Friendly reminder that this becomes inevitable when you give women "sexual liberation...

Friendly reminder that this becomes inevitable when you give women "sexual liberation." Sexual liberation will always result in infanticide.

They are literally telling you that women aren't equipped to handle the responsibilities that come with sex. As in, proper mate selection, learning how to be responsible with one's body, to not have sex unless you want children. That women will literally MURDER their unwanted children if you restrict their ability to not remove them from the equation before they are born.

This is unrestrained female nature. They are genocidal, evil, they will kill children if necessary, if it means being able to continue to fulfil their insatiable appetite for instant gratification.

That is all it comes down to.

>if you don't allow us to have abortions
>we will kill your children, our children
>so that we can continue to have unlimited amounts of sex responsibility free

The only solution is to repeal women's rights and criminalise abortion.

Attached: Screenshot (1303).png (477x182, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:

After I saw Alyssa Milano do that #SexStrike thing, which was basically a typically retarded way of her finally saying "I am finally going to stop being a fucking whore and semen repository and stop fucking every man on the street" I finally became pro-life.

I finally realized that this is truly the ONLY way that we are going to get women to understand that they can't just run around being fucking whores.

Consequences is the only language that women understand, unfortunately. They don't respond to reason, you can't "explain" anything to them because they just see it as "mansplaining".

Only consequences. That is the only language women understand. I hate that about them, and I don't want this to sound too mean, but it's just genuinely the reality.

Attached: alyssa milano sex strike.jpg (306x507, 35K)

Even the conservative and right wing ones are impossible to listen to because it’s all just the same emotional rants as the left. Let the men run things as nature ordered.


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Smother a baby or throw it in the trash, get strapped to a lethal injectionm gurney. And I don't care in the slightest if some roastie kills herself by piercing her internal organs with a wire hanger. Good. I'd help her do it if I could.

women denying men their holes is the ONLY power they have over men. if men suddenly stopped giving women all privileges they gain from men and started saying, we don't want your pussy, we want families, and we want you to stop killing unwanted kids. women would soon fall in line to retain their standard of living and the privileges men provide them with.

the only reason these cunts are saying "well u won't get any pussy then" is because they know it fucking works with most men because most men are cucked little pussy worshippers without even a fucking ounce of self-respect.

the fucking irony is however that the more women refuse men sex the less children die. so men as a whole need to speak out against abortion and push women to deny them sex more and more until eventually we call the shots.

all this is, is a gigantic shit test. "everything in the world is about sex, except sex, sex is about power" - oscar wilde - women's power is between their legs. men's power is in their hands and in their wallets. if women deny men sex and men say ok, if I don't get sex, and you still want to kill kids, you don't get what's in my wallet, and you certainly don't get any actual physical utility out of me, you're on your own. and men win. we always have the upper hand when we're not slaves to pussy.

I'm openly speaking out against promiscuity now on Facebook and you know what? women are starting to agree with me because I'm going at it from the perspective of "promiscuity takes the most valuable resource, pussy, and cheapens it across the board so it's easily accessible with minimal investment, making women go from the most valuable to a continually depreciating asset.

>try to kill your kid

Who cares? Kill all the newborns. Less retards runnning around is a good thing.

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>What we could have done to stop it
Wow the fucking nerve of the turbocunts. When women take some responsibility? Fuck me just gas them already

there's no such thing as left wing or conservative women. there's just women. there's a reason they're known as the vaginal jew. they may appear to be on different sides of the political spectrum but in reality they have the same agenda. they want to increase their opportunities and potentiality for safety, security and provision. women on the right are still leftists are heart because they still believe in the redistribution of wealth, only, that redistribution doesn't have a middle man, it's directly from husband to wife instead of from a strange man through government to strange woman. women are apolitical, it's not about politics for them it's all about securing resources.

good bong, very true

dont get black pilled user
i hate people just as much as you do trust me but those babies are literally innocent, its the one thing in this world that literally did nothing wrong

they could all grow up to be hitler youth and they could all grow up to be sjw they are literally pure innocence

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"The Woman Question" Is the final redpill. Without first restricting the females role in society, nothing can be changed because they're diametrically opposed to men's best interests.

hypergamy unrestrained destroys civilisation and opens it up to foreign interference. for women have no issues with allowing in men of enemy nations or cultures because that benefits them due to giving them more option and opportunities. it doesn't benefit men however because men know that these rival men will undermine them in their own homes if given the chance. women are natural traitors. they will always betray their own men if they think they've found a more suitable mate, a mate of higher status. even if that mate of higher status wants to destroy the civilisation men have built for those very women in question.

lol if a bitch was so heartless she used any of those things she deserves to die so who cares

Yep, I think this is one we can all agree on aside from the cucks that think women should have an equal role on society. The question now is, where do we go from here to start implementing this? Or do we just ride it out?

bro it's bigger than that. go on the post itself and read the comments. look at the react ratio and the sort of comments men and women are making. men are calling women out for being down for murdering children and women are attacking men calling them incels, oppressors, saying "my body my choice" all that bullshit.

women are literally telling men out in the fucking open that THEY as a group have agreed it is ok to kill children if it means they get to fuck multiple men with no repercussions, no unwanted responsibiltiies.


we redpill men. we keep redpilling men. we call women out none stop, constantly, brutally, idgaf what the social consequences are we have a responsibility to especially now that they as a fucking GROUP are defending murdering children AFTER birth and trying to pin the blame of that murder on men who voted in legislation. THAT IS PURE EVIL. I am fucking raging.

Oh i understand this might be very enlightening for some people on there, but as far to her comment as we need to worry about women who kill their child because they might be in danger, those women can get fucked.

>watch your sisters, cousins, aunts fall dead because you voted their bodies rights away.

1. my family is not filled with whores who fucks any guy they can.
2. the baby growing inside of your is not "your body."
3. you have no right to murder someone.

I guess that's why Ireland's economy was so relatively strong until 2018, the "skyrocketing" "wire-hanger" and "bicycle spoke" "market". You could barely walk for dead women.

>Don't prevent us from killing babies, or we'll kill them even more brutally.
The morality of womyn.

What the fuck did our ancestors think when they gave women the right to vote

>no women’s vote
>no welfare
>no no fault divorce
>no declining birthrates
>no support for mass migration

Etc etc. how could they have been so blind?

Kikes bring that shit to the table, lets not pretend women come up with their own ideas now.

>"our" ancestors.
>implying it was not the jews.

saying "it was the jews" is not even a meme anymore because it practically always is.

Female liberation = savagery

There is no way around it, the only societies with matriarchal leadership or non monogamous marriage traditions are tribal groups

It’s critical for advancement to control human sexuality (primarily female sexuality)

I see the issue like this.

weak men give rise to kike subversion.
kike subversion gives rise to female subversion.
female subversion gives rise to weak men.
weak men open civilisation up to more of the same thing until eventually it collapses.

Remind that the woman behind the woman vote was a communist so degenerate even marx kicked her from the first Internationale.

She wanted to put migrants and homosexual in the communist party marx tell her to gtfo with her shit.

>You could barely walk for dead women.

There is no example in history of this being fixed without the outright destruction or near destruction of the society

The best example would be the Roman republic but it suffered through 100 years of civil war and collapse before the empire reigned in peoples liberty

Non Jews still had to fall for and vote for the propoganda tho

Also the major Jewish migration to the USA didn’t happen until 1945

>sex requires 2 sexes
>only one of them is to blame for unsafe sex

k, beta cucks too afraid to tell alphas to keep it in their pants, so they have to tell women instead

>degenerate women die
who would care?

>let us kill our babies or we will kill them behind your back.

the morality of women proves they should have no major role in society.

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every society in the world practiced infanticide because it was effective in maintaining a body of people that were not net drains. You telling me you'd raise a retard kid or a downie, OP? what's the point?

Google “feminism per religion”, that’s the final redpill

>"promiscuity takes the most valuable resource, pussy, and cheapens it across the board so it's easily accessible with minimal investment, making women go from the most valuable to a continually depreciating asset.
So true. They shot themselves in the foot and are depressed and miserable for the most part. The only happy women I know are married conservatives.

Cya nerds

How about using condoms?


Any ideas on the implementation of the removal of women's rights? Where does it stop? Maybe, destroying a certain group's rights, instead of ALL unqualified people not being able to vote.

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That’s not the point of abortion and you know that it’s vastly used as birth control.
Separating sex from its natural consequences turned the whole society upside down. Birth control (hormonal, at least) should be outlawed and women should be chaste again.

That’s not the issue the issue is usuing abortion as a contraception

Women aren’t aborting downiest they are just aborting kids in general

Quads. Holy shit.

One of those babies could be the next Hitler... You wouldn't abort Hitler, would you user?


All whores in my family(my half sister) have been cut off and I do not talk to them at all.

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Fuck at this point I’d give up my vote if it meant women couldn’t vote either

For an Israeli you speak a lot of truth

We should go back to how it was when only land owners could vote.

logos is masculine. it's the principle of divine order and order as a principle is masculine by nature. it's why god is a male, why jesus is male. because the imposition of rules, regulations, laws, even laws like gravity or entropy or whatever is a masculine concept because it's a penetrative, restrictive force as opposed to chaos, its opposite which is feminine and the source of all potential, all creativity. this is why it's always the feminine that is used to create revolutions, the revolutionary spirit itself is feminine because it's raw creativity, usually without a specific focus which is why it's so violent and chaotic.

you need masculinity to refine femininity or it creates chaos, this is true on every single level of the macrocosm and microcosm in relation to these principles.

so yeah, the savagery is a result of the chaotic nature of unrelenting femininity becuase femininity is the sexual level of the principle of chaos, or raw potential.

The Iroquois were a matriarchy but they still had an incredibly stable system. They are the exception, however.

So then just boomers would vote. Great, just what we need, more neocons.

>Stone Age tribal society that hardly had technology and minimal agriculture

Thanks for backing up my point

Checked and based

At least neocons aren’t supporting Trang kids and mass migration

women have no sense of morality user, they are natural moral relativists.

>a fucking leaf

condoms are degenerate.

literally the only solution is to redpill men and create a strong population of adult men. no solution will be implemented at all unless most if not all men are on board with it. the strong must BTFO the weak, including cuck beta male orbiter faggot pussy worshippers and whores and child killers. that's my goal. redpill as many men as possible, maybe get some women on board as I go which I seem to have done a little bit already. maybe if we hit critical mass, IF, we do, we can force changes. but it's gonna take the threat of violence because this is too engrained within the state itself to be resolved purely through political discussion via representatives.

The Iroquois were only savage if you consider all ancient people Savage. They had a parliamentary democracy before Britain, and in overall development they had one before the Greeks and Romans


The same people who tell you abortion is fine and a human right will also tell you that you should stop eating meat because killing animals for food is evil and you have no right. Apparently animals are more deserving of rights than unborn children.

Barely 100 years ago, every home garden had birth control and miscarriage inducing herbs that women would use in the hopes of terminating an unwanted pregnancy.

They weren't perfectly reliable, but they were the best they had.

Today, women have access to more reliable methods of contraception than ever before, as well as highly effecting miscarriage inducing medicines for early term abortions.

And these cunts are now telling us they're so out of touch, so uneducated, so unreliable that they'd rather NOT use any of those, and instead get pregnant, wait for months, and THEN abort?


If someone wrote a philosophical text on what it has always meant to be male and what it has always meant to be female, and it got popular, the redpill could start to be distributed.

Weak point, the feminists could refute it in some way and make you look dumb. "What if I want to consider having the child" comes to mind

I do they were Stone Age savages

>women are all whores
>i can't get laid though

welcome to Jow Forums redditors

So their answer to the question "At what point must you live with the consequences of your actions" is "Never".
And this regardless of having more options to avoid the consequences than ever before? Options that would make all women across history salivate with envy?

read the book. recommend it to others.

watch all of the videos below, recommend them to others. this knowledge has been public for a long time, it's just "occult" meaning you won't find it unless you look for it usually.

Attached: images.jpg (447x681, 27K)

Based and lehipilled

It's not Savage to use stone tools, it's not civilized to use Bronze tools. The Iroquois were an advanced and civilized people after they learned the error of their ways from the peacemaker.

Who said I can’t get laid?

>off by one

Kek easy to say when no one on Jow Forums will ever have children

Shut the fuck up idnian they were Stone Age peope

Oops didn't realize I was getting trolled for a second there

Imagine thinking pregnancy is like cancer and you wake up one day with a lump? Apparently no actual act is involved in pregnancy. No choices. No prevention. Just bam. One day. Immaculate conception. Abortion is the ultimate tool for cunts to use to avoid responsibility for their decisions. When we do cage them? I’m done with these retards.

Yeah harming babies is vile. Its so sad that merely protecting baby's rights have to political issue back then it was basic common sense.

What's happening is pretty obvious. When woman is not legally tied to one man by patriarchy and monogamy, she will always try to seek out better and better chad. And as soon she finds new one that she finds superior to current one - she will want to make place in her womb for his baby. It's almost infinite abortion loop that breaks only once woman is unable to become pregnant. Sexual liberation basically doomed our societies, there's no turning back now.

Right and removing abortion is committing ethnic genocide against yourself considering the fact that minorities are their biggest users. So instead of whites being a minority in 2050 expect around 2030.

screenshotted, thanks user.

>smothered babies
Already happens
>dumpster babies
Already happens
>Wire Hangers
Already happens and usually its niggers and spics doing it
>Watch the whores in your community drop like flies
Good, about time to cleanse the field of bitches that literally ruin men.

Shitty people shouldn't get to live, and this is justified suicide. Let them die because they can't help but be whores.

>parliament makes you civilized

fun thing when studying okinawan civilization. the turning point from very primitive tribes to less primitive fiefdoms (cannot advance too much on island chains) was the transition from matriarchy to patriarchy

Lets not forget theirs gonna be a massive increase of men paying child support because of this as well. Then again Jow Forums isn't intelligent enough to have foresight.

I wish I could pull Marx out of the lake of fire just long enough to show him the current state of the communist party

I think the lack of foresight is with you friend, the more men are shafted by the state the more men will redpill themselves about these subjects and if / when we reach critical mass we will change things.

you forget. men need to suffer to better themselves. all of this bullshit with men being shafted via family courts and what not is life telling us we need to be stronger and regain control of our own individual domains.

so I welcome any new influx of child support payments, I welcome the suffering, I welcome the hardship. it will forge new men through the fire.


Men will win
White men will always win
Even in death

This is one of the most reasonable and true posts on the nature of women I’ve seen:

You must be dumb, No politician wants to touch child support. All your advocating for is fucking over men for your own agenda if anything they will rally against you.

There won't be any left by 2100 if you fucking remove the things keeping minority populations down.

As I said, the Iroquois were the exception to the rule. The Iroquois matriarchy was actually a more stable and better system, and comparing them to Okinawans is not a good idea

Checked and agreed. That’s always my response to the wire hanger comment. Anyone psycho enough to shove metal into their womb trying to kill their child, deserves to bleed out in an alleyway.

again, you lack foresight. this is beyond politics. we're beyond looking to politicians. what I'm talking about is a forced change by men opting out and forcing women to reconsider their positions in society.

Bullshit this is beyond politics because it will take political action to fucking change it, you are actually dumb.

If what you said happened, women would try and hilariously fail to enslave all men.

Honestly abortion should be mandatory for anyone who makes less than 50k a year.

and what do the simps think?

no you're just misunderstanding what I'm saying, what I'm saying is we will never change things through voting or political changes made by campaigning or by depending on politicians. the changes must be grassroots by a mass change in male consciousness. something forced upon society by having it's workforce and main financier, men, opt out of things that simply do not benefit them and fuck them over. mostly things to do with women. the state may push back and introduce legislation to penalise such men as for historically speaking batchelor groups have always been attacked by state interests and women simultaneously as they threaten the power structure. but that will simply require a forceful pushback from men to resolve. this goes beyond politics mate, it's about survival.

That's why daddy always kept a shotgun.

The only men that want abortion are the simp basedboys


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On some shit ap>k, beta cucks too afraid to tell alphas to keep it in their pants, so they have to tell women instead
There is actually something to this. The history of civilization is one of betas getting together to kill chad if he touched their women. Modern betas are pussies and also not conspiratorial enough

based bong telling it how it is

This. I hate paying for LaQuandas and Maria’s fucking crotch fruits.