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China shouldn't have a problem with US tariffs unless they are against their own communist principles. Then that means their constitution means nothing. They shouldn't be in any trade war with the USA.

Good, bleed it dry
Globalism needs to die

I hope Ching Chongs are going to bomb California and save only grizzly bears

Why "stop" them? Why not try and work together them with them?

We've spent too loo long ignoring how they view the world and have not tried to empathize

the problem is rich chinese want our shit. otherwise china would be fine

fuck china. fuck wallstreet. if we have to outsource, i want japan to make it because it will actually be done correctly.

kek can only leverage $60 billion to our $250 billion. We are wining.

>evil communism
>organ harvesting, police torture, firing squads, slave labor
yeah, we just don't understand them.

china dont sell usa goods...china only export goods

We have been subsidizing our farmers for 130 years for this reason. 60 billion is peanuts. Muhhh high IQ; China is retarded.

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There's not a lot of real evidence behind this stuff, and there's none that shows it is a systemic program to do them.

I think pointing out they're communist says a lot to the validity of the other statements.

this. i want the only good asians to control america's industry if we can't have it anymore. not a gorillion bugmen with no culture.

Not even close to the amount of tariffs we're levying on the Chinese.
The Chinese cannot match our tariffs, simply because they buy so little from us.

All this could be avoided if the Chinese simply agreed to balance trade, but they think they're "winning" right now, and they don't want to lose that.
Unbalanced trade is bad for both sides.

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>trump throws all his cards on the table screaming
>china does a smaller, but just as politically imapctful response
>trump is running out of cards
>china still has 90% of its deck

You aren't really keen in strategic thought, are you?

Certainly better than you.
America is China's largest market, and to avoid tariffs, manufacturers will move operations elsewhere, to countries more friendly to the U.S., that are not being tariffed.
Some of them will move back to the U.S., just as they did when Trump renegotiated trade with Mexico.

China won't win this, because no matter how large their manufacturing has grown, the U.S. still has a larger manufacturing base. Tariffs make it easier for U.S. manufacturing to compete against slave-wage labor.

And there's the cost of global shipping American manufacturers don't have to deal with.

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>Certainly better than you.
Then why are you so ignorant?

If China were really so shook by the USA then why didn't they abide by the new trade talks agreements? Why did they revise it entirely?

>America is China's largest market, and to avoid tariffs, manufacturers will move operations elsewhere
Made in China 2025

>China won't win this
Trump won't be re-elected in 2020 and we will all forget this ever happened. Then the new President will give further concessions to China

Checked... Tariffs are a win win for America and only bad for Retail and Tech businesses. A tariff on China is paid by Americans that do business with China thus keeping more money in domestic pockets and away from overseas interests. The same is true with China but they don't have any leverage because they hardly import anything besides automobiles and food.

>Then why are you so ignorant?
I'm not, asshole.

>If China were really so shook by the USA then why didn't they abide by the new trade talks agreements? Why did they revise it entirely?
Because they currently believe they are "winning" by selling more to us than we're selling to them.

>Trump won't be re-elected in 2020
He unquestionably will, and you've just proved YOUR ignorance.

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>Trump won't be re-elected in 2020
He's all but guaranteed another term especially if war breaks out this year. It'll only be sweeter next year when we get our full tax returns back for the first time since 2014 when the Obama tax took hold.

>60b vs 200b
>massive obvious trade deficit
>how do we stop them?
Uhhhh probably just wait for them to give in. China is likely trying to hold out for our next election, so once Trump wins again they will throw in the towel.

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>He unquestionably will, and you've just proved YOUR ignorance.
>He's all but guaranteed another term especially if war breaks out this year.

Why do MIGApedes think this?

They're going for the long strategy. Once Trump is out of office, then China wins when the new guy rolls back the tariffs.

He's established and doing things you can see in your paychecks... and if Obama was anything to go off of then having a Dem in the office is a terrible idea.

brainwashed by joos, duh

Honestly we really cant, if they both go full trade war. Although a trade war would hurt the Chinese much more than the Americans, if they American people actually feel any repercussions they will just vote for a party that vows to end the trade war. China, being a one party state, can just wait out out, people might starve, but they will have no democratic recourse

That much is very clear

>Why do MIGApedes think this?
Jesus, here we go again.
Libtards in denial, will lose the next election, just like the last, and they will lose their shit, too, and curl up in a ball crying, just like last time.
It's not even funny anymore, it's just pathetic.

they dont give a fuck haha. america suffers harder than china in a economic collapse.

china has been balls deep in gold and bitcoin for years now. they will dump on amerimutts buying ATH.

go back.

flag checks out.

Very accurate take. Not only this, but rash and childlike politics employed by Trump only perpetuate Chinese distrust to Imperialist America

China literally depends on America buying its shit to survive. China WILL fold.

Because China doesn't want to "work together". They have been offered this chance before. China wants to be able to exploit, cheat and defraud absolutely everyone with no one being able to stop them.

To China, if you're not Chinese you are an enemy and they will engage in whatever it takes to gain dominance of you.

guzzling too much joo goo?

fucking kill yourself, seriously

You sell elsewhere

Educate yourself, mutt.

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He's doing exactly what we hired him to do.
And he's been winning like crazy, the economy is flying high, we haven't started any new wars, and the democrats are in such a disarray they might not survive it.

If he abandoned Israel he'd be perfect, but even so, he's perfect enough.

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>Made in China 2025

That plan silently died years ago. Most western companies are also moving out of China because it's not cheap (or safe) to manufacture shit in China anymore. Even Apple, the golden boy of Chinese manufacturing has been moving their operations to India for over a year now.

>Then the new President will give further concessions to China

Actually, China is the one issue everyone agrees on. Even democrats hoping to run for president have praised Trumps actions against China with some of his biggest detractors publicly praising him for it.

that was what trump and MIGAtards thought the last few times trump piled on tariffs too.

chinks are one of the most spiteful people in existence.

The previous round of tariffs wrecked Chinas economy though. Look at how it's peer to peer lending bubble collapsed and look at how much the Chinese government is propping up it's economy now with huge bail outs and massive loans. Neither of which they can keep up.

These recent tariffs are coming as a surprise to China because they were dumb enough to think they were playing Trump like a fiddle. Trump paused the tariffs while negotiations were taking place, and China has delayed these negotiations several times to keep the tariffs paused. They were trying to delay negotiations until the next election in the hopes that someone friendly to China would be elected. They do this shit all the time and weren't expecting Trump to suddenly reinstate the tariffs plus an additional $200 billion more.

Trump is making China look stupid right now and they have no way of retaliating.

Why do commies think anyone cares about war with Iran? Did you forget when Iran took US soldiers hostage in international waters? Did you forget when Obongo gave them 400 billion cash to continue being the #1 sponsors of terrorism. Did you forget they're a radical Muslim shithole that has been chanting death to Americs for decades ? Everyone who's not a commie cuck wants them dead already faggot.

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LOL! Eat shit burgers maybe you can nigger-worship your way out of it. Suck a dick you faggot facking scumbags.

>communist principles
Wow. You really DO watch too much TV. It's effecting your pea brain. Be careful with TV or the next thing you know is you'll be pretending to be a rap nigger.

The Chad $250Bn of necessary tariffs
The virgin $60Bn of retaliatory tariffs.
>chinks gloating about this

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Fuck chinks, they need us more than we need them.

A trade war is a war, user.
>That plan silently died years ago.
No it hasn't

It did. Which is why they never mention it anymore. You hear this one belt one road shit all the time, but never made in China 2025.

They don't want to and wont admit it's dead, but it is.

>Which is why they never mention it anymore.
Who is they? It still gets mentioned as much as it always has
>You hear this one belt one road shit all the time, but never made in China 2025.
The B&R has always been mentioned more than Made in China 2025, and their AI program.

Then show me recent articles of China mentioning it's made in China 2025 plan.

The essence of war is a violent struggle between two hostile, independent, and irreconcilable wills, each trying to impose it- self on the other. War is fundamentally an interactive social process.

neither party will bend the knee over tarrifs, no matter how severe, what will businesses do though and what is the next escelation

60b is nothing, our export is 1.7trillion

And they ship drugs to the united states

One is an opinion piece and the other literally says they've scrapped the plan for something else.

>hay guies I'm a communist! look at all my cool memes! that lenin guy sure was a party animal huh? I'm going to go home to all the comforts capitalism has brought my family and i. remember, smash the proletariat!! xD
I hope you die in the most painful way possible

>China took notice. Within weeks of Trump’s first tariff announcement in June 2018, the Chinese government started to downplay MIC 2025 and has avoided mentioning the plan since (which Trump held up as evidence that, thanks to him, China had abandoned the plan). Chinese media has been barred from reporting on it. And in March of this year, Keqiang did not mention MIC 2025 in his annual government work report for the first time since its announcement.

>The Wall Street Journal reported that Beijing is replacing MIC 2025 with a new strategy, but so far there is little indication of concrete change other than in name. One of the key issues in the current U.S.-China trade negotiations is whether China will eliminate some of what the U.S. business community calls market-distorting subsidies for MIC 2025 industries. For the time being, the Chinese government continues to pour money into those sectors.

So you're happy that they do the same thing, but are now calling it something different? Lol. MIGApedes consider this a win?

Take your medicine.

>T-They're doing something different

By doing nothing. Everyone caught onto their plan and many countries around the world are shutting China out.

we are fucked

The article even states:
>Spoken or otherwise, there seems to be consensus that the principles behind MIC 2025 are alive and well — China just isn’t using that name anymore.

You're the one who is saying "T-they're doing something different!"

Who is shutting China out? Can you name some for me?

trade war would hurt the chinks more than the US.

Let those eggroll niggers kill themselves.


There is only one option.


Nothing else can stop China at this point anymore.

You, the US, are already to insignificant for them.
But how do I say so?
The US part of Chinese exports is just 16%.
Meaning China could even compensate a complete loss of the US market.

You are literally fucked.
Also because consumer good prices will literally explode in the future, as most of these goods are produced in China and the tax-related additional costs will be passed on to the end consumers - the American people.
There might be a significant inflation ahead.

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In trade wars, the buyer always win as they can always make it themselves or buy elsewhere, while the seller is stuck with the goods no one wants.

>the dragon couldn't kill Trump with fire
Winning indeed.

> trade war would hurt the chinks more than the US

That's absolute nonsense.

You imports from China are about 4,5 times(!) higher than their imports from the US.

If you impose new taxes onto them, they will react, making your imports significantly more expensive, which will tremendously increase end customer prices.
Meanwhile the Chinese can even compensate the abolition of the entire imports from the US by imports from other markets (Europe, Asia etc.).

There might be a massive inflation in 2-3 years in the US.
Not kidding.

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> In trade wars, the buyer always win

The exact opposite is the case, see

>China will just increase prices that'll show the US!

Nigga what? Tariffs are literally increased prices and the point is to dissuade people from buying Chinese goods. Less people buying Chinese goods = less money for China.
Raising prices just makes this happen at an increased rate.

China needs US money. The US doesn't need Chinese goods.

Or we start producing our own fucking goods again while China has to deal with mass unemployment inflation and civil unrest. But your just a stupid German who want to have his daughter gangraped by muslims because diversity is your strength.

Imagine being this delusional. . . only a mutt could be this delusional!

>dissuade people from buying Chinese goods.

Good luck with that, as the absolute majority of electronics etc. is produced by them.

You would have to find alternative suppliers FAST.

And I doubt this will happen.

What WILL happen is a significant consumer reticence and loss of purchasing power.

This isn't even true. Most stuff, especially electronics are manufactured outside of China. In places like South Korea, Taiwan and the US. Things are assembled in China which is different (they take parts made else where and put them together).

Even then, many western companies are moving out of China. It's not worth it anymore and there are cheaper countries to manufacture shit in. Even Apple is moving out of China and for over a year now have been moving the manufacturing of iPhones to India. If you bought an iPhone in the past year, there is a good chance it was made in India not China. And in 2 years time all iPhones will be made in India.

idk, maybe we should tax amazon?

Still, your Chinese imports are tremendously high compared to the ones from SK, Taiwan etc.

You have to switch over to other sources fast.


Or you know... People just buy less stuff because China doesn't make anything the US needs. Those tariffs are literally driving customers away from China which means China gets less money. This is entirely the point of tariffs.
And once all western companies move out of China (which isn't hard, they have very little investment into China due to how Chinese laws work) then China is fucked because then no one buys Chinese goods anymore since nothing will be made in China.

This is just delusional. Must be a mutt

>And once all western companies move out of China

That will never happen.

>made in china
Don't fucking buy. Any more questions?

The subhuman chinks are in need of a culling.

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It's happening at record speeds.


We don't. Our economies will grow farther apart.

By not buying their stuff.

Also make it clear to tech companies that outsourcing is no longer viable.

Break their paper economy like we did with the soviet union.

They started moving out when king nigger was still president because start in 2012 the new emperor of china started to squeeze foreign companies and fuck with VPNs, which made it difficult/impossible for many of these companies to function in China. The chinks made it abundantly clear that they didn't foreigners anymore, so they started to leave. Trump only accelerated it.

>China strong!
Do people actually unironically literally believe this? This is beyond schizophrenia.

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>There's not a lot of real evidence behind this stuff
Yes because the government that censors any mention of tianamen square will allow evidence of their fucked up practices against their people leak

Just match their tariffs. Fuck China.

It's just a matter of time. China gets 4% of their GDP from exports to the US, while the US gets .5% of their GDP from exports to China. Every time the trade war escalates, it just gets worse and worse for them. It's not a fight they can win.

Kill yourself

Literally the only reason people started buying Chinese goods in the first place is because they were dirt cheap. Companies can move to anywhere they want. If China stops being cheap, they will move elsewhere. Nobody in US gives a fuck about China. Even the Chinese don't give a fuck about China.

The US matching Chinas tariffs would mean lowering tariffs. You forgetting the US has like $250 billion in tariffs already, is imposing another $200 billion and has plans for a further $325 billion more?

It already happened. Fuck, even chinese companies are moving out of China. Xi can't execute rich people who are taking their money out of the country fast enough.

>The US part of Chinese exports is just 16%.
>Meaning China could even compensate a complete loss of the US market.
Holy shit you don't know what you're talking about

>Trump only perpetuate Chinese distrust to Imperialist America
Chink detected

>If China stops being cheap
That happened a while ago. They're more expensive and less skilled on average than mexican labor

Ding dong you are wong

>but they will have no democratic recourse
Unlikely. The last time a lot of people starved their whole country collapsed. Chinese history is nothing but constant fragmentation pockmarked by temporary unity, until things go bad. The CCP is not nearly as strong as people think. Xi's only responsibility is to manage the United States and keep us placated. He failed, and now he's running out of options to keep the country together.