Well what say you? Can NeoCon Don just use American blood and treasure to fight another proxy war in Iran like we did in Iraq?
Question: Can Zion Don Declare War Without Congressional Approval?
The United States needs to crush its enemies. We're in an ideological war. Without US intervention the middle east would rise up and oppress every single American under Sharia law and religious authoritarianism.
George W Bush was a great president.
Hippies are damning the human race.
We should glass the middle east, china, iran and north korea.
We NOW live in a world in which so many of our enemies have nukes BECAUSE of the damn communist hippies.
>We NOW live in a world in which so many of our enemies have nukes BECAUSE of the damn communist hippies.
Thank God for this man, who did what had to be done even when it was unpopular. Because of him we live in a world with at least one less bad guy with nukes. He wanted to invade Iran and North Korea before they got nukes too. He called them the "Axis of Evil". He never got to accomplish that because of the damned hippies. We now live in a world where they are nuclear capable and serious threats to the US population BECAUSE of those hippies.
Saddam WOULD have nukes today if now for Bush. That is the reality of the Iraq war. Hundreds of tons of yellowcake uranium were removed from Iraq. He wasn't complying with sanctions or inspections from the UN. He already literally invaded one sovereign foreign country in the past. Everything about the dude was dangerous and horrible. We don't have to deal with his finger on the nuke button because of George W and neoconism.
That's the reality. While you sit and pretentiously bitch about "muh US military" you benefit and reap the rewards of safety it has provided you.
We never officially left war ever since 9/11. Trump (or should I say, Bolton), can bomb whatever he please, and it'll all be constitutional
Constitutionally no but, thanks to several decades of the house surrendering its authority, he has a lot of wiggle room as far as the military is concerned.
Israel will be a truely eternal kingdom and the end of Trump's reign.
oh look another "trump gets shit on for something he hasn't done" episode.
>for something he hasn't done
Then who's responsible for hiring Bolton, faggot?
No, we need only stop allowing them in. These are wars for Israel.
He's going to attack user... You don't move 120,000 troops across a vast ocean, you don't pull your people out of embassies in surrounding areas for no reason.....
You left out Israel, funny that.
there will be no war. sorry to disappoint you tards.
What's going on is far more serious than sabar rattling.
Bush already established that you could.
Then why did George W. Bush prop up the Zionist Entity if he cares about freedom?
Why do you imagine congress won't approve it?
as soon as they started evacuating oil field workers in Iraq this stopped being a drill
Complete and total fabrication put out by Bush and Co to justify his warmongering. And retards like you keep regurgitating it after 10+ years of debunking.
The far left has taken over Congress. The last thing they will do is give ZionDon his war, less the lose their base.
No one can declare war but the congress. The war powers act gives the president 90 days of executive autbority to direct the military without congressional approval. After the 90 days the president requires the congress to authorize further action and to fund it.
The war powers act, however, is a blatant violation of the constitution, and the separation of powers.
Of course he can. Obama had more wars than Bush and half of them didn't get any approval.
I think the President is right...
In fact, they are a serious threat, and I think the President has gone in the right direction....
... Iran cannot exist forever! So the people should understand the threat to us! The only real path from here is to make sure our allies like the U.S. have our best interest and our country is protected. I think the President has a track record in that. The U.S. has to protect its allies. It's what we will do, by using diplomacy, pressure, or ANY MEANS NESSECARY – all we have to do is speak our truth and get the best outcome that we can. Our people have to understand that. We have to be honest and just, because the people of Israel and Israel's friends in the region are in despair.
for the retards: The President of the USA cannot declare war to any country, but he is the leader of the Armed Forces. The only who have Constitutional Power to declare war to a foreign country is Congress, and they must reach to majority vote to be conducted. However, what the President can do since the PATRIOT ACT is to use his executive power to mobilize and validate the use of force troops, this includes occupation of foreign land, and it needs to be renewed every 3 months.