I am a fag.
So... why do homophobie turns me on ?
Homophobic sexuality
Mental illness
Because while you’re sexually attracted to men, you still have the brain and morality to know gay culture is toxic and inorganic. Just because you swing that way doesn’t mean you want to pounce around town in a thong and throw glitter on whoever looks away in disgust.
Homosexuality is closely linked to Sadomasochism. No duh, since anal sex is usually painful.
This and the general mental ambivalence, of people who can't even decide what sex they belong to, makes them vulnerable for self-destructive sexuality.
And since many also enjoy doing drugs, in particular Poppers, it fucks up their brain even more.
cuz ur using Jow Forums
You see, everybody can get behind hating someone else
Oh and btw, I would throw you off a fucking roof
Prove it.
Fags are sick fucks.
i bet u hard from reading all of this
Is this true actually? Just curious...