

Its Happening

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>d-don’t take real action! Please go through the (((courts)))
Lawyers can’t pay litigation costs for this kind of suit. It’s a breach of professional responsibility


On second thought. The law is a luxury we cant afford. Burn her former employer's office to the ground.

yes they can, and do everyday. the attorney fronts all costs of litigation and then takes those costs plus a contingency percentage out of the any award that is won. if the costs equal the entire award, then the entire award goes to cover the costs. if the award is less than the costs, the attorney eats the loss. this is the economic model that drives most litigation in this country.

What would "real action" be Moshe?
Should he storm her work place and blaze up the place with a gun or something??

Git gud whiny bitch.

This is your fault for relying on your wife for income. You should have been the one with the high paying job, while your wife took care of the kids. Now you pay the price.