Seeing the current state of women, Crying out "this is a dystopian patriarchy because I cant murder my unborn and ride as many cocks and take as much cum as I want!" makes me wonder
at what point is enough enough? women have more rights and are treated better than any man (why do you think trannies are on the rise??), and they now in the west, are the most privledged women EVER, yet they still act like victims, even as they destroy marriges and the very fabric of our nations, and scoff at the idea of rasing a child and being part of a family, all that is importaint to the modern woman is "muh career"
it is clear that giving them the right to vote and treating them as equals was a mistake, anyone who disagrees is blind, and perhaps weak men are to blame, but what can realistically be done about this?
Should have been evident a long time ago. Theres a reason they stayed in the home
Parker Parker
Have you seen a female soldier on the frontlines? Me neither. Remember that women have been, are and will be spoils of war.
Lincoln Evans
I just dont see what can be done about it anyone that tried to have an actual talk about this would be destroyed in modern politics, are we just fucked? is there any way to reverse it?
Jeremiah Baker
Women are too neurotic to not be dramatic
Charles Myers
allowing them to vote made sure every election is skewed by emotions. allowing them to work and getting special privileges ruined more men than you could imagine. pretending women can lead is a cuckolds dream. pretending women are stronger than men is cancer.
Aiden Lewis
When you have women demanding the right to murder their children and in the same breath demand mass migration of other peoples you suddenly see that they are totally sled destructive and a cancer on society
Brody Moore
Also it can’t be fixed
This dynamic appears near the end of all societies
Women gain liberation and rights and equality at the end of civilizations
Now you know why
Levi Murphy
I dont understand why we pretend that anything else is the case. I know the romans where discussing the genders of angels around the time of their collapse
Parker Ross
>being a woman >talking about muh patriachy and sheit taking your rights >using (((tv drama))) to express those feelings, thinking you have free will >using your emotions in politics >profit???
Cameron Brown
There is no example of this ending many other way than collapse and either the return of patriarchle control and the loss of liberty for all (Roman Empire) or we will be erased from history as stronger cultures (patriarchal) take our place. (Caliphate/Roman Empire)
This process may take a long time and have it’s ups and downs but it is always terminal.
It’s been 60 years really and we have collapsing birthrates and a dying degenerate culture, in historical terms it’s the blink of an eye
Ryan Scott
We should have listened to St. Paul. Women should not have authority over men.
Carter Myers
Welp I guess its time to get somewhere comfy off grid and wait for the fires to start
>at what point is enough enough? It will never be. This isn't about "rights" or "equality" or "liberation." Feminism is 100% about power, and women can never have enough of that. There's not going to be a generation of women who wake up one day and self-reflexively say, "you know gals, we have enough power, we don't need to try and get anymore, so let's stop with the feminism." That is an insane tradcuck fantasy. They'll keep pushing, into the fourth wave, into the fifth wave, and one day your great grandsons will say stupid fucking shit like "first/second/third/fourth wave feminism is fine, but this 5th wave is out of control!"
Christopher Rodriguez
It's because there are women teachers indoctrinating kids from a very young age with absolute bullshit then they grow up with their single mother on welfare who adds to the pile of bullshit, then they join antifa and LARP as "woke" communists
Dylan Rogers
Fascism is the fix. Women massively supported most post ww1 fascist movements and eagerly voted their rights away.
Scoff them.. Stop being betacucks to women.. White women are the one's behind this stop marrying them and shelling out milliobs in allimoney.. Unironically date outside your race with tradwives.. Let mohammed cut karen's head off
Lets turn Saudia Arabia to staceys next vacation hotspot.. Find the most barbaric rapist men and import them to beverly hills.. Make these whores put their money where their mouth is when it comes to diversity
>Women like abortions Let Isis Rape and impregnate them and get their head cut off by Mauhmoud
>women want immigrants Drag them to Paupa New Guinea or import literal women hating terrorist and shame white women to date them
Theyre giant LIARS they hate muslims more than you do.. Name one white woman with muslim friends.. You can't.. Stop trying to save these whores let the dumb ones die off
It's almost certainly the end of any form of democracy in the west. Empire is the next civilizational step.
Colton Thomas
Who there that doesn’t really solve our problem
Benjamin Hall
philosophically I am saddened, practically I cheer its demise.
Our people do not deserve liberty, they have proven it
Aaron Sullivan
Artificial wombs and brap barns WHEN?
Nicholas Butler
>Our people do not deserve liberty, they have proven it Honestly I feel this way as well, we clearly cant handle it, democracy doesnt work when voters cant come to intelligent conclusions and are swayed by illogical emontional arguments.
Mason Cook
Just prepare for the hard times to come. Be ready to build a new society and remember the mistakes of the past.
Samuel Wood
this or some type of facism is the only way to fix things.
Chase Brown
Its eugenic.. in a gynocentric society, betas get constantly rekt by feminism while Chads will continue to do well cause the rules only apply to sub 7/10 men. Thus over time less ugly / autistic guys will be born and the species will improve
Matthew Reed
Hey, women have to put up with the most horrific shit like men telling them they'd look better if they smiled, who cares if men kill themselves 2 to 4 times more than women, or get harsher penalties for the same crimes and also lose their children (actually systemic sexism), or have their lives ruined at the whim of women claiming rape or whatever with no proof, or live in a society where people think it's acceptable to mutilate the genitals of baby boys and then sell the result to make facial cream for women, and so on, and so forth.
Women have to deal with cat calls!
Oliver Sanchez
Men will always WK for women it's in our nature..even a misogynist like you full of hate would do a full 180 and forget all about this board if some cute girl showed interest in you
Logan Parker
Nope, had my fair share of women, and had my fair share of sex. I want a woman who wants a family and who will be loyal, only problem is that does not excist anymore thanks to feminism.
Dylan Williams
>at what point is enough enough? its never enough for satanists and demons my boy we are in the metaphysical war now stop watching porn and masturbating pray fast get Jow Forums and get ready
James Gray
if you were a good looking Chad chicks would literally be elbowing each other in the face for a chance at having your babies. Stop larping. It's your genes that are the problem. Thats why don't use condoms with good looking guys
Colton Cooper
>It will never be
We have (legally) already reached the end of feminism, there's literally nothing more to achieve which is why "intersectionality feminist" these days are focused on issues like this
ad when ever you critisize them all they know how to do is pull put this shaming bullshit. With each passing day i lose more respect for these weak, dumb destroyers.. I hope the cope it hard during the collapse.
David Fisher
If you mean by interest.. Act equally show love towards the opposite gender without acting like an entitled cunt.. Than i would change a little.. But id never let a person shorter, slower, dumber, weaker TELL ME WHAT TO DO..
Its like women letting midgets boss them aroumd and take their rights away its not happening.. Pussy only feels so good for so long from a single female.. Theyre using artificial scarcity to improve theyre value through fiat.. Theyre a bunch of scammers looking for a secondary daddy to pay for their make up and vacations
Only white pseudo masochist would ever let an entire empire crumble so Stacey can wear spanx
Kayden Edwards
"self improvement is masturbation"
William Morgan
This is what women should look like after you've fucked them. Cowering in fetal position in her corner, crying like a little bitch and realizing how utterly powerless and useless she is as a female and probably too damaged physically to even walk or speak.
The man on the other hand is standing straight and facing the other direction, looking like he's about to leave and attend to more important business than fucking dealing with stupid cunts who have just been raped, because his interaction with her has helped him clear his mind of any hormone induced tricks that may have fooled him into viewing her as human and emboldened him into realizing the utter worthlessness of the female gender as a whole. Rape is the only way for men to become entirely rational and actually valuable to society because it is the only way to fully exhaust their urges in the most efficient and thorough fashion.
This should be the main and only purpose of sex: to humiliate women into a state of pure incapacitation and energize men to be more productive and happier in their lives.
It's about fear. Women have higher levels of anxiety, constantly. It's biologically built in. Fear requires control to assuage it. If you have control then you don't have to fear. Right? They always need more control, more safety to salve their fears. Except the source of the anxiety is internal, biological so it never goes away. Ever. If you give someone who fears, power, they will crush you to nothing to stop the fear. It can never be enough.
Jeremiah Robinson
>if you were a 8/10 chicks would want you Believe me, even though I dont see the point in an ad hom argument I am above average in looks, and I am fit, have a six pack
even then, why should only good looking guys have loyal women? women can just put on makeup and go from a 3 to an 8, should only a slight portion of the population be able to have a mother and a father? I dont understand your argument.
Gavin Gutierrez
TBF should we give rights to male feminists tho?
Adam Cox
You just admitted you would get bored of fucking the same girl so why are you trad larping. Sorry you weren't born a 17th century prince with an entire harem to breed, blame the Jews or smth
Henry King
There's plenty they could achieve legislatively once you look past the nonsensical "equality" sales pitch they make. They could easily just make a naked play for unequal power dynamics, which they've already started.
The endgame of feminism will be to use the state's monopoly on force to subdue and enslave men. They want eunuch labor drones and they'll get it.
Asher White
as I said weak men are clearly a problem, but I dont think that is the core of the issue, but yes, men that support feminism are cucks and do not deserve rights, they are equally as responible as women.
Connor Roberts
Real Mongol blood flows through your veins leaf (and maple syrup of course)
Jonathan Hughes
>will improve
Not it won’t, our society will collapse long before any biological Improvements
Nathan Lee
this Christianity got its understanding of men and women perfectly right.
Lucas Phillips
He’s a communist this feeds his interest in collapsing the west
He imagines his communist utopia will rise from the ashes
Easton Campbell
Then you have mental problems
Oliver Butler
We don't live in primitive times anymore. We live in accelerated times where even third world and Islamic countries are going through progressive reforms. All these predictions assume the rest of the world will stay static. Put the crystal ball away and hope AI will replace us all.
Josiah Wilson
my fucking teacher said women are the real victims of war because they lose their husbands In reality they are looking for another naive nigger
Jack Russell
No lol. but all the fascist larpers think that they'll get top positions in their new larpy 4th Reich after the collapse and get all the qt wheatfield girls they deserve when in reality they would get cucked by the same alphas and Chads they do now only this time there won't be laws to protect them
Andrew Turner
Jeremiah Richardson
>They want eunuch labor drones and they'll get it.
Oh I know, point is Feminism as it is right now is "stalled", in order to go any further from here on out they'll have to actually try becoming a repressive communist state.
Which isn't going to happen ever since these engineered waves of feminism we're under would then backfire on those funding and promoting it.
Look up the Wiemar Republic. We live in similar conditions but with much more material prosperity. It will be a long time before anything happens. Things will change eventually.
Luis Lewis
Advanced AI like you imagine us centuries off
Human nature fundementally hasn’t changed in thousands of years the control of human sexuality and the formation to families is the foundation of civilized society
Anything less and we begin to revert to pre-civilization tribal behavior as is evident alll over the west.
We are collapsing. Right now it’s simply ideologically but eventually you will see the actual society begin to fall apart physically
Parker Parker
We will get nothing but tyranny
Communism doesn’t work and will never exist it does not function with human nature
Blake Morales
Based leaf post for once
Levi Mitchell
im not a communist. more like darwinist
Cameron Hughes
Comparing modern times to the Weimer Republic on a 1:1 scale is silly, especially when white people are on the cusp of becoming a minority in Western countries and many of them would stand against you all in solidarity with non-whites. That and the Third Reich was a brief fart in the wind and Germany is now worse of because of it.
Kayden Sullivan
Lol what a bunch of virgins. Women are more successful than men on average.
Isaiah Gomez
t. Ahmed
Levi Jenkins
>but what can realistically be done about this?
Take away their right to vote immediately and make them property of their husbands.
Modern (((Feminism))) for the past 150 years must be completely DESTROYED.
>This should be the main and only purpose of sex: to humiliate women into a state of pure incapacitation and energize men to be more productive and happier in their lives. wew lad, nailed it
found the incel
Jason Wilson
only because men put women up on a pedestal and give them special treatment you fucktard.
Mason Bennett
mummy should have aborted you
Grayson Bennett
>Comparing modern times to the Weimer Republic on a 1:1 scale is silly Hrrrddrrrrrr history doesnt repeat it (((echoossssss))) that point he was making isn't a 1:1 comparison you dipshit, its that degeneracy leads to outrage leads to clean up crews
Kayden Ross
this is hilerious. white men are so weak they actually allow woman to crush them. how about grow some balls and take back control? if a woman speaks out of place, break her lip.
If you want to be more "high IQ and civilized", then make a forced Draft for breeding. white people died in wars , litrually took a bullet. now it should be time for your woman to "take a bullet" and be force impregnated.
Jace Gray
Nice projection there Mohammed. Lay off the cooke dough ice cream and volunteer at a soup kitchen instead of torturing puppies.
Michael Cook
>Comparing modern times to the Weimer Republic on a 1:1 scale is silly, especially when white people are on the cusp of becoming a minority in Western countries and many of them would stand against you all in solidarity with non-whites. I mentioned the reason for self-hating whites and that is too much material prosperity. Life is still too good in the U.S. and elsewhere for a real confrontation of a white minority population as a problem. I give it 30 years for europe and closer to 50 years for the U.S. before white people start getting truly upset.
Caleb Lee
Most successful subversion from jews.
Benjamin Hernandez
nah just some incel. these guys are mostly pussy cats if they got a nice Stacey that liked them for them they would leave this site forever
I don't see what the big deal is about rape. It's just a dick in your hole for a few minutes. It's nowhere near as bad as murder, cancer, or getting flirty eyes from a fat chick. And really, women can't be raped since the vagina is designed to accommodate cock. Only men can be raped. If a woman is penetrated anally against her will, she's just experiencing male rape, which is an excellent learning experience for her, to discover the struggles that men go through. For women, rape isn't a big deal. It's just typical female exaggeration to get attention. They all fantasize about rape so they actually enjoy it. They just want to trade in their "victim" status for clothing and jewelry and don't want to give sex away for free. Really, the only punishment for rape should be to pay the equivalent of the going rate for whatever sex act was performed with a local prostitute of equivalent attractiveness. Since it's the same punishment, why would anyone rape a Feminist instead of a beautiful woman? Those fat ugly feminists that scream the loudest that "no means NO," are actually hoping to limit the amount of sex the genetically gifted attractive women get. And, in so doing, hoping that some hapless male starving for sex will find himself scraping the very, very bottom of the barrel where the fat and ugly feminist will finally have the chance to scream, "YES, FUCK ME HARD." Hey fat ugly feminists, it isn't going to work. You only really have one option. Lose the weight, learn how to use make up, and get an overhaul of your personality. In some cases you may need extensive plastic surgery to have any hope of getting my cock rammed into your ass. In some extreme cases, it is entirely hopeless and you should just give up. If you are this last case, try having sex with animals if you find you can approach them without scaring them away.
modern women are moving more and more towards being fnc whores.
Why? that's what they evolved from, so that's their most natural state. Expect prostitution to continue to grow given that the state will throw any male that tries to control them otherwise in jail.
Men would deviate towards being rapists if they were so protected. That probably explains the huge muslim rape epidemic in Europe. Protected class deviates to their evolved state.
Matthew Barnes
My woman prefers to be out of control, I've been told it makes her wet that she knows I'm making decisions about peoples lives all day.
Angel Bell
I think the fear is that it will end up being murder or you will get a horrific disease. Which at this point most of the worst ones we can deal with. Herpes, HIV, Chlam/Gon, Syph we have treatments for all of those that either eliminate or turn them into a single pill a day situation. At this point HPV is the only one we cant put into remission. I dont really see the issue either.
Logan Morales
You seem very unstable and angry. I hope one day you stop taking the internet so personally and find peace in your heart.
William Wood
This Based leaf
Adam Jenkins
Well, if diseases were spread, you can punish the offender.
The sad thing is that will affect women in the future. I wish someone pulled up statistics on how many young women know are engaged in sex work including porn and camming because it seems like it is increasing.
my nephew (19) was telling me he knows chicks from high school who started camming and selling porn as soon as they were 18. Not one girl. Multiple girls. If Kim Kardashian can become a celebrity off a sex tape then there is no social stigma.
Jose Turner
Because not being violent beasts is part of what civilization is
We still think that we can reason back to normalcy, over time it will become more apparent that we can’t. Some men will never realize it and will perish in the coming storm
Jordan Wright
They shouldn't your a cuck if you let them
Isaac Thompson
We get it ahmed. You've finally landed in Germany and you want to violently restrain the white women that flee and struggle in terror. You don't need to try to convince yourself on Japanese figurine enthusiast board.
Leo Long
40-50 years from now the USA will decend into unending civil war like the Roman republic did
We are on a very similar timeline
Jacob Myers
Imagine if the state supported and protected men in their most base sexual urges. The country would collapse in violence overnight
Dominic White
Ok, thanks for your consent to my rape plans. Tell me, who is this "ahmed" guy you talk about.
>hey guys by the way I have a wife and make six figures and am a highly esteemed individual, even though I type like a boorish teenager who just found his way here from Twitter, so please take me seriously Women lie like this on the internet when they want to be taken seriously. Sad.