Is podcasting the pinnacle of contemporary white culture?

Hollywood and the music industry are corporate entities these days with an agenda. Podcasting is a lot freer. Lots of the top podcasters are regular white people. Is this the pinnacle of white culture?

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>Relatively less compromised?
I've been listening to Blueprint to Armageddon and I would recommend it to anybody with an interest in history or WW1 particularly.

Dude is bluepilled though. He stopped speaking about politics after Trump won.

>He stopped speaking about politics after Trump won
Isn't that a good thing? Who wants to hear more politics.

Blueprint for Armageddon is great, I’ve listened to all 6 episodes twice. Dan Carlin is based but also pretty bluepilled

White men stole podcasting from the blacks

name the black guy podcast that got mainstream attention before joe or any other bigger caster, please

Joe! Your the best, keep doing what your doing. I know you lurk on here.

Joe works for disinformation company. No joke, thats whats its called. Google it

No shitposting is.

yes, it bypasses corporate gatekeepers. "Professionals" in show business feel like slaves and envy the freedom.

i listen to Cum Town and The Daily Shoah regularly

Podcasting is a representation of a human campfire conversation but on the internet.

I still can't believe people unironically listen to Joe Rogan. The guy has room temperature iq. It's like just grabbing a random guy off the street and having him talk into a mic, you'll get the exact same level of insight into every subject except MMA and weed.

I only listen based on the guest.


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He has good guests on sometimes, and even he himself admits he's a dummy. Also, he's a positive role model for young men


Believe it, bitch.



You don't need to have high IQ to be a good podcast host.


Is this one of those transformer talks things?

This. Also his IQ is not that low. He is able to grasp most of the concepts being presented to him by the guests.

cum town is overrated desu

push comes to shove they're still snarky shitlib pseudo brookylnites who avoid actually edgy humor like the plague

but to be totally honest tds isn't all that funny any more either, sven still regurgitates bane memes in 2019

>He stopped speaking about politics after Trump won.

His last guest was Tulsi Gabbard.

Funny how you say this the pinnacle in a good way and you have Joe Rogan.

People got kicked off of soundcloud and some other hosts for being badthinking goyim so it's not as free as you'd think but yes it's probably a lot better than other mediums due to the low barrier to entry.

Why are you promoting Toe? Owen Benjamin destroyed him.

joe "rogain-less manlet" rogan

so funny, so fun to listen to his stupid show.

Hello Dunning Kruger, nice to meet ya.

It's not specific to "white culture", if anything it's asian culture.

No it's from his Instagram.

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I've never listened to a podcast before

One of the things i do not like about J.Rogan podcast is that while it is great for introductory topics into a certain issue, it never really goes beyond that.

The podcasts just seem to be about exploring a new thought rather than really trying to study and incorporate it into your life, even with guests like Jordan Peterson.

Sure, its great to listen to another physics lecturer or astronomer, and its great to hear the passion and how it can connect with people. But getting into the deeper math, or like how religion and astronomy have gone hand in hand, or how the big bang theory was and why it was theorized by a priest, etc. Nothing, nada. It would be great if he did some introductory exploration of the subject before the guest came on and then asked him questions to get a deeper understanding of the issue. But no.

Its why I enjoy Dan Carlin's podcasts so much. It bites into the culture of the time, the thought processes, etc, and the decision making and priorities of the principle actors of the time.

If you watch toe rogan you need to go fucking back

lol this is actually a great idea to expose clown world to normies.... Start pushing the idea that Podcasting is anti-semetic because its mostly white people trying to circumvent the entertainment bureaucracy that is mostly filled with jews. How dare those goyim try to self publish their content without paying tribute to the Hollywood jew masters!

Get on it. It's a cheap way to enrich your life.

Not all of it is freer. Rogan has handlers that curate his content. He is a propagandist.

Rogan's fans are mostly middle of America males.

Reversing the degeneracy of the past 500 to 700 years would be.

Not talking about Joe u retard.

Cadesha Bishop