WTF does this mean, Jow Forums?

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it means trump will hire 3 more border agents

More Chinks and Pajeets, fewer nigs and goblinos

It means we will begin hearing that merit based admissions are racist

Holy shit he's actually doing it

Annex us please

I can deal with the pajeets and chinks

>this is what Trump campaigned on
Merit based immigration. No poors or degenerates

It’s what we need

The primary cause of our demographic decline is prioritizing unskilled labor from south of the border

We should be prioritizing Europeans and East Asians with high intelligence and skill

more poos probably.
it should mean every afrikaner, more ethnic europeans, and fewer shitskins of any variety.


you realize this is like canada's current immigration policy, right?

They're gonna take the higher educated jobs on one side while the niggers and spics that are already here take the simpler jobs.

1.1 million shitskins still coming in every single year

absolutely terrible, whitepillers fuck off


There are a trillion workarounds.

Ok, but what about the 60 gorillion third world illegals in the country already?

it means full-on China mode.

Stop undermining everything you stupid cunts

Don’t let the perfect be an enemy of the good

It means actual Japanese running Japanese restaurants instead of Koreans or Chinese

That's good and all, but it won't mean shit until the border is secure. People that are across the ocean isn't the big problem we are having with immigrants. It's the people south of our border just walking in.

> (You)
you want every city to look like vancouver? this bill trump is proposing makes every U.S. city vancouver, only with more pajeets

No, it means more of all the above, regardless of what they say.

There is nothing good that comes from this at all

Pretty much if your smart and will actually contribute to society, you're in. If you're a Somali, Abbo, or some retard (like 99% of these people or a criminal) then you can drown in the Atlantic.

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Ive learned this immigration plan is coming from Kushner.

I've also learned to never trust a jew.

Will be unveiled but wont pass

>I can deal with the pajeets and chinks

But middle intelligence whites who will compete with them for the same jobs can't

Any immigration at all with automation incoming is pants on head retarded or part of a (((plan))).

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>merit based
unleash the anime faggot yellow fever weebs

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Yeah fuck it let’s just keep importing Browns

One can only hope (((Stephen Miller))) gets his reduction in numbers in too

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This is great news, if done carefully. Carelessly, you now have 3 million indian "doctors" coming in who dont know their head from their ass.

correct answer!

>The White House wants an immigration plan that can unite Republicans. It won't touch on so-called Dreamers or the undocumented immigrant population, which are important issues for Democrats. But even if the legislation goes nowhere in Congress, it'll give Trump something concrete to campaign on in 2020.

So in other words, its fucking nothing.

>canada's current immigration
yes we have "immigration policies". but "refugees"? naw, they all get to come in

immigration restrictionists always been a fringe minority of the MIGA movement.

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>treasonous congress refuses to do anything to fix the immigration issue

This is trumps fault


This bill would have the opposite effect. Canada's "official" immigration policy is to only admit merit-based, high-skilled people, but those people make up a little less than half of the ones who move into the country each year.

There's "asylum seekers" and "refugees" with a big fat slice of family reunion and the favorite, zero-skill "temporary" workers who then just live here forever and constantly drive down wages while keeping housing costs high and delivering the death blow to our broken joke of a healthcare system

Vancouver is a confluence of all sorts of horrible decisions, with the most corrosive being that Quebec will issue you a residence permit if you loan the Quebec government like $100,000. So rich Chinese do that and then immediately buy a nice legal house in Vancouver or Toronto

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Kushner will find a way to put loopholes in that allow companies to bring in whoever they like anyways.

I still believe Trump will allow in the targeted amount of shit skins to make white a minority. THEN they will build the wall.

to protect the poor niggers and spics.

>implying this bill is anything other than lip service
Americans, they never learn

I’m actually against this. I shouldn’t have to compete against the entire world for a fucking decent paying job

We'll get to that once the wall is finished.

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This is the first step to the ultimate plan of severely limiting restriction, hopefully to at or near ZERO.

>no immigration from severe problem Islamic countries
>zero tolerance for border crosses; all border crosses are now criminals
>military to border
>wall building begins with DOD funds
You Are Here, now we can begin to finally change the rules.
>mix of executive orders, push for legislative reform
>campaign 2020 starts to look bad for Dems, they negotiate for infrastructure/pork barrel tax funds with Trump and he gets the wall money.
>merit based immigration is popular; Dems can’t speak out; lose 2020 in landslide
>Ginsburg RIP
>Wall keeps going up
>economy keeps doing great
>GOP House 2022
>”comprehensive immigration reform” Trump style.
>only take the absolute smartest chinks and poos
>eventually none at all
>Communist Plans for America foiled.
>Rand 2024
>Muh libertarian doesn’t want to change the laws and 8 more years of greatness
>Americans look back at Trump’s famously tough immigration stance as the reason for the resurgence of our greatness and it becomes a core tenant of our psychology

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Good. We need more scientists, doctors and engineers.

Hopefully it means the abolishment of the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act .

Some worthless new plan that sounds good and keeps the /ptg/ nigs happy.
Meanwhile nothing will change so Trumpy can keep letting in cheap replacement labor to keep (((them))) happy and Dems will happily let in future voters.

It means more Indians and East Asians. Don't expect any restriction in the number of immigrants.

>We need more spanish speaking immigrants to deal with our increasingly spanish-speaking workforce

Trump said he's going to bring in more than ever before. The future of America will be Hapas and Goblins.

cry more you lazy fuck

Blue collar middle class has been decimated. Time to do the same to the white collar half.

size of a dong can be merit too

It means no shitty low skilled migrants getting into the country and abusing the system, you will need to have actual talent and something to offer.
Spoiler: it doesn't work, ask Australia.

Why the fuck would you even more eastern bugmen banding up and ousting you from high-income and high-status jobs using nepotism and outright syphoning money and knowledge to their home countries?
There's no saving the west until this retarded "we need good people of any race" stops.

It means nothing will happen, as usual. All bantz at this point

It means prepare for more Asians and Indian.

>it doesn't work, ask Australia.

Oh, it works perfectly fine, at least for the Chinese. One thing that gives me some hope with this is that with the China-trade conflict we're seeing a return to the "Yellow Peril" narrative, as much as they try to dress it up as combatting the regime.

He's literally copying our system, dumbfuck.

No point in throwing people out the front door if the side door is still open. Sequencing.

It’s better than niggers and spics

Becoming an underclass in our own country is worse than letting in cheap labor.

Maybe that gigantic asshole finally got the message: that we aren't going to re-elect him if he doesn't start getting the fuck rid of all the brown people. Fucking took him long enough.

Wait, no. Nevermind. This is just the public rollout of Kushner's cucked immigration plan.

Fuck Trump. America's still brown and he's not going to deport them. I had hope for all of 30 seconds.

Underrated post.
The main concern of the majority of people bitching about illegal immigration is national security in a post 9/11 world.

I mean c'mon, if the shit we've been fed the last 30 years is true, what the actual fuck are we thinking having a open border policy with a third world country?

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Lol leafs BTFO

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ugh . Still better than spics and niggers . Maybe it will allow smart white europoors in .

Maybe you should realize how slowly the bureaucracy works you fucking moron

You must like kikes then - they're even better!

>muh 55 miles of wall
Cool story.
>muh supreme court
Fuck off with this boomer shit. Why do I want abortion illegal? I am guessing you are unfamiliar with the numbers of who uses that service.
>military on border
Doing what they did when Obango sent them, not much.
>but the future will be better
Trust (((the plan))) argument?
Naw nig, you should have figured this out in 2017.

This plan isn't going to get passed anyways.

Maybe Trump should be a strong leader and say "fuck the bureaucracy" and see who checks him. Pro-tip: it won't be the military.

We must deport them all by any means necessary or there will be a second civil war.

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he does it..
when it comes to Israel.

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Exactly this.

Still fucks white people , its anti -white .

less niggers, more chinks and poos

i found the lottery to be a good idea - they were already plenty of restrictions as far as i ve seen. my girlfriend and i wanted to participate in it in the future to get a green card. if it is merit based, i hope they dont just copycat japan's system, cause this is just not achievable for someone outside finance or tech.

less poos i suppose

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>i hope they dont just copycat japan's system, cause this is just not achievable for someone outside finance or tech.
I hope they copy Japan's system because brown people need to stop coming to my fucking country.

As everyone has already stated, more chinks to drive housing prices through the roof, and more H1B pajeets to steal college-educated people's jobs.
Literally anything besides total closure of the border with exceptions for white Afrikaner refugees is just more corporate-first policy. Europeans aren't going to be the ones coming because Europeans don't want to live in the United States.

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Wrong. It's about JOBS, stupid.

It could mean American businesses get subsidies for not hiring Americans for better jobs and we may get a lot more foreigners to subvert the country and steal more tech.

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>The main concern of the majority of people bitching about illegal immigration is national security in a post 9/11 world.
pls you fucking spic

>Maybe it will allow smart white europoors in .

At this point, with Western Expansion dead and with many jobs becoming automated, I don't even want Europeans, at least not over 100K a year, which is a tenth of what we take in now.

The main concern of the people who got Trump elected was making sure America stayed white.

Fat fuck has failed so far. If he doesn't stop failing, he won't get re-elected.

This if fine and all but will they actually follow through and how much merit is required.

>Unemployment under Trump is lowest in years
>He shoots himself in the foot by replacing American jobs with H1B
I hope this doesn’t come to pass

it means that trump is a brainlet who isn't addressing the real problem by stumbling into an obvious trap where they'll ignore whatever the proposal is, accuse him of racism and shit and absolutely nothing will change because not even Republicans will vote for it after the media begins to pressure them over it. If Kushner is involved, it's obviously going to be a bad deal. The only way to fix immigration is by ruling with an iron fist and burning all existing bridges to build new ones.

Sure he will. He's got 95% support among Republicans and Democrats who don't think he's racist (because he's not doing what we want him to do) are enough to tip it over the edge. He's going to win again because all he needs are normies and boomers. Memes are easily made up for with Jewish money.

>One group of people with one ideology elected Trump

The reason why housing prices go through the roof is because in certain areas it's damn near impossible to actually build anything. Even with growing income and population, if people have the ability to build new houses, house prices remain stable.

This. Talk - action = 0, when I see it, I’ll believe it.

Jeez , it just occurred to me , Trump is the Lord God King mega boomer . ahhhh God .

>middle intelligence
>automation incoming
So which is it? Factory jobs are mouth breather tier.
You're self admittedly just as retarded as the shit above.

Fuck off shill.

and at the same time bar me from immigrating to your country. not cool, bro.

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It means more poos, someone post the picture of the "Average Canadian Bus in 2019" and you will see what youre in store for.