There is not a single air force in Europe that can defeat us

There is not a single air force in Europe that can defeat us

Attached: norwegian air FORCE.jpg (1890x1167, 202K)

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Attached: EestiAirForce.jpg (1280x853, 183K)

better get ready Norway - soon all Europe will be nigger skinned mmuslims



lmao we norway niggers vs france arabic people, who would win ?

I heard Sweden almost got the atomic bomb but americans got scared with the prospect of europe having more nuclear firepower.
What happened?


They have the bomb (and so do we) - but it's a secret (hush hush)

>not a single air force in Europe that can defeat us
Wait till you see what the nearby US bases got.

That's awesome. I now want to scream through fjords at the speed of sound with the cliffs well above me.

Come on now, thats a reserved privilege. You are not Israel.

People mock the AN-4 but it's the perfect spec ops plane. NOE, STOL, low thermal, jump door for parachuting. It's just slow and made out of paper.


We would down 20 to 1 of your obsolete European planes

>your obsolete European planes

That's hardly even operational... not to speak of battle ready

Spitfires vs UFO's really

meanwhile your countries princess is fucking a nigger

Thats why she's only a princess - ricoche.
She's been retarded for all her life - best use - human shield.

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She has always been a bit ..."retarded" making her own "anglel school" and stuff. If anything, this will destroy the fake royal family (our real ones ended in the 14th century when they intermarried with Swedes and Danes and stuff which created all the Nordic unions- yes, Norway was behind it all - we started it all, our own untergang (we thought we could unite Scandinavia but ended up on the floor).

Today we could beat them all
Things are returning to normal

>be Norway
>want to ban sale of gasoline cars
>pretty much wants to go elrctric planes as well

global warming will defeat you Norway

France, No?

Only Britain would stand a chance


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You'll be fucked after America collapses

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We will prevent the collapse and save all Burgers

We just ask the serb-hungarian guy for his magnetron that fucked up you last superweapon.

I like those old planes.

Shit as long as you Norwegian bros keep buying our planes we’ll be straigh

Serbia can

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Does it even have wings?

it's for practice
of course not

>of course not

now let's be serious
Serbia is buying a lot of weapons/airplanes/tanks recently
Whole Balkans is armed af
And i am afraid i won't be first in my family to not avoid war

top kek

this is why i wanted to be a pilot . not to kill sandniggers, just to enjoy myself

We got this, bros.

Attached: Swordfish-W5856-1200x400-LHowardIMG_7148-1024x683.jpg (1024x683, 129K)

what a plane

Bitch please, just look at this. Our stealth planes are so advanced they're fucking invisible. also
you can't top this genius

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Let's just talk about the USA air bases in Europe, they will shit on anything in the region... but go on and think any other air force is europe relevant

yeah, really makes you think

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hahahahahahhaahha KEK NORWAY

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You're european though. Dickwad, we're supposed to be fighting the yanks

i mean who would dare to fight against mighty USA air force

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It's a cool carrier actually

i don't know user
stupid people

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Even the serbs are rearming.

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i know this is a meme but just in case people are retarded enough to think that's actually 2 bridges

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top KEK

i can see it now, a proper british gentleman captain on bridge giving the helm orders and saggy titted pookunt on the other giving the opposite, sort of like an old school firetruck

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Hmm, really makes you think

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The idea of our military's superiority is the ultimate blue pill.

A lie told to us by the (((military industry complex))) in order to sell us not the best but most expensive bullshit they can get away with.

>im sorry, we didnt know we were balkanniggers

targeting civilians and destroying only 3 tanks

and also, destroying wooden decoys

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Omg usa save us from the Russians and terrorists country's, please dont pull out of nato... European countries then pay millions to keep the USA in Europe to defend the weak and needy


If I got stuck in some urban fighting i'd have that covering instead of nothing desu

Yeah, it’s not like we have a 100 to 1 K:D ratio in the war on terror or anything. We suck! China could, like, totally invade and our wimp military would fold. I hate being a pussy American... oh wait, I love being American.

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said NO one ever
but everyone says - mind your OWN fucking business, inside your OWN borders and leave us (rest of the world) the fuck alone
just PISS OFF fucking subhumans

didn't you guys relinquish your historical core to muslim hordes after like 20 days of US bombing? even Iraq had to be dealt with boots on the ground

Lmfao Europe folds on everything and NEED AND DEPEND on the USA military for protection so you dont get rolled on by Russia or hell China if they wanted your territory... EUROPE IS DEPENDENT ON THE UNITED STATES so that makes the Europeans cucks

>boo hoo muh civilians

Cry me a River. When your country gets dissolved after a war it means you lost. As soon as you feel sympathy for Americans killed by Islamists I’ll start feeling sorry for subhuman Slavs.

Keep posting the same downed F-117. Maybe the third times the charm. That’ll prove that the subhuman Iranians can kick our asses!

78 days to be precise
no one said it will be easy
fighting against 19 nations plus mujahedeen forces

are you fucking stupid?
why am i asking, ofc you must be brainded serving as jew golem
what part of PISS OFF you need more explaining?
NO ONE fucking want your invader shitface around

lol imagine being this cucked. it's your land and you let it fall to mudshits after a few bombs. now imagine if the entire brunt of the US Military had you in its sights.

fuck, it feels great being able to bomb a nation back to stone age with a single Air Wing

You might not want us but you need us and that's FACT and you hate that fact because you know we are a superior nation in every single way... I know facts hurt your feelings, must suck being dependent on the worlds biggest super power for protection because your too weak to defend yourselves... when will you guys ever stop sucking the tit?

>Yeah, it’s not like we have a 100 to 1 K:D ratio in the war on terror or anything.

Ah yes! The perfect good goy. Thinks that killing 80 iq dirt farmers means anything.

Also lol that you mentioned China. You know, the country which has the entire plans to our 5th gen airplanes and is developing missiles to send hunk of junk carriers to the bottom of the sea.

I hope you're the first dipshit signing up to get their shit kicked in by a none-kiked military like China or Russia.

Fuck off, even our military in it current garbage state could steamroll Norway and the rest of Scandinavia with ease. If i had my way we'd have done ti years ago and you'd all be living under the Bonglaw.

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>under the Bonglaw

loud kek uttered in silence

This is true lmfao

Yet your mighty airforce was completely neutered by Syrian air defence.

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>New maps for everyone!
Really makes you think.

KEK you fucking mutt
you came by foot
and you fucking lost

>under the Bonglaw.
Based. Under King Cunt the Great.

Just so you know... military tech wise the USA is roughly 15-20years ahead of any nation, China cant keep up because they steal tech and as they steal from the USA we are already improving upon that tech that was stolen so China is always a generation behind, they have to reverse engineer everything. It's why USA could never be taken over in superiority because we are the innovators and leaders when it comes to military tech... but go ahead and think any nation has a edge, they dont

This is the talk of a LOSER

I hate the clintons and I don’t even necessarily agree with NATO intervention, but ffs, your side killed a fuck load of civilians and now you have the audacity to question the military might of the US when your country capitulated after a 2-1/2 month air campaign? I get sour grapes and all, but c’mon. I don’t pretend that the Vietnamese were beneath the US when they fought bravely and effectively. Most of our former enemies become friends eventually but you dirty Serbs suck Russian dick so hard you might as well be a catheter. I feel like Russians and American get along better than Serbs and Americans. It’s kind of ridiculous actually.

relax user we are now frens
usa pilot and yugoslav pilot are now frens
and we have more practice with you guys than with Russia

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>implying you stand a chance against our airforce

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Actually it was not hahahahah the USA military had a 98% success rate and hit every single target... fuck off hahahahahaha

just don't start with CNN propaganda about civilians it's ridiculous

Why are you trying to insert yourself so desperately into a discussion for white people?


Attached: BritishILTO.jpg (200x192, 21K)

thats literally from syria you autistic shqip dijaspora faggot

98% financial loss more like...
it's not Serbians propaganda
Your guys talked about that
Also, in 1998 CIA targeted KLA as terrorist group funded by Bin Laden.

1 of the bridges is for the ship
1 of the bridges is an ATC

how hard is that to understand

man blacks will literally fuck a bush on the side of the road

>wishing for the deaths of your fellow countrymen at someone else’s hand

And yet, like an absolute bitch, you still live here. Let me guess, the kiked system prevents you from succeeding and leaving this hell hole. You’re probably some pussy faggot that wishes he was dead but doesn’t have the sack to go through with suicide. Also, China is a joke my man. They haven’t successfully projected their power since the 70s and even that was pretty pathetic considering their overwhelming superiority over India and Vietnam respectively. If China is so great why don’t you move to that rotten gutter and eat some cat meat fried in sewer grease?

Ah yes, the magical 20 years ahead, under wraps technology.

Epic! I wish those $6000 toilet plungers that finance this were even more expensive.

Take my shekels, Mr Goldburg! USA USA

You reak of envy and jealousy of US superiority and that fact is indisputable

Facts are facts

Be honest with me. I don't have problem with decent Americans but just be honest.
Who was your real opponent aside Germans?
Who had same or maybe less military as you guys?
Koreans maybe? Or rice farmers?

Seconded. Britain could stomp any other European country except France, and I’m hesitant to even say that France could withstand them seeing the current state of the cities. That’s how much the rest of Europe sucks; the incredibly diminished Brits could beat any one of you in a straight up fight.


Lmao what facts did you post you blue-pilled faggot?

Go jack off to an A-10 strafing some goat farmers or dogshit carriers, sign up to fight and die in Iran as I laugh.

Nobody has a comparable military that's why America wins... America isnt comparable to any other country or military and we spend the money and continue to innovate to keep it that way

America is owned by the Jews and any victory won by the American armed forces is hollow and pointless.

Protip turn the speed to x2

I doubt Britain could defeat France, not without WW2 tier destruction at least. But I don't think they could defeat us either without an equal amount of damage. We have quite an equal standing. I've long since advocated an Anglo-Frankish union and to leave them German bastards behind. Europe literally couldn't compete.

A response like this always comes from someone with a very low intellect