To become the heroic? For what is the place of the heroic in modern society? It feels as if the tragedy is the only affirmation of such. That the heroic is that of the man willing to death and back for the sake of his dream, for his cause, for his race, for identity, for glory, for God. And in a world as degenerately pathetic - I save saying Evil (for it serves no purpose) - as our own, he is only certain to fulfil that sacred ascension and affirmation. In modern society there is no place for the heroic, for his very existence depends upon his own death.
Must I die to become who I am, my own ideal? I do not fear death and least beyond I know the truths of life, of something.
Perhaps. “Must” is a strong word. I am of the belief that you could serve your cause and survive. Key word “could.” If you take up sword, gun, even words against the reigning Wurms, you will almost certainly die. Simply killing yourself will not do. You have to die in pursuit of their vanquishing. Write works. Establish the groundwork for a movement. Collect followers. Become a leader. Wage war against the horrors that mark this era. Otherwise, I think lone-word/vigilante work is equally as viable and will allow you to ascend to your ideal. Good luck
Ryder Morris
I am an attractive man, blue eyes blonde hair, greek nose, strong jaw, prominent chin. I have as of yet not met a man more attractive than I and women persistently reaffirm this knowledge of myself. I am an intelligent and read regularly, I am well read indeed. On philosophy, history, psychology, various religions/occult's, Fascism, culture in general. I am 6 ft 4, charismatic and confident a person. I never struggle a word socially and am considered funny when I want to be. Though comedy only seems like a falsity when I feign it. More just like an act of habit between my serious interaction. I talk to women probably better than I do men, meaning I at least find interest in the beauty of a woman than the idiocy of a man. And am an Entp, if that helps. The only way I imagine it could would be the constant desiring.
So this has been to say that I am not a worthless man, I do not aim to reject life for the sake of value in comparison to other. Social value was a thing of school. Now my only question is what I have stated in Op.
Yes, I only found a bullet or hanging to be pathetic if without meaning. It must be related to others this much I know. Just is the 'how'. I detest the modern life, and I do not see any immediate practical solution. Perhaps it is just the ease of this achievement. While waiting for the unknown possibility of the environment to conquer my dreams is and seemingly shall always be an unknown. And if I find myself fifty years old and I shall know I am too late.
Blake Morales
If you really want to die honorably, at least in my eyes, kill George Soros or someone similar with a knife or bow and arrow and then kill yourself before the slaves get you and take you to prison. Alternatively you could start a commune or something in the woods espousing and teaching your values, welcoming people who want the same as you
Angel Collins
hmmm, I'm sorry but that will not do. This man that kills these profiles, he is not the heroic. He is a good man assuredly but not overly different in difficulty than from that shootings. And I am faced with the fact that it would not change anything, another rich jew takes over and nothing really mattered. What must be down about such people is a complete societal overhaul as was seen last in the Third Reich.
Gabriel Ross
“Good luck,” is all I can say. May you find peace.
Jayden Collins
Thank you user, I hope one day I can. I can experience a true moment of passion, of emotion again.
Adam Price
What is this wizard faggotry? The world is better than ever, no matter how measured. You must first live for your beliefs in order for any death to be significant.
Kevin Torres
>I only found a bullet or hanging to be pathetic if without meaning Get a length of piano wire and attach to a tree or someplace high. Make a slipknot and wrap around your neck. Glue your hands to your head. Jump. You head will be cut from your body but will be attached to your hands. It will look like you ripped your own head off Luls will be had by all Your death will have meaning
Noah Phillips
Do you think I exist for comedy? Seriously I have considered just making a bad joke being further ironic than blowing my brains out for the lulz. But my own masculine ideal wouldn't quite let that happen. He needs a Holy Grail. Something out of his reach. Death is after all, the most out of reach and yet the most easy to receive. To know the truths beyond would be a worthy event. To die honourably however must be done first.
No, it is not, name something that is good in the modern world?
Ryan Bailey
I have never, ever, ever felt that.
Nicholas Price
Do you now?
David Garcia
>name something The availability of food, water, soap, medicine, education. Even for the most unfortunate. Reduction of religious wars and nation building. Poor people are richer now, than ever before. Jist off the top of my head.
Alexander Cooper
Technological advancement in itself is arbitrary. As well as for when it coincides to his biological needs. More people survive - arbitrary. People write on laptops - arbitrary difference. People can indulge in pleasures - Arbitrary, not that it's good.
Angel Jackson
>Technological advancement Wasn't even talking about that shit. Most technologically is a stumbling block. Whatever. Go make your mark however you want.
Nicholas Hall
The availability of all that you said is technological progress. Besides would you not rather a meaningful society in which you struggle? It is the reason the Jews have lasted so eternally, they have always worried on the why, never the how - and because of this they have never created anything great, no great religions or kingdoms, but instead survived. All of European man has focused only on how and he has created wonders. But now the Jews have made the mistake lapping up their greed of only seeing the how and forgetting the why. For the why only ever existed in antithesis to us, to ourselves as the host state. And now, us the intelligent gentiles must know that we only have the why. For no rationalist would say in his right mind there is any how.
Jack Gutierrez
>Do you think I exist for comedy The greatest and most applauded and revered of all humans have all been comedians
Jose Cruz
Just become an hero, idiot
Noah Morgan
>Socrates >Plato >Aristotle >Alexander the Great >Buddha >Jesus >Augustine >Siegfried >Charlemagne >Aquinas >Wolfram von Eschenbach >Dante >Shakespeare >Luther >Bach >Haydn >Mozart >Napoleon >Beethoven >Wagner >Hitler Yes, all clowns.
>technological progress Nope. Cultural progress. It would still be true if technology didn't progress past 1930 or whatever. Jewa never created anything? Now you're just being fucking retarded. Are you enjoying the alphabet? Do you have glass windows? Monotheism was popularized and that probably simplified things. Idk nobody's holding me back. If I don't like something, I go against it. Why do you fear?
Ryder Flores
>>Socrates Made people think just lime all good comedians >>Plato Rhymes with Play-Doh >>Aristotle Meh >>Alexander the Great Was homosex= fun guy >>Buddha Dude weed lmao >>Jesus Dude weed lmao >>Augustine Who? >>Siegfried Was mauled by tiger= funny >>Charlemagne Aka king Arthur. Got cucked >>Aquinas Who? >>Wolfram von Eschenbach Who? >>Dante Divine comedy= comedy= funny >>Shakespeare Poked fun at many monarchs >>Luther King or martin? >>Bach Made shitty music that the rich lapped up like suckers. Like Marcel Duchamp's work >>Haydn Huh? >>Mozart Cucked Salieri. >>Napoleon Malet= funny >>Beethoven Based and deaf. See mozart >>Wagner Also based >>Hitler Lol it was just a prank bro Yes, all clowns.
Chase Long
>lime *like
Colton Martin
>why do you fear the destruction of everything good in this world Gee I wonder, it's not a fear for myself it's a fear for my people. Besides no it hasn't been progress, we've regressed. Being able to get a job and eat bread isn't a cultural process, it's technological. Culturally we reached a peak somewhere around the early 10th century Germany and that lasted to the latter half of the century in people such as Wagner. And eventually reappearing in the Third Reich. Spiritually and in all meaningful ways - philosophy, psychology, religion, occult, heroic, we have been degenerated.
>Made people think just lime all good comedians Doesn't make him a comedian.
>Rhymes with Play-Doh Good point.
>Meh The father of logic is a "meh"?
>Was homosex= fun guy Kek but he wasn't a homosexual.
>Dude weed lmao That's just faggoty modern adaptations.
>Dude weed lmao Just faggoty modern adaptions but still, never heard of the sword?
>Who? *St.
>Was mauled by tiger= funny There weren't any Tigers in Scandinavia then.
>Aka king Arthur. Got cucked How so?
>Who? *Thomas
>Who? One of the greatest medieval poets, probably second only to Dante. He wrote Parzival being the superior incarnation of certain scarce folk tales. In other words the Arthurian legend in Germany. All other Nationality's versions are more just entertaining story's while Parzival is an artistic masterpiece. Wagner would later base his last Opera upon this epic poem and possibly his greatest opera = the greatest piece of art ever made. Wolfram was a Knight, as well as a poet. The archetypal warrior poet.
>Divine comedy= comedy= funny Oh fug!!
>Poked fun at many monarchs Not what he is remembered for nor what his greatest achievements were.
>King or martin? Martin you nigger.
>Made shitty music that the rich lapped up like suckers. Like Marcel Duchamp's work Bach literally died poor unable to have music played at his funeral without even a proper grave because of the thirty years war. He saved the German spirit with his music being discovered after his death. He was revolutionary, a genius, and his art in its own right remains masterpieces. He is not this "Duchamp" you speak of.
>Huh? Friends with Mozart.
>Cucked Salieri. Based, but they were actually friends.
>Malet= funny Malet?
>Based and deaf. See mozart Who'd he cuck?
>Also based But not funny, actually the opposite - a Schopenhaurian (as well as Hegelian). The greatest artistic genius to ever live.
>Lol it was just a prank bro Yes, all clowns. So the Jews are just sour grapes? And refute my points.
>Looking for the arc of the covenant and the >spear of destiny. Afraid of weak little men.
Owen Collins
I meant 19th century when I said 10th. Also I'm not afraid, I just know the consequences if nothing is done.
Brandon Morgan
It is not shameful to want to die a hero. However, the idea that worshiping a foreign god named Yahweh is somehow "glorious" is completely alien to spiritually uplifted Europeans.
Julian Phillips
>we have regressed in occult ways Is just that the occult research has advanced but just in secrecy by unknown authors for themselves or their covenant. They took the example of the society Aleister Crowley made and restructured themselves to avoid those mistakes , namely , infighting .
Jackson Howard
>Doesn't make him a comedian. Yes it does. Good comedians make you think while making it funny >The father of logic is a "meh"? Logic is the autistic brother and inspiration to comedy >Kek but he wasn't a homosexual. Brush up on your history >That's just faggoty modern adaptations. Nope. Look again >>Dude weed lmao >Just faggoty modern adaptions but still, never heard of the sword? What sword? >*St. Huh? >>Was mauled by tiger= funny >There weren't any Tigers in Scandinavia at the time Huh? >How so? Sir Lancelot >*Thomas Wha? >One of the greatest medieval poets, probably second only to Dante. He wrote Parzival being the superior incarnation of certain scarce folk tales. In other words the Arthurian legend in Germany. All other Nationality's versions are more just entertaining story's while Parzival is an artistic masterpiece. Wagner would later base his last Opera upon this epic poem and possibly his greatest opera = the greatest piece of art ever made. Wolfram was a Knight, as well as a poet. The archetypal warrior poet Oke >>Poked fun at many monarchs >Not what he is remembered for nor what his greatest achievements were. But he still poked fun at them, to much irate >Martin you nigger. Pssshhh >Bach literally died poor unable to have music played at his funeral without even a proper grave because of the thirty years war. He saved the German spirit with his music being discovered after his death. He was revolutionary, a genius, and his art in its own right remains masterpieces. He is not this "Duchamp" you speak of. I remember Duchamp more than Bach >Friends with Mozart. Doesnt help >Based, but they were actually friends. Still got cucked >Malet? *Manlet >Who'd he cuck? UR mom >But not funny, actually the opposite - a Schopenhaurian (as well as Hegelian). The greatest artistic genius to ever live. Okey
I just did. Also sorry i've drinking the devils juice (C2H6O) If i don't repy to you right away its bc i fell asleep
Jose Jackson
What did I just read? Can someone simplify to me why this man think it' a good idea to kill himself, and for what cause?
Lucas Howard
Not killing himself but dying for a idea while pursuing. As for the idea , I think he wants a cultural and national renaissance . Cultural because we have reached the apex of different art forms without any desire to improve them anymore , therefore stagnating in a cultural and spiritual sense. As for national , he basically thinks , from what I read (this is perception , I may not be right ), that we as people have lost our values and morals thus destroying the collective mentality which got us to this point through crises and ordinary years.
Brody Hughes
basically a guy hopped up on a lot of memes is consider an hero
Logan Phillips
Thank you for your answers. Kinda reminds me of my ex boyfriend who is just too advanced for this world
Henry Williams
I meant to say 19th century user, secondly Christianity is European you pleb (please don't turn this into Theology Jow Forums thread), secondly I admire all Aryan religions. Thirdly the figures of peak of European culture have been Christians themselves or at least admired Christianity so if you call me stupid for this you call them stupid also. Schelling, Goethe, Fichte, Wagner, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Michelangelo, Raphael, Bernini, etc.
Crowely was an autist that fundamentally misunderstood basic occult and religious concepts. He's mainly popular among certain elites because he justifies the indulgence of sin and desire.
You make me laff user, and I can't be bothered creating a full reply yet. Maybe tomorrow if the thread's still up. Till then I have to disagree with your autistic lack of knowledge on history but accept your funny.
>Can someone simplify to me why this man think it' a good idea to kill himself, and for what cause? HAHAHAHA
>fundamentally understood basic concepts of occult You speak like the occult is one unified term and system yet it is a extremely complex one. You got sigils , you got shamanism , you got everything under the sun from pacts with demons to speaking to angel and magical artifacts. And Aleister isnt endorsed by "a few elites" he is endorsed by a lot of people due to the being one of the most recent and influential occult practitioners, he created a few very influential societies and has made books on which people base their search on.
>misunderstood religious concept The occult is so vast and thus the sole religious concept is the sole existence of an divine being or will .
Logan Hall
>accept your funny *You're But i made you reply, therefore i stuck out to you enough to grab your attention and give you a laff. What stands out more to you at the end of a horrible, physically and mentally exhausting day? A serious thought or a fun comment?
Henry Long
>misunderstood religious concept The occult is so vast and thus the sole religious concept is the existence of an divine being/s or will .
Robert Martin
>You speak like the occult is one unified term and system yet it is a extremely complex one. I agree, it would be wrong to say the various reactions of Occult groups have just been "wrong" rather than different in their emotive nature. However at certain points you can assert someone was a retard and missed some pretty important and obvious shit. Sure he can have his own gay fag cult that breaks off from tradition and degrades all use of the occult but ey.
Also his books offer nothing new, even in that regard he didn't actually create anything. At best he just formulated some coherent concepts.
>The occult is so vast and thus the sole religious concept is the sole existence of an divine being or will . Not even that user, but if you mean divine as immaterial than I must agree. The ancestor worship of Shintoism as example.
Honestly usually a serious thought, I abstain from pleasure quite a bit and hold my jaw very tense and I don't know which came first but I have a very square and strong jaw so I gather this relates somehow. I remember talking to a doctor about it. It's rare to funny genuinely funny people like you anymore user. Anyway as I said. I hold myself very tense sometimes however it is important to find the right balance between the abstinence from pleasure and the enduring of hardship along with the enduring of my creative spirit and intuition. After all the creative - for the man - has an effeminate quality (for numerous philosophical and psychological reasons in which I could go into but would take far too long and derail the bread). And to retain my fantasy's, creativity and intuition I have to engage in pleasure. While also being strong and struggling. It's a funny balance that's perfectly suited to myself (even though I'm still working on it) however when it works it works beautifully.
Jordan Kelly
Dying for a cause is pretty heroic. But whether or not it's worth it or meaningful is up for you to decide