What the fuck is wrong with these people?

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

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I think it's BDSM


> Stop artistically expressing yourselves, it makes my micropenis shrivel up into my skin!!!

Guaranteed that even like that, he lands more scene girl pussy than you ever will

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edgelord larping
The evolution of hipsterism

Attention whores.

He is welcome to that diseased snatch.

The more tattoos you have the more mentally ill you are.
This has been true for everyone person I have met. Mentally ill doesn't mean dangerous or degenerate but often they are quite broken people.

Mental illness.

>Stop artistically expressing yourselves

Did he do the tattooing himself?
Did he design the tattoos himself?

He's essentially a walking billboard if the answer is no to either of this


Pic related.

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Why would you do..... Fuck it. Who cares.


Mental institutions were closed off in the 90s. This is the consequence.
People who would have gotten legitimate help are now left to fend for themselves in a world they can not negotiate.

agreed, these poltards have no clue what pussy even smells or taste like
guy in op's picture is a total chad psychopath
i wonder if he wrote on his twitter that he's a psychopath

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>dressing like scene kid from 2008
>to get "scene girl pussy" in 2019

Lack of a personality

Most of them are rootless and reaching for an "identity."

Demonic possession

taking attention whoring to another level

turned 18 with money and without strong parental figures

More like forever unemployed

what isn't?

Is that a Grominate shirt?

They hate being white so much

Depends on field and culture no?

Not only that but their illness is rebranded as a positive thing and celebrated

I'm pretty sure that that's a chick. I bloke wouldn't do that pose with the glasses

Worst fucking fetish. Bdsm is trash.

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desperation for attention

I like the way it looks, but I understand why other people do not.

what does "scene" mean in this context? a scene from a gay porn?

That''s the road to suicide right there my friend.

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Big gay.