What exactly is capitalism and how do we stop it?

What exactly is capitalism and how do we stop it?

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capitalism is a blonde waif in a bathing suit and barn boots... says attractive and yet, also "don't fuck with me".

Go ahead and shoot rich people. After all, there's no such thing as a unique person, right?

That’s thicc free market libertarian socialism

Not capitalism

Stop buying shit from corporations and buy everything you need straight from farmers or street vendors

Funny how capitalism needs a plan to be devised
to bring it down whereas communism simply
needs to run its course before it crashes again

Still not bored yet?

fucking whore

free markets and central planning as designed and successfully implemented by national socialists, in which they brought their economy out of a depression in just 5 years with virtually zero unemployment.

Source: the economy of destruction

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>farmers or street vendors
there are none you retarded nigger

buy from local vendors and farms. You can't say there are none, when there are thousands. You just don't look.

Damn, she's built like a brick shithouse

>how do we stop it?
why do we stop it?

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>polite sage for double posting
and by local, I mean ANYTHING that isn't a chain

>free market

~ One of these things is not like the others ~ !
~ One of these things does not belong ~ !

A beautiful brick shithouse. Waifu material right there lad.

isn't capitalism a step toward communism? you need capitalism to build a strong wealthy country before it can become communist or something.

>can’t define capitalism
>let’s get rid of it anyway!

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we need a way to keep these jews in check and to take care of our own population without billionaires extorting and taking advantage of it's wagie workforce. That's where central planning should come into play. We allow billionaires to exist, as anyone who runs a lucrative business should be able to reap the benefits that come aalong with it. That's where free market comes into play. We allow them to intermingle but not at the expense of the population.

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>its libertarianism
equality is a false god

It's the economic system that allows you to reach a high enough level on the Maslow pyramid that you can actually afford to waste your useless life on the internet with moronic questions.

>it’s libertarianism

False. Socialism is a centrally planned doctrine. Capitalism and libertarianism aren’t.

Remember kids, words have meanings, and commies lie. Socialism and capitalism are mutually exclusive.

>tfw she will never crush your head in between her thighs

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Capitalism is the concept of collecting more money for a product or service is worth in order to use the extra money for the expanding the business, or investing in other businesses.
The only way to stop it is to have the government be the only ones allowed to make profit and invest, such as in socialism.
Why you would want to slow progress and development is beyond me though

untrue, medieval peasants had the same amount of leisurely time as we do today. they were under monarchy at the time and were highly restricting (((merchants))) because they were using capitalism in an attempt to overthrow the rule of the land

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They didn't have the same amount of leisure time daily, rather when averaged.
Because during the winter, they couldn't do much actual work
Also, that doesn't consider that their "leisure" time was spent mostly working on things like tools, clothes, food, etc.

>socialism and capitalism are mutually exclusive
you're right. Captialism and marxism are two sides of the same coin.
remember, you think you're fighting commies when people come out as socialist, and you'd be fair to assume that since commies falsely claim socialism as their own doctrine but that is false. Marxism is the exact opposite of socialism.

read economy of destruction and several books on fascism to get a grasp on what socialism is.

otherwise you just sound like a retarded boomer

If you don't know what it is, how do you know you want to stop it?

most of their leisurely time was spent on afternoon naps.

on average, the medieval peasant had 150 days where they didn't work. Today, your average 40hr/week wagie has about 176. 20 days between a thousand years isn't much.

She somehow awakens a filthy degenerate in me

Must be the thighs

"Marx said that the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat lies between capitalism and communism. The more the proletariat presses the bourgeoisie, the more furiously they will resist. We know what vengeance was wreaked on the workers in France in 1848. And when people charge us with harshness we wonder how they can forget the rudiments of Marxism." - Vladimir Lenin

>le capitalism is bad
why exactly?

Because noone wants to give you free shit

Free market does not work with socialism
Capitalism is centered around free markets

terrible system indeed

you jew with fake flag

Peasants also had significantly shorter healthy lifespans, died of preventable disease, had no property rights and essentially in bound servitude their entire lives.

Remember that feudalist farms were more like communist farms and less like capitalist farms.

Remember that the first Thanksgiving in America was to thank God for a plentiful harvest after they embraced private property and capitalism (the Pilgrims were funded by Thomas Weston whose contract stated that all property be held in common and all profits be sent to him for seven years. It was essentially a communist colony.)

Remember that capitalism produced all of the technology that made modern farming possible.

Remember that despite this technology existing, tens of millions of citizens in the USSR, and millions more in Communist China, starved because they couldn’t produce food. They weren’t starving before communism.

Feudalism / Monarchism are centrally planned like Communism and Socialism.

Ok, since you’re enlightened, define in clear terms what socialism and fascism are.


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She is ugly you mong.

you start by killing all commies


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Don’t worry, she will lose weight after the revolution

Which part of capitalism do you hate? The one with voluntary transactions or the one with property rights?

We can stop capitalism and communism by establishing a fascist state

Capitalism is an ideology that allows you to live a comfortable life while shilling for an ideology that doesn't.

>What exactly is capitalism and how do we stop it?

If you don't even know what it is, how do you know you want to stop it?

Please KYS

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Remember capitalism was a term invented by Karl Marx

Remember jews use capitalism to exploit a host population

Remember that America suffered in the great depression while National Socialist Germany lifted itself out of poverty within 5 years and virtually zero unemployment

Remember that the pilgrims needed filthy native americans to survive(what was roanoke?)

Remember that without capitalism there were still advancements in technology

Remember that modern medicine was founded on a brief accident with mold and not because of capitalism and before that the church and wealthy monarchies funded the anatomy of the human body from which we derived several advanced forms of medicine we still practice today

Reminder that capitalism is a jewish invention meant to enslave a complicit workforce

what is cyberpunk?

that's a man

Stfu commie fag, your just too lazy to make a million dollars, so you demand they subsidize your lame life.

This man gets it . Shed produce strong kids and could pull her weight

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Feudalism is about treating a country as your own profit producing enterprise.
Commie/Capitalist countries are all about taxing an unprecedented mass of people to inflate administration.

I mean you don't really know the difference between "your" and "you're" so I don't really expect you to understand the differences between communism and socialism. You just continue doing what the (((media))) tells you, it's okay

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Capitalism is the motion of making a proces profitable enought to not only sustain the process but to have an excess of what said process is producing.
Every process will be tainted with capitalism this is inevitable. Processes that ain't tainted by this modus will fail by either outcompetion or inability to keep the process running due lack of profit.
>We can only accelerate the process

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lazy OC

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Capitalism is not the problem. Corporatism over family owned bussiness is.

Aww, a cute gammer nazi, makes your arguments glow with intellect.

>can't draw a straight line
big oof

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>what is capitalism
Lmao GTFO nigger

It's completely valid. If you don't adhere to what you're being taught in school, or what you were taught in school, then you don't grasp the intellect required for other people to teach you things outside of school. Math is completely understandable as it's a thinking skill that must be honed. Science is a little less understandable, but proper English(as an American) is just so basic that to fumble around with it shows your inferiority.

Your mom should've swallowed you.

Pure capitalism is what inevitably happens when the initiation of violence, theft and fraud is being seen as immoral by society, and therefore kept at a minimum.

What is left when those three things are "prohibited"? Voluntary actions only.

Why that is bad and why anyone would want to stop that is anyones guess.

To answer the OP though, you stop capitalism completely you obviously have to do just the opposite of the three principles I mentioned, better yet, if you manage to institutionalize it and enforce the skciety not only to endure it, but participate, then capitalism becomes impossible.

So in one thing communism was a success, these societies do just that.

You ask what capitalism is indicating you don't know, yet you want to stop it. If you learn what it is an compare it to the alternatives, you won't want to stop it.

You're like a child that is refusing to try a new item on his dinner plate.

Leftist shithead.

Lol, fucking up my gammer while shitposting on Jow Forums, does not inhibit my ability to "grasp intellect". Settle down batman.


who is girl ?

>What exactly is capitalism
a voluntary exchange
let me ask you a question, can you look at my pic and tell me what communism is?

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Capitalism is just the observation and theoretical treaty of how a market works. By a person exchanging their time, labor, or material there is a recognized market exchange of value.

>How do we stop it
Cannot because their will always be a market of goods and services whether sanctioned or black.

It's simple. Regulations. Why anyone would want to do this is beyond me tho.

I take back what I said and emphasize this much better post.

Buy my ebook. It’ll tell you all about it. Www.YoureAcommieFag.cum.

Orwell would be a classic, relatively recent example of a libertarian socialist.

The idea is that libertarian socialism wouldn't involve extensive state planning. Basically it's a commune with equal input from all members ("it takes a village to raise a barn"), bartering, like the type of system early pioneer communities enjoyed before central banks, standardized currency, and a runaway fed that told them there were things they weren't allowed to vote on anymore.

As far as communism and free market go, Lenin permitted independent entrepreneurs to own shops and practice their trade. He recognized that tailors and people selling fish they caught weren't evil capitalists. Stalin changed this.

In truth, capitalism and corporatism today are incompatible with true libertarianism and free market as much as state communism is. Musk is only an exception, most of them despise you and want you stripped of rights for the sake of a neoliberal dystopia, where you are kept too fractured over faux-progression (like fag/tranny rights or female representations in bourgeoisie media) to effectively organize toward a goal that matters.
And of course, as anyone from Plato to Spengler predicted, democracies consistently trend toward consolidating power in the hands of an oligarchy. A TRUE libertarian paradise almost has to be socialist, in the sense that oligarchies and ruling classes are kept away, as they always remove freedom from others in attempt to prevent you from competing for power.