What did the medical community mean by this Jow Forums?

>When you're now somehow part fish but will never be female

Attached: man-fish-hybrid.png (326x244, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Made out of fish skin
>Still can't give birth
Should read as the first DELUSIONAL man to get cosmetic surgery on his crotch with fish skin

mermaid pussy.

Imagine the smell

>What did the medical community mean by this Jow Forums?
They are perfectionists going after the natural smell?

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are we gonna make it?

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>feels like a 'real woman'

Yeah, because real women's vaginas are made of fish skin, you know.

Fish skin is starting to get used with burn victims.
It's actually pretty cool

>fish skin
come on, this fucking world

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Every fucking degenerate subhuman tranny schizo freak especially Bruce Jenner deserves to be burned alive for good on live tv.

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> Fake woman has vagina made of fish
OMG What a fucking timeline this is.

Sadly, full womb transplant will happen in our lifetime

Where are the pics of the fish vag

>and then, for no reason at all, people voted hitler into power

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surely this isn't real?

Aye you beat me to it m8

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If by “make it” you mean getting destroyed by an assteroid/solar flash pole flip that will destroy 99% of all living flora and fauna that yes, we will make it.

Thots think every pussy smells like fish because theirs do so that basically explains why they would do that.


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Days of Noah type shit coming out more and more


Literally "mexican shit fish."

That's the lowest and cheapest and most polluted fish you can buy in the store.

Why not make his fake pussy out of salmon or a far superior fish to tilapia?

that's how you get grayscale

Should have been tuna


This is close enough to my fetish.

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Should have been Surströmming

How does the body not reject it? Even transplants from human organs often are rejected, how come fish skin isn't?

Imagine the smell

>literally more fish than woman

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Tilapia is the only fish whose skin has been tested in treating human wounds, and a desperate tranny isn't going to wait til we find a better solution

now when I think about it, couldn't he just take some skin from his hips or arms or any area on his own body and use that?

>vagina made out of FISH SKIN
you guys will believe anything ffs.

>muh jew

They arent even hiding it anymore


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Also how would a man know what its like to feel like a woman?
Also also what keeps the rot away?


This whole situation smells fishy.

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Just add a little tar tar sauce and go to town.

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The "vagina" isn't made of fish skin itself, the fish skin seems to kind of work with the human body to enhance skin production. Brazilian doctors started using it like bandages, but unlike bandages it speeds up the healing process and is less painful to the patients
but we're talking about the brazilian doctors
>cut dick off
>make hole
>get a stick
>put fish skin on stick
>stick stick in hole
>skin grows
>you're still not a woman

A fish died for that.

They made it out of fish so he can smell like a real woman too.

> an incision where the vagina should have been

I can guarantee they didn't cut anywhere close to where a vagina should be.

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He's gonna have the last laugh when he becomes Miss Innsmouth for 4 years running.

according to mirror.co.uk it was "A medical team led by gynaecologist Professor Leonardo Bezerra, of the Federal University of Ceara"

also iirc this kind of operation was intended to be performed on actual females

>Fish Scale Vagina
>Brazilian Science
Checks out.

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So.......what do you think it smells like?

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Fucking kek!

probably smells like blood and sweat
or doesn't smell at all

When capitalism is the reason freaks like this exists, yes, indeed capitalism has failed

A real gay fish

*5 clap*
*5 clap*

Literally Aquaman.


Why does pussy smell like fish (or is it the other way around)?

before we evolved into ground traversing species with legs and lungs we were fish, and when fish fuck they don't really need to aim in the hole, they just spray the general area of the female, so the whole female had a specific smell
when we developed legs and dicks the smell was something that had to remind us of spraying the fish with semen but instead now we have to aim

>vagina made of fish skin
This is some frankenstein tier witch doctor bullshit being passed off as "science"

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Actually having a fishy pussy

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