Canada: secret nazi base of WW2

Earlier today in a thread, I got a history lesson from a real "red pilled" guy, who was upwards of 40 and he told me, canada was a secret nazi base and canada brought lots of german nazi's to canada, so they could blend in and carry on being a nazi.
Given new names and identities and everything.
So the jew lies could never effect canada and canadians

Also, all canadians are 68% german blood cause of the amount of nazi's imported to canada, during the war, by the canadian government.

Also, this was taught in school, but also wasn't, it was passed down through family.

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Funny little bit of history about Canada here.
Canada joined the war and liberated Holland (right next to Germany this is key).
Then the jewish Russian hellstorm happened.
Canada gave asylum to every German and Nazi family that wanted it, they where shipped to Canada and given new identities. The Nazis with their new names could go anywhere in the world they wanted afterwards. Due to this, to this day white Canadians are 68% German blood.
Seeing as most white people in Canada have actual German Nazi Grandparents it was very very difficult for the jews to teach their lies of the war here.
I guess now that our grandparents are dying off they are able o slip their lies into the forth generation little by little.
The German blood of those rescued by Canada bled into the USA rather well too.

from our red pilled guy

>Most canadians claim Irish or Scottish heritage.....
Wrong, maybe 10% if that, but it depends on the demographic. Most are in fact German with Scottish and Irish strongholds, Kingston just as a example, German city.

In my day it was all the schools. (I'm upwards of 40) there was absolutely no way that lies of the war could be taught to the children of Germans.

That part was not told in schools but handed down through family. The whole Idea of being given new Identities is and was to escape the jew lies and hellstorm. Even to this day when the jews learn of a living Nazi they try their their damnedest to persecute them with their lies.
It's rather simple (or was) to speak to people of that era. Maybe I was lucky due to me being of full Nazi German decent and Christian, we do not lie to our families (unlike the jew) and being in the service allowed me to speak to many who have served. I actually got a 80 year gold service pin from the legion for my Grandparents military service in Germany. I guess the most you can hope for today to verify it is to speak to the children of those that served.
I myself served Canada when I was young.

I'll add
It's obviously something that will not be publicized until the parasites receive the final solution and the truth can once again be spoken freely.
My friend is also German blood, her Grandmother to this day will claim she escaped the German Nazis, but my friend went snooping in her grandmothers attic found a chest filled with photos documentation and Nazi metals from her Grandfather.
One simply cannot admit the truth of our heritage at this time. The fear among the elderly Germans is real and justly so when you look at what the jews have done and do to this day.

The REAL history of secret nazi canada

>The more you know

My wifes Opa was a high ranking officer in the panzer corp. They sent him to Winnipeg after the war and he and my wife's Oma basically drank themselves to death.


There are lots of Knight Templars in the Americas, yes. South America and North America. Where else would they have went. It's always been that way, way before ww2. That's probally who is inside all the DUMB's.

That's what I told the retard making this stuff up.

Too bad they're too stupid to get into government and make a difference.....

sound like real winners and true canadians

>all canadians are 68% german blood
>we wuz
You should become an American you'll fit right in.

America was founded by a knight Templar, has had many presidents, and the president of the confederate states of America was a Knight of the Golden circle.

Why you think we wage all these wars over solomons temple and Zionism is so powerful lmao Retard

>sound like real winners
Umm, wut? They just lost a war and were forcefully relocated to another country...
>If you lose the war and watch as 6 million of your people are fire bombed in Dresden and then kidnapped and forced to move to your enemies country you win.

OP is obviously bothered by Templars being so powerful and is being salty about it.

>LMAO send another 38 billion to israel, retard

You seem upset, I thought you just said Templars have no power? So which is it?

>sending money to your enemies, is the way to win


Well if your entire goal is to rebuild solomons temple, then yes, Israel would be very useful. How strange that it's controlled by western banking elite. Just a coincidence I am sure.

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I'll let you in on a secret, there's a bunch of actual nazis in the west who seem to say they are jews because normies are retarded and believe it and it makes you immune to criticism. There's also actual jewish nazis. Very strange really. Everybody is jewwing everyone, then there are retards like you who don't understand how murky it gets even though your own grandmother did this by your own words.

Templars are pretty based, they build the temple and either a bunch of crazy shit happens and we get a hell of a show or nothing happens and we can quit hearing people go on about it.

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>(you) don't know me or my grandmother, (you) fucking retard

Keep thinking you're smart.

>actual jewish nazis

Furthermore hitler was at the very least tied in with all these groups early on if not some type of double agent or possibly tried to jew them and got everyone mad for it. Not quite sure desu, they cover their tracks and make everything so murky it's hard to tell, they are powerful no doubt in America though to answer your question.

Just look how obsessed all of our leaders are with Zionism and the third temple agenda.

>pic related, hitlers office with mason shit on the door

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Your friends grandma I meant. The one who pretended she wasn't a Nazi sympathizer, nobody intelligent is going to come out in 2019 and say "I'm a Nazi", you change names and keep the agenda. Basic shit 101.

The same reason the jews don't call themselves the pharasee lol

Why yell at ameribro leaf? Plus use something for bants aside from the kikes, very embarrassing.

Israel is a national socialist state. It's literally a Jewish ethnostate who are very socialist by nature, they stick together which is admirable, something Europeans should learn from.

Jews also aren't the only group who wants that temple rebuilt. A lot of other groups believe in that shit and want to fulfill their prophecies/see all 12 tribes of Israel reunited.

I'm not even sharing my opinion on the matter, just calling it what it is. Honestly I think a lot of you guys are jealous of jews because they do everything in real life that you guys talk about, they back their shit up, they don't give a fuck what anybody thinks, they stick together, and they operate under their own laws, nobody else's.

You faggot cry and don't defend your border while Israelis shoot anybody who fucks with their border.

It's pretty embarrassing desu, being salty and beta.

I was born and raised in Winnipeg, those who stay in Winnipeg drink themselves to death in Winnipeg.

Many such cases.

It's clearly not a national socialist state. This meme only serves to hurt the name of the ideology. Israel has none of the economics or spirituality. It's the fag capital of the world. The only difference from other countries is that the elites are hawkish and ballsy. The people serve the state of Israel, not the other way around.

Not sure if it worked seeing how gay canada currently is