Leaf bros

Do you guys think it's worth it to convert majority of my savings into USD?
I'm a leaf with decent amount of savings, I plan to move to rural USA soon once I've saved up enough to buy a house. Do you guys think the dollar will go back up?

It's kind of sad remembering how in 2012 our dollar was higher than USA. Now it's .72
It's like 25% of my bank account just disappeared because we elected liberal cucks.

Attached: Canada-Flag-9.jpg (4096x2304, 267K)

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If at all possible, I would wait. I'm also planning on moving to the US in the long term. Both Canadian and American elections are pretty soon and hopefully, we'll get people who can negotiate for something that is more advantageous. As of right now, moving would fuck up my bank accounts.

We don't really have much hope, the conservative party will probably win but they aren't even really conservative, they're just liberals with 1 or 2 slight conservative policies, they still want mass immigration. I'm not raising my children in this shithole where they'll be the only white kid in school.

Fuck off where full! But seriously I feel for you leafs. Good luck!

cuck we're about to get trudeau out and now you want to flee also america is a melting pot shithole

scheer is gonna win and he's a globalist puppet just like trudeau.
i can buy a nice house for $90k in rural america.
America is a melting pot shithole only in the cities. There's great red state, rural towns that are still all white and easily affordable.
Even the rural areas in canada, at least where I live, are probably less than 50% white unless you count the elderly

Rural canada; house costs 300k and your neighbors are asians and pakis.
Rural america; House costs 90k and the town is all whites.

Use a currency exchange like xe.com. You have to set up a US bank account first though. That's not that easy either. It must be done in person. Bring a passport.

That's not true. There are entire towns all across Canada that have zero shitskins. Get out of the city more dude.

Yeah, you got it spot on, my parents had a pretty great, cool, spacious house, but nothing fancy in rural Canada and it was around 300k. Prices in the US vary widly tho.

Do you have $500,000 USD to purchase your Green Card?

Do you have a special skill or ability like being a sports star or celebrity?

Do you have someone to marry who is a US citizen?

Do you have a job, that no one else in America can do?

If no to any of these, good luck.

Familiarize yourself with their immigration polices.
canadians, obviously aren't welcome.
>i can't figure out why not....

convert it to gold

us dollar will no longer exist by 2021

lots of Canadians work in our Wal-Mart and other local stores here!

Report them all, canadians get the book thrown at them by US immigration
Jail, life ban from USA, heavy fines

You can't just move to the US because you bought a house there in some shit hole.

Can't tell you for certain on the USDCAD, but the US dollar index has a bit more room to go up.

Hopefully Mad Max wins instead

they come across our border just finewith work visa!

>t. leaf larping as an American and making things up

Nope born and raised in Maine and I live on the border!

>As a Canadian citizen, you cannot apply for a US work visa yourself. Instead, a U.S. employer must apply for a work visa for you once they decide to hire you.There are three main work visas Canadian citizens can receive to legally work in the U.S., the H-1B visa, the TN1 visa, and the L1 visa

Wal-mart went through all that, to hire some leafs??
>t. leaf larping as an American and has no idea what he is talking about.


If you think you're helping anyone, you're not.
USA is very harsh on illegal canadian border crossers.
Far worse than any other people entering the USA unlawfully.

(you) don't know what you're talking about

yeah i guess your a schizo. I work with Canadians dailey, Sorry you were denied entry or some shit!

i dont get this i mean america aint much better than canada

mental illness shaming tactic perfected by kikes and leafs

>those laws are WRONG!!! You're schizo!!!

Okay loser, laws don't apply or mean anything, cause (you) say so.

What town in Maine?? I want to report the wal-mart and all the illegal canadian workers.

not "dailey"
What town in Maine? I want to get all those canadians put in jail.

>money is worth more
>everything is cheaper
>more choices and selections of literally everything
The list is endless.

That poster is an liar leaf under US proxy who has no idea what he is talking about.

i converted everything soon as trudeau took office

our currency is worth 5x more than the nordcuck countries yet Jow Forums thinks our country is collapsing fucking jews

It's worth 25% less than USD, what's your point??
Can you eat Chik-a-Fil,WattaBurger,White Castle, Sonics, etc etc etc in canada? No

I keep my stock portfolio split between things ive purchased in USD and CAD. I suggest you do the same. No sense in speculating on the direction of currency just put half in now and see how it goes then put half in later.

>eat our brainwashed food goy

>having choices and realizing that means I'm a brainwashed kike
spouts the brainwashed lead loser

I honestly KNEW you were going to spout some garbage rhetoric like that.

Enjoy your:
Tim Hortons
Thai Express and over government approved franchises.

Brainless fuckwit.

gold, silver absolutely

This. There is no need to go all out in a single direction, but as the canadian economy gets weaker (it won't stop) divest your holdings into international/US equities that will perform better.

Also wouldn't hurt to invest into other commodities like gold/silver that at the very least retain their value better than the CAD will during these libshit times.

Bonus round- you're nuts if you aren't holding at least SOME (5%) in crypto. It's the best hedge you'll get, and the most rewarding way to turn your back on a government that no longer serves you. Seriously, fuck Canada.

Anything left over, put it in a high interest savings account, until you decide to have it converted, should move to the US or w/e