Why is Canada so racist now?

Back in the 90s everyone made fun of Canada about how liberals and peaceful they are. Now I see more Canadians be racist. Is Canada like the little brother that tries to be like his older bro(USA)?

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Canadians are being brainwashed

Mass immigration.

It's just online though, most Canadians especially in big cities are desensitizes to it and welcome their fate.

I have an uncle who hates Trudeau but is still voting for him... Why? Because of habit...

The next Hitler will be Canadian
Mark my words

canada is fucked. if you are a white kid/white under 25 you are a tiny minority of people your age

Attached: life in canada if white and kid.jpg (1200x823, 304K)

poos and arabs are absolute scum and too many chinks in concentration is annoying

god i hope so

White People become racist the more they live with niggers etc. This isnt new.

You talk to ANY Canadian in any non major city and you'll hear some of the most racist shit you ever heard. When I worked in Toronto as a garbageman, I worked with this black guy who literally started crying midshift telling me how bad it was growing up in Bracebridge, ON. I had to hold in my laughter so hard as he was telling his son story. Made my day when he said he wants to move to the US to get away from racist Canadians.

>europe and canada 95% white 10 years ago on 4channel

amerikka is racist

>they ignored our warnings that multiculti failed and did it anyway and now they understand

baka desu

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