Redpill me on Austria

I got offer to do my masters in engineering in Austria.

I was wondering what is life in Austria like and people? Whats the main difference of them and Germans?

>inb4 go back slav nigger

My family were volkdeutscher and I carry german surname and my grandpa and my greatgrandpa all fought alongside Axis in both wars

Attached: austria-flag-seamless-looping-animation-4k-hd-video_hogl_zzpl_thumbnail-full01.png (1920x1080, 553K)

to much yugos already, stay out. thank you

>the german would rather have a mohammedan refugee
Makes sense

.t Jovan.

if you have any serb ancestors then you can go over the chamber

Its the birthplace of cuckoldry.

t. ahmed

>that flag
>that ID

It's not like Wien or Salzburg are full of Yugo diaspora or anything

>migrant ratings
eat shit, you're all human garbage
fuckin leafnadian chinkoid/streetshitter migrant who actually thinks hes above sandniggers lol

Which city are you going to be studying in?
Vienna is pretty chill overall despite the massive amount of non European migrants. There's also a huge number of Yugos there, I heard serbocroat spoken more than I heard German whenever I was there.

I am thinking Graz, I heard Vienna is so expensive

>offered to do """masters""" in austria
>doesnt even know which fucking city to go to yet
another below minimumwage roach wall painter LMAO what a fuckin piece of worthless trash

I'm white. What I said was true, but if you'd prefer muslims before some educated European be my fucking guest.

>Meme country

>Bunch of people named Novak, Jelinek and Pollak and acting all true Germanic blooded Kebab Removers

>Weather sucks ass. All the time. Today it had 6 degrees, raining and wind blown everything over. Despite it's in the middle of May.

>Extremely easy access to universities, but exams are very very hard to pass, because the universities are overcrowded with foreigners and Germans and the uni wants to get rid of them. Even though master students have it a tad easier than bachelor students.

>Many many many Yugos living there. But you will hardly like your fellowman as a student, because they are mostly lower-class ghetto people.

>Everyone is extremely unfriendly and reserved, cities are almost dead after 10 p.m.

That's it

Vienna is full of muslims and kikes. Don't go there.

Your """educated""" roachnigger ran off from the thread after getting caught roleplaying fyi

Vienna is pretty degenerate the rest is pretty quiet. Nature is nice here. Never trust the nice facade of Austrians we are a tourist country.

Germans consider Austrian's to be rednecks. And Mozart is from there. That's about all i know about it.

Austrian go in large number to Sri Lanka to molest children

And that is how we like it just that tiny little nice tourist country full of funny looking country folk that dindu nufin.

Oh yeah, wasn't hitler from austria too?

No he was German and Beethoven was Austrian we are just simple country folk.

>I got offer to do my masters in engineering in Austria
In which city?
If vienna, hell no don't do it.
This piece of shit is destroying it for the rest of austria.

We yodel wear lederhosen and love to dance and sing.

Lol I didn't even read the other posts bofore mine.
Yeah fuck vienna.

>Vienna is degenerate
Man, I wish US cities were Vienna tier

hmm, sounds like there's definitely not any growing nationalist movements there.

try Celovec OP