Found dead and mutilated near a dumpster

>found dead and mutilated near a dumpster
>killed, raped, dismembered by her teacher
>her father cucked out and forgave the teacher
I want out of clown world

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I think these fathers that cuck have been paid off in order to not start a literal boots on the ground revolution. Seriously when that fuck in Iowa starting going on and on about Mexican cuisine (which is beans, guac, cheese and sour cream) I knew he had been paid to make those comments

Kike on a stick is a hell of a drug

This, (((liberal humanism))) derived from (((christianity)))

Also, link??


post a fucking article you piece of fucking shit. Her teacher probably did it because she didn't post source like op and was an absolute gay lord.

I'm sorry leaf I'm too jewish to google things.

Both actual Muslims

Daily reminder

Attached: Judaismus_Grafik.jpg (558x496, 110K)

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Kike shills.

How can we compete?

this isnt a real person, it was generated by an algorithm. op is a fucking massive retarded faggot

Looks like one of those AI generated faces, give us a link fag.

If not this is some fucking deepfake hive mind shit, digging for god knows what.

Literall Nigger shil

Oh shit you’re right. Look at the bottom right corner.

Nah, they are products of the White and West Self Hating Generation also called the Baby Boom Generation. In the minds of such people:

1. Whites are the cause of all the evil in the world. Without whites existing, the poor, pitiful, innocent, sweet, hard working, spicy food making, Darkies would have rebuilt the garden of Eden and the whole world would be eternal paradise.

2. Any white person who questions number 1 is a NaziWhoWantsToKill6millionJews!

These Self Hating Cucks are so brainwashed that they would kneel and humbly accept execution for the original sin of being born white if a Darkie so much as asked them to at gun point.

Was the teacher a nigger or a kike?

Who's standing up to the muslims in Sri Lanka right now, Christians or Buddhists? Who's turning the other cheek?

Phony father.

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Sammy Davis jr

This thread is a bot playground

That is not a real person in the thumbnail
You can’t fool me

Are people on Jow Forums this dumb?

If my wife or kids end up in some similar fate someday, I'll "forgive" the guy publicly too. He'll disappear within the year though.


Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

>no link

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She was cute too. I'm tired of all these qts dying in the name of (((diversity))).