
Which podcasts does Jow Forums listen to? They don't have to be overtly political as long as they're good.

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I sit in silence

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Oh shit my bad

none, read books and form your own opinions instead of listening to mouthbreathing retards online

Knowledge Fight

get the fuck out faggot

The History of English Podcast is very thorough

At the moment none. I mostly watch what's interesting and like more in depth stuff.
Otherwise sometimes Google Cloud Podcast (infested with Feminism) and generally mostly tech related stuff esp AWS related.
But most of the time I just sit in silence like

I just finished The History of Rome podcast a few days ago. Really good listen, and I learned quite a bit.

Reading books or CSPAN booknotes when I'm burnt out from reading.

>listening to mouthbreathing retards online
I like it for up to date stuff that connects the dots but otherwise most of the information isn't really in depth because those presenting it have to jump from one topic to another and already pre-produce the next podcast episode.
sounds interesting

Rachel Maddow is the only one I trust

>I enjoy being brainwashed by Zionists and the CIA.



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daily shoah

Joe rogan (depends on guest) , the thinkery, infowars, h3h3 (trash, but sometimes clickbaits me)

The best podcast in the universe, of course.

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I do not listen to any of these regularly.

>TDS (Formerly The Daily Shoah)
>The Dick Show
>Joe Rogan Experience
>The Alex Jones Show
>Why Didn't They Laugh? (Owen Benjamin)
>Tim Pool Daily Show
>Get Off My Lawn with Gavin McInnes
>Tin Foil Hat with Same Tripoli
>Unregistered with Thaddeus Russell
>Your Welcome with Michael Malice
>Louder With Crowder
>The Rubin Report
>Stuff They Don't Want You To Know
>The Jasta Show

No, I don't care about e-drama. No, I don't share political views with all of them. I pretty much just try to avoid obvious neocons and leftists.

>The Thinkery
He still does that? I enjoyed the Jared Taylor chat.

Wow, mucho basado y rojapilled.

In seriousness:

> Fuentes
> Molyneux
> Owen Benjamin
> Know More Knews

Can we get some more real ones in here?

Very good list, needs Molyneux.

Démocracie Participative

This thread is relevant to my interests. I work blue collar and need something for my brain other than my thoughts, 8+ hours and only bean niggers to talk to (no spic inlish)

>Ben Shapiro


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Red Pilled America

Cum Town
Stop Podcasting Yourself
Uhh Yeah Dude
Unexplained Podcast
Hardcore History
How Did This Get Made

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I'm seeing a lot of conspiracy and paranormal podcasts. That's pretty cool stuff. I don't know why anyone would bother with Jordan Peterstein though.

I honestly can't believe the lack of the myth of the 20th century im seeing on pol, they are literally /ourguys/ .

They make episodes on everything from agriculture, the spetsnaz to jews.


Just a few episodes which I enjoyed listening to.

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just relax and do your cookie breathing

Nvm, im retarded. Got it mixed with another thing but cant remember the others thing w/e

podcasts are pretty gay desu, audiobooks are the way to go

Sam Seder majority report

>audiobooks are the way to go

Well recommend some son.

Seder is a leftist kike

there's a good thread on 8/pol/ on audiobooks

Podcasts are gay
Read a fucking book

Gas yourself.

>spic Fuentes
Honestly, he's just obnoxious and an optics fag. I disliked him ever since he shit talked Patrick Little

Three tiers above Snorey on Coast to Christ AM. Clyde Lewis also had a podcast on the end of the world you can download.

Open to other suggestions.

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joe rogan
bill burr
ben shapiro

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Checked. Came to post this.

I still look forward to every new episode of Myth20c (new episode just dropped like an hour ago btw), which I can't say about most of the other podcasts I've cycled through over the last few years. It's pretty dry and big brained, but very interesting stuff. Hoping Nick can keep the fedposting to a minimum so they can stay up on the normie web for a bit longer.

Erazno y la Chokolata Podcast - Los 15 con el Maestro Doggy

The most redpilled segment on radio. It’s in Spanish obviously, but nothing beats it

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Joe Rogan. He's the leader of the alt-right.

Get some sunlight brodie


No Agenda
Red Scare (they claim to be lefty but they get close to right wing viewpoints a lot. Liberals call them fascist)
Big Orange Couch
Old episodes of Sleepycast
Gus & Eddy
The Perfume Nationalist (I wear Yatagan because of his review)

No Agenda
Media Monarchy
Keiser Report

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Car Talk and The Duran. That’s about it these days. I’m not a boomer

And Jay Dyer vids, forgot those.

>Strike & Mike
>Myth of the 20th century
>Jim Goad's Group Hug (used to be better but has gone downhill as of late)
>Grandpa Lampshade
>Jefferson Lee (on YouTube)

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Whatever Eric striker shows up on, Luke Ford and KMG although i stopped tuning in a while ago because Luke has that insufferable zoomer kike on every single day, cum town
Used to listen to a whole lot more but after years and years it's just gotten boring

Tim Pool