>Legalizes medical weed and bans abortion the same week
Just how fucking based is this state?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Might as well be high while you’re raising a mystery child.

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*packs several coathangers to her first year at Auburn*

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>Cops are Gestapo for Immigrants
>last standout in any attempt of "progress"
>was the last state to legalize gay marriage
>Has the only non-integrated public school system in the country (Quite a large area too with 15,000 people in it)

Super based, will probably be the last standout for white people in the world.

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I'm in Alabama.

Medical marijuana is not legal here. It passed the Senate but needs to go to the house.

Also there was an attempt to decriminalize small amounts but Republicans struck it down.

Sounds like a great state

Robertsdale, AL here. I used to live in Mobile, AL but then the area got too black. We moved to Saraland, AL but Mobile County zoned half of the city section 8 and we had to move to avoid the black invasion. We moved to Satsuma and soon Mobile decided it would extend section 8 ocean of Prichard, AL into Satsuma, so I sat down with a map in a library and looked for land owned by dairy farmers and large commercial contractors.

Hello, Robertsdale! We're getting a Papa John's soon and a Jimmy John's too! If those niggers come here, we'll fucking blast them with our artillery piece in the middle of those flags.

Fuck yeah! Also, demographically, if you live in a 60%+ black county, you will be racist before you ever really wake up to the world. It is a fucking jungle down here. When my relatives die, I'm moving to New Hampshire with it's 94% white heroin demographic.

Dark devils don't make me make our cannon YEET you back to Prichard you fourth generation gibbums.

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Visiting Southeast USA in 2014 redpilled me

Robertsdale?! I might unironically know you. You know anyone with a corvette?

Get ready for a nigger birth boom

They banned kratom they are still fucking bassackwards.

What the fuck, I moves from Mobile to Robertsdale last year! I live like 5min from Silverhill on 8 acres and record black metal in my barn. You know how us country folk do.

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>Town small enough you can identify a stranger by the make and model vehicle they drive.

How the fuck do you even have internet?

Other Robertsdale user in the barn. I have fucking dsl, takes me two days to install a larger game.

Alabama is top 5 most based, and northern Alabama is heaven. They whipped their niggers so hard most of them still have manners 150 years later unlike the rest of the south. TN, KY, AL are strong, the rest of the south is absolutely niggered.

> trucker who has been to 48 states


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White Women get the most abortions out of any race. The media gets you focused on black abortion rates to cover it up and the actual statistics on white abortion rates are purposely suppressed and covered up.

White birth rates are dropping because White women get so many abortions. Also all the "Pro-Choice/Abortion" supporters are all white women.

Fuck off we're full

Holy shit this (well not the moving out bit)
My grandfather lived in Prichard then had to move up to Chickasaw once Prichard went to shit, then moved up to Satsuma and lives pretty comfy there next to the Delta. Anyone who watched Prichard go to shit in 20 years is super racist. Hell my grandfather saw even more shit when he worked for the CPS and went into the homes of these niggers who were moving in these areas. Pichard should be an example to everyone why niggers are horrible. I would like to thank Hurricane Katrina for the city going to shit.

I grew up in Baldwin County and I can assure you it'll be alright, I know the feds tried to build that illegal immigrant camp but I guessed they came to their senses and realized that yall would just bomb the shit out of it. The North Coast is one of the best, if not the best place in the nation to be. It's white, it's too expansive for niggers to move in and be nigs, and it's beach folk so it's normally white people from Arkansas and Lousiana.

Moving up to NH might actually ruin you. Sure it's 94% white but imagine moving to Scotland where they are mostly white but are quite unaware of diversity first hand and only understand it as a concept. You'll meet a shit-ton of liberals who do not understand why people hate blacks when they only know the idea of blacks. Also food up there is shit and they are trying so hard to diversify the state so you might become the next Sweden or UK here quite soon. Point is I don't think your life is going to get better by moving up there, you're just running away.

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I don't know, Id prefer we all go back to small town USA with no internet and even better no apes

I assume most Alabama anons live in either in the Mobile bay area (Baldwin county especially) or up in Huntsville because that is where most of the germans live. North Alabama and the Baldwin County are the best areas in the country.

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A lot of people don't understand that the black people in the south are a lot more violent because there's a lot more of them and they tend to run in groups, making them hard to identify and arrest. The level of self-segregation is one for the history books and when driving through dominantly (not exaggeration) 97%+ black population, you need to start thinking if running red lights and getting a ticket is better than getting shot or robbed. People call me a racist and I assure them, I'm not racist, I simply oblige empirical data and if you live in Colorado, I suspect you will never understand.

I don't but we got a lot of Corvettes. I have a white Ford Focus 5 door, I'm a big fat dude, maybe seen me at Wal-Mart or the ABC or Dollar Store.

Silver Hill is nice, I live on the other side of the Beach Way Express in the midst of cow farms. Silver Hill has this place called Accadienne (SP?), go there and have their burger with jalapeno and pepperjack cheese, best burger I've ever eaten, ever.

I have a barn too, but I do wood working and shit.

Fuck yeah Robertsdalians, keep it real. Gonna try that Poppa John's soon as it opens up, it's right at the 1 way split on the south end right south of that balloon store.

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Robertsdale bros, when is that Pigglywiggly going to be finished? I'm tired of driving to Publix.

>being tired of driving to publix
I've been to Pigglywiggly and I can tell you their deli is mostly shit. They have decent mac but everything else is such shit. You'll be missing driving to publix

>Mobile bay area
>Baldwin county espcially
You just described two highly infested kike areas, while Cullman was molded by Germans.

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Celebrating the arrival of two ubiquitous and shitty fast food chains speaks a lot to how empty and terrible this town must be. Alabama is pretty cool if you are into swamp ass 11.5 months out of the year, Central Asian tier standards of life expectancy and education, and getting to see obese man-animals shuffle in and out of Walmarts 24/7. It's like a petting zoo, but for retarded pigs in human clothing.

House republicans killed the decrim bill and are about to kill medical. The abortion law is going to get struck down just like the one in 2016.

Also if you've been in Alabama for a second it's mostly black and Asian in any of the cities that matter. If you leave your Hoover mountain town safe spaces you're looking at 60% black populations in most areas.

It's cucked as fuck here and I'm only sticking around for another year tops. You retards keep falling for GOP boomers.

So lots of nigs to come screaming for gibs from cali

Bro I used to deliver pizza in Prichard, shit was legitimately terrifying. Made me hate niggers even more than I already did (no tips, complicated orders, run down houses that were probably occupied illegally, large orders that came in close to midnight). Fuck niggers and fuck Mobile, I want out of this concrete monkey fucked hellhole.

If you don't like the heat (I don't) south Alabama is fucking garbage for /out/ stuff as well most of the year. I like to camp and mountain bike, but it's just stupid humid and hot.

Why should you get tipped for doing what youre paid for

Fuck off baldwin county is full.

Based zoomer retard

Soon. I hope they have a pharmacy. I can't even believe Piggly Wiggly is a thing. You can always go to Wal-Mart I guess, Winn-Dixie (Or is it Greer's now?) is just like .25 cents more expensive than anything.

Baldwin County is home to some of the most historic and beautiful sights to see in the USA but the problem is the indigenous population seem to think it's funny to kick over 300 year old lamps and deface Fort Conde. Downtown is nice cause it's all white lawyers and banks but I mean if you go 10,000 feet in any direction, you're in what's called Africatown. They've spraypainted Africatown all over everything, all over the walls, the trains, the bridges, everywhere you look, they have turned Prichard into Africatown. But if you are white, you call it Prichard, Africatown is code and you are not allowed to use it. This stems back from the old bay bridge (legally named) Africatown Bridge before it got renamed by some PC cucks and Scott Paper Company went under.

Chickasaw is comfy but I'm afraid it's on the section 8 chopping block. If he's your grandpa, hopefully he'll just barely miss it.

Keep in mind I have no problem at all with section 8, everyone should have housing, but if you have section 8 in Mobile County and it's not Robertsdale, Jamal and his 19 cousins are basically down on their legs like a 300m running competition waiting for a hurricane so most people evacuate and they can loot the Foot Locker. Anyway, in the absence of minorities, who even wants to talk about them?

Not in AL. One of my girfriends had 2 then she had one for me and killed it with negligence. I know a black woman with 11 kids and 17 abortions. What you don't understand is that we can't save Mobile. They used to do this thing called Take Back the Streets where they'd walk in the streets at night to prove they're not afraid of crime, Prichard's top guy said STOP DOING IT because it got too violent.

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Only problem is that it's terribly impoverished.

Ya you are alright but there's a reason Van Braun went to Huntsville. He went there because of how much it reminded him of Germany. Now many germans who move to the US move to Huntsville because of the german population there. Hell quite a few of my relativles in germany recently moved to Huntsville. Plus there's a good chance you can speak german with someone in Huntsville that is a decendent of a nazi scientist.

Also the whole state of alabama has around 1,000 jews or less. Most of them are in Bham and they're mostly old and dying out. Any area that is "highly kike infested" is worst case 250 jews. Most jews just move out of the state and never look back which is why the population is so old, their kids just left the state. So nowhere in the state has a jewish problem.

My map disagrees with you, If you live in Pratville though I can understand why you see it this way. The area that probably experiences the most diversity south of Red Mountian is Hoover. Vestavia Hills, Mountian Brook, Oak Mountian are all 90%+ white and Mountian Brook was never integrated so the kids never even go to school with niggers.

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>> posts Mobile port pic without USS Alabama
Alabama is the best state.

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>mean if you go 10,000 feet in any direction, you're in what's called Africatown.
That's odd, I never remembered this being a thing and even the maps don't suggest any area is less then 80% white (some blocks might be but they have 20 people on them and are hispanic or an "Asian" family.)

Also my grandfather is in Satsuma and has been for 20 years. I say Satsuma, West Mobile, and Dauphin Island are the last decent places in Mobile County. It's sad to see it all go to shit like this. I grew up here ya know?

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>not posting our true national treasure

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That state is islamafied, and will get worse since muslims will demand ownership of rape babies.
>Rapes go up
>Muslims outbreed everyone

It's not an official recognized name. It's slang for Prichard, Plateau and Holley across the bay, basically the cities connected to the bridge.

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>10 years later
What is 30% but also 90%?

Oh you meant Mobile, Ya Africatown is actually refering to the area where the Clotilda crashed up near dog river in 1860 and the slaves settled and made their own little town seperated from the rest of the world. They called it africatown and that is why the area is called africatown. Though everything you said about "africatown" is not wrong, it is a place you want to avoid. Same with west Birmingham, though that area has always had niggers.

Also I have a proposal to not only improve the state but also Liberate those in the panhandle from the tyranny of Tallahassee. See pic related

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Not at all. Less niggers to be killed and weed is what (((they))) desire you to do and keep you docile.

You know he's actually quite the weeb

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Most of the those satellite towns north and south of Birmgingham have minimal black black population. Hispanics have their encampments in the trailer parks outside of the more expensive city areas. Blacks living in the towns outside of Birmingham usually act more white, but there are some neighborhoods where if you turn down a side road, the whole neighborhood completely changes, and you immediately know what kind of place you are in. Southern Jefferson county and most of Shelby county are still nice places to live where whites are the majority and the other races largely act white too. But you will know a black or hispanic enclave when you see one. They are scattered around in less desirable locations.

Germcucks need to get out. Only English and Irish allowed here.

My mom was the manager here for 20+ years, we saw all the fireworks every 4th of July from on top of the turrets on the USS Alabama eating hamburgers and french fries. Full access to the whole thing once they got everyone else off. What a beautiful place. Not to mention the airport hanger and the USS Drum, the on-land, boardable submarine.

I've lived here 25 years from age 10 and on. The place sucks now, Robertsdale is cool though.

I Craigslisted a flatscreen in Prichard once and the guy was cool as hell (he played DBZ on PS3 online and we chilled) but he said the place scared him so bad he had like 4 machetes by the front door from all the paint and glue fiends.

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It’s so polluted though. Plus who gives a shit about aborshun other than godbots?

Because 7.25 an hour isn't worth driving through a war zone

Why does Florida have that stretch of coast and not Alabama? Fuck Florida they already have mostly coastline. Greedy bastards.

Almost 99% of hispanics in the state live in Hoover (like 10-15%) and Abertsdale, now mainly they're in Albertsdale because of the poultry industry up there loves them.

Oh no I was just referring to huntsville.

LSU here, fuck your Roll Tide faggotry.

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Man I wouldn't go near Prichard without a pistol in the glove box. Also your map is accurate.

Not even close.

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I didn't know there was a video of that event but there is no way in hell i'm spending 28 minutes watching it.

white women are the largest consumers of birth control, they are smart enough to take the pill before having sex.

Birth is god for women because it will trigger their maternal instinct and prevent the onset of hysteria.

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Consider the book: 'The Bravest Man.' In my opinion, it's the best story of the very underappreciated U.S. WWII submarine force. U.S. Subs were the shit, and in my opinion better than the Nazi subs (fuck your Type 21 shit, there was only one and it barely worked).

Georgia here. How’s your Mexican population? We’re getting swamped here in the metro area


White Women get 2-3 times more abortions then Black Women and Hispanic women.

The statistics are purposely covered up and suppressed so no one looks at Abortions + White birth rate decline and puts 1+1 together.

Multiply the abortion rates/numbers of Black and/or Hispanic Abortion rates by 2 or 3 to get the actual real White Abortion rates.

The video was just proof he actually had his own panel at an anime convention.

There feel better?

>Moving up to NH might actually ruin you. Sure it's 94% white but imagine moving to Scotland where they are mostly white but are quite unaware of diversity first hand and only understand it as a concept. You'll meet a shit-ton of liberals who do not understand why people hate blacks when they only know the idea of blacks. Also food up there is shit and they are trying so hard to diversify the state so you might become the next Sweden or UK here quite soon. Point is I don't think your life is going to get better by moving up there, you're just running away.
NH is super rural for the vast majority of the state. The dude can just go live in the mountains and hunt niggers.

>source: dude trust me

You keep trying to push this every abortion thread, White women do not get abortions anywhere near the rate of spics and niggers. You have absolutely zero evidence to the contrary.

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Isaac Kappy's DEADMAN switch activated!! Who's KIDS ARE THESE!!!
>WHERE is this weird altar/bathhouse
>WHY are there young girls there?
>What did Kappy do that troubled him so much?
>WHO killed him??

Its Happening!!,,

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Oh I was well aware. My girlfriend has an odd obsession with 'nara memes.
I sort of feel worse that there's more than one video.

You know, they stay home a lot. You can find them at Wal-Mart around the first of the month cause food stamps, stay away from stores from 1-5th and you don't have a problem. Plus there's not enough of them to just let themselves go. Black people chimp out cause there's always 20 nearby, Mexicans hold the door for you and I always exchange pleasantries with them. They are, for now, a pleasant surprise. Just the other day I was going to Lowe's and a 3 of me and mine and 3 Latinos had to enter, we all invited each other to enter first and laughed and one said, 'We're all gentleman!' And I shook his hand. The Vietnamese and the Mexicans in Robertsdale are great people and I respect them.

It used to go all the way too Louisiana. Alabama and Mississipi got the pieces solely so they'd have coastal access as part of their statehood deals

>NH is super rural for the vast majority of the state
I'm aware but it doesn't change the fact of how cucked all the people are. Most white people here are great, up there, well they did vote for hillary after all.

Oh well considering he's been there for atleast 3 YEARS back to back (2017-2019 so I assume he'll go next year) It's a thing he does. I mean considering James Spann has his own panel there, the entire convention is just a fucking meme.

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>well they did vote for hillary after all.
Just the White women.

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Well and 48% of men. The whole of New England is cucked.

This. People aren't even aware of what's been going on since LBJ. Perhaps they deserve what's coming.

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It would be the New York of America but for that tyrant Lincoln.

>looking at stright metro populations
Oh yes great, like whites would live in the metro area is a city. Most people avoid Bham city limits because the schools are shit. Consider the following, this is a map of Birmingham, as you can see all the niggers live on one side (north of red mountian) and the whites live another side (south of Red Mountian) Now that chart you posted there would ONLY include the area north of red mountian because Birmingham city limmits only are north of Red mountian

Attached: the overlay.png (1114x635, 569K)

And this is what that Piechart is considering, completely ignoring the other million people that live in the greater metro.

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Roll Tide!

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It's all fun and games.Until you threaten the Burgers ability to fuck their Sisters and Cousins.

Sweet home Alabama

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Shut up retard. Go back to the tiger rant

hey, 0-8 faggot, talk shit when you actually beat us.

"Call me Alabama"

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R0lling for milk

saved by Jesus yet again. Ty based Jesus and forgive me of my sins

Baldwin user here

Dat big pharma


>panama city

why are americans like this?

Site your fuckin' sources. Anyway, if Roe v. Wade gets overturned because of some Christ cucks in Alabama, expect the Dems to take back congress and the White House for the next decade. Also, middle and wealthy white women were always able to get abortions at friendly places before Roe v Wade. All this will to do is create an explosion of poor black and brown babies (more than ever).

They should nuke Trinity Gardens.

Southern Girls are the BEST!!!

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We also have an Kansas City in Missouri.

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Is Mississippi better than Alabama?

nigger boomers

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Not even close. MS has highest black pop by % in the country, it's poor as shit and all their football teams suck.

Oh and for anyone who wants to move here forget Huntsville as WE'RE FUCKING FULL. The local retards are importing so many new people here that the roads and schools are going to be fucked for a decade or more. Also we're about to glow so much harder than ever before as they're importing 3000 FBI personnel this year....