>claims that white men are the best
>has non-white sons with non-white woman
How do racemixers of Jow Forums cope?
Having a happy marriage, and if we don't have sex every day I'm accused of cheating or watching porn. Asian wife, happy life.
>Asian wife, hapa life.
Stay mad, roastie worshiper
Asians are honorary. If his son has a white wife, his grandsons will be white again.
How bat shit insane is Nicholas Cage?
> If his son has a white wife, his grandsons will be white again.
>believing gooks are honorary
>believing that hapas aren't incel losers
>believing that America will still be white enough for his son to find a white wife
Raacemixing is a mental disorder.
1/4 Korean
3/4 White
Race mixing is treason.
The only acceptable race mixing is with Mexicans
wow the next National Treasure looks lit
you do know how much milage that gook pussy has probably taken since childbirth right? they are all child prostitutes and just because your dick is too big fro a gook doesnt mean shes tight. there fucking ugly too
every single one is a gentic mistake
you should kys for the good of the rest of us
They are honorary, and so many hapas are chads. There will be plenty of white women left over, if not there’s always Europe. Tbh I’d be just fine if he got an Asian wife though.
>so many half ASIAN males are chads
He’s actually very sane and probably unironically pretty happy to have some genuine love in his life.
Im not sure mine counts. Shes 3/4ths white with the last 1/4th being a form of west indian thats extremely bleached and renowned for being very pale compared to the other indians. Did some research and theyre like 80% genetically caucasian so our kids will be 87.5% european white then that last 12.5% is 80% caucasian anyway so really its more like my kids are 97.5% genetically white. Im willing to live with that because even hitler would say theyre white by a large margin (and her grandmother was in the jugen) and im an anglo-german-celt mutt anyway.
On top of that, weve known each other for years, she knows all about my politics, wants my 8 kids, marks herself caucasian on forms, etc. only thing we disagree on is women voting but i know shes starting to crack on that one. Keeping in mind im an autist raised on this board and /f/ its a pretty sweet situation ive got. Lemme know where im goin wrong because it feels like i really am on the mark for 9/10 things here yknow?
Nothing wrong with the way they look desu. I bet their kids will easily pass for white.
There is literally nothing wrong with that guy besides his multiculturalism message. He may not be a chad, but he looks like a good, normal guy who wouldn’t have any trouble getting a normal gf.
unless you have dna tests saying its gone then your full of shit user. 12.5 is non white they will always be mutts only 100 % white is ever acceptable
Their kids are probably going to be some kind of nigger/hispanic mutt mix. Look at graph here:
Your kids will be shitskins. Refer here for the only kind of acceptable mixing.
>but he looks like a good, normal guy who wouldn’t have any trouble getting a normal gf.
Let the acne clear up, do something about those bushy eyebrows and get a nice haircut and you've got yourselves a good looking dude.
Most hapas marry back white. Male hapas will sometimes go back to Asian. Win win.
>saying its gone then your full of shit user. 12.5 is non white
Their ethnic genetic makeup is ~80% caucasian dna so only if youd say people like bashir al-assad are nonwhite then you could say theyre 12.5% nonwhite. Anyway, hitler would be on my side so ill stick to the fuhrer on this one
>all white women are roasties
>all white men have white mothers
>therefore white men come from roasties
No wonder you're such a shit race
>Most hapas marry back white
see graph in
That doesn’t really mean anything in the long run. Hapas are half white, therefore they have the means to attract white and Asian girls alike. “Ethnic” refers to shitskins.
>asian men are feminine and have tiny dicks
>I will have based sons with my asian wife
Are you saying only hapas?
Her grandad would pass better as a castizo on that chart because of their odd ethnic group. Theyre not standard desi indians
You're forgetting that Latinos are the original hapas. Once the racemixing genie comes out of the bottle, you can't put it back in.
Whatever the projections are, all the hapa girls I’ve known marry white guys. And my hapa son can always go to Europe or Asia.
Id like to see research into which sude of the family you get your dicksize from youd think its the dad but who knows
Welcome to the Vietnam war son
>all the hapa girls I’ve known marry white guys.
KEK. If that continues pretty soon there will be no white guys left to marry. Declining white birth ates + increased immigration from Asia means no one is getting bleached. Bleached is a cope meme. Whites are the once getting riced.
Yes, only Asians/hapas. The castizo doesn’t look white and she probably doesn’t either.
They don’t count as hapas. They are a less quality brown type of hapa. Just go for the real thing.
It's probably 50% and not mendelian. There are probably asian guys who have half white sons with bigger dicks than them.
Maybe where you live in a coastal mutt area. In the midwest they would stick out easily, what is wrong with your white-dar? Those things, white? the fuck, you must be a spic
So youre saying the 1/8th guy wouldnt pass for a med? And thats not what she looks like, thats what her 100% ethnic grandad looked like. Frankly, id say the castizo looks more white than keanu, although before i woke up to race id have said they were both white
you can meme all you want but your kid is still asian
Yeah for sure. Its just something you never really learn about except for some urban myths like if your mothers dad was bald then you will be too
They don't, it's just seething hapas and jews who spam the board.
t. virgin
Imagine coping this hard.
>Asians are honorary. If his son has a white wife, his grandsons will be white again.
T. Gook
I suppose it was rather dumb of me to have a discussion about it instead of flinging shit. Id do what im gonna do anyway but i wouldnt mind being told im wrong through a reasonable conversation but fags like you shit up the board with this and the “youre not white threads”. And of course
>a fucking leaf
I’m actually ok with that too desu. But again, there’s always Europe.
I’m saying the kids kids will pass for white. Those kids are almost there themselves.
The only one who looks white on that chart to me is Keanu. The hapa is almost there too.
Why would you need to consult pol on that matter as if they're an authority figure? You already know anything less than 100% European is unacceptable so why bother bringing it up? It just comes off like you have no self respect at all.
All of you white anons should learn to avoid mixers and their goblin offspring in life.
>i'm ok with jews winning
>they're always europe
After taking the race pill, keanu really stands out to me whereas the guy from entourage just looks like a med. To each their own though i guess
>consult pol as if theyre an authority figure
I dont. Im here to talk with people and just see how they feel about it. I dont have a physical community so this is where i talk about stuff
>less than 100% european is unacceptable
Not to hitler tho lol
>muh self respect
Yeah i dont get laid either and i have a tiny dick and live in my moms basement etc etc god i cant wait for the day of the rake
I’m white.
Just looking at the state of China should tell you that chinks aren't honorary anything.
They are soulless bugs that torture animals, have zero regard for the lives of others and submit willingly to a repressive regime.
Asians and whites are allies.
>he's a white supremacist that's married to a gook
Keanu would be honorary anyway. Hapas are always pretty much white to me.
Is that a problem?
I agree with you on that. I just disagree that the castizo and up dont look like meds. I mostly fall into the if you look and act white then youre white camp. At least while were in the dire straits we currently are because then those can have their ethnic genes bleached out since they wont have a nonwhite community to mix with. Except blegs. Even that 1% makes me cringe
Having a hapa son is doing the jew's work for him.
They could pass for it yeah. But Keanu just looks typically white/Anglo to me.
keanu is only 1/8 east asian
yes, you are a race traitor
>white women are nigger loving roastie whores
>but my hapa son will marry a white woman and my grandchildren will be 3/4 white
I’d say he’s 1/4 because Pacific Islanders are technically considered Asians too.
>the US census bureau said that polynesians and east asians are the same so I believe it
Frankly, i would just say he is white. Nowadays i wouldnt say hes anglo though i see why you say that
There is nothing wrong with mestizos.
Never forget that the White Man adores the free-spirited savages.
>free-spirited savages.
aka people living on welfare
living on welfare because their lebensraum was stolen
I feel bad for white men in relationships with chinks. I deal with gook bitches all the time and they're terrible. Besides that I don't find them attractive at all. Imagine having a small, weak gook son. That's punishment alone. You couldn't attract a good white woman so you are left with roasties and chinks. Sorry, bro. Sucks to be you.
>their lebensraum was stolen
idk what you're on about. Mexicans walk right over the US-Mexico border whenever they want. Can't steal something when we don't purport to even own it.
He'd probably marry a Latina.
Looks Asian to me.
Depends what kind of latina. I know a lot of cuban chicks that look white as fuck except the way they dress is trashy and same with their makeup
honorary means not literally aryan retard
also pic related
I've seen hispanics look fucking white but then their blood siblings look like a fucking west African. Shit's fucking weird.
Doesn't bother me. Im forced to work against a white ethnostate because me and my asian wife wont be accepted.
stay mad loser
Sorry, insect, I only breed with Aryans
Half Japanese/half white is a combination of the world's two best cultures.
As long as a pale-skinned person (white or Asian) doesn't procreate with black or browns then the child looks normal.
only a based aryan beauty gets these genes, get lost insectoids
>my son is asian
keep going loser
let it all out loser