Attached: cringe.png (643x653, 317K)
Cringe Thread?
Adam Miller
Other urls found in this thread:
Caleb Lopez
Holy shit my mouth went completely dry from cringing so hard
Liam Gutierrez
Jonathan Wood
Ohh dear hehe
Asher Bell
I'm going to vote Democrat just to piss off all the boomers. Anyone else fellow 4channers?
Alexander Robinson
Fuck reddit, but more than anything fuck discord trannies.
Easton Gomez
based boomer
Leo Wright
Holy fuck
Benjamin Anderson
Me too, and all the other fellow kids should do the same
Kevin Barnes
Dylan Cooper
Theyre 80% of this board post 2016
Logan Myers
The cringe part is you even going on that subreddit, faggot
Nicholas Thomas
Come the fuck on
Thomas Sanchez
Boomer tier humor, honestly I can't even cringe at this, I just feel nothing.
Joseph Diaz
cant wait for them to die
Thomas Green
Daniel Bell
That guy is like 45 at most.
Xavier Hernandez
Israel is America’s greatest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East.
Chase Carter
That guy is clearly not a boomer
Anthony Collins
Learn what a boomer is you fucking retard.
Isaiah Lopez
Has to be a joke