> 'we are on the cusp of a full scale confrontation' with US

>‘US will RETREAT’ - Iran issues CHILLING warning to Trump as tensions escalate


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Death to Iran, Mohammed!

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I stand with Iran.

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>a top commander has claimed

Those guys wish it was true because that's their thing but we all know it doesn't mean shit.

>hides meme flag like a goddamned kike.
>Uses (((fake media))) to claim Iran is the aggressor.
Can you be any more obvious?

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I didn't claim Iran was the agressor.
America is the agressor and neocon Trump and his cabinet of fucking lunatics like Bolton and Pompeo (who believes in bringing about the biblical end times) are getting us into world war three.

The one unironically decent thing from Obama's legacy was the Iran deal too.

>full scale confrontation

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>conflict is in some desert shithole
>tards screaming WW3

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Iran is a strong ally of Russia.

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So was Syria

I guarantee we will not infantry invade Iran. Line reinforcements are simple deployments to places we have already been for a loooong time.

We are not warring Iran. We are prioritizing cryonics healthcare coverage raises by a standing army at Unites States.

I am not wrong. There are only more in the places we have already been.

We know how things go when I do not get what I KNOW we planned.

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I remember me, and today I am not wrong.

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Retreat? What's that?

I remember me, and today I am not wrong.

I have been posting this for months now...
...Inner cell mass stem cells regrow any body of a human, and stem cells resurrect. Stems cells are easy to collect from umbilical cords from Caesarian section surgery human births. Stem cells are layers in pressured semen sperm cum. People make stem cells from human breast milk and other body. Doctors are using inner cell mass stem cells to resurrect the dead! Proper use of stem cells are eternal youth!..
..There is access to stem cells to resurrect, and artificial intelligence robots are so effective to enforce successful use of stem cells and other technology that the most powerfully reigning, successful humans are lost in an exponential runaway series of copy repeat programs of people exactly mimicking, acting, events previously enforced by these artificial intelligence robots to include work acceptable expectability so younger humans are in on the safety of behavior proved successful by military industrial complex releasing newer robots to enforce eternal life.

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Based and redpilled.

The best case would be a mutual destruction of the Jewnited states of niggermerica and the ME, Including Israel. I don't care if Iran gets nuked as long as the US and Israel do as well. And just think... a war all over muslims throwing pedos off of buildings and not wanting homosexuals around their children like the US does.

Iran is a bitch nation they won't do shit. Even tho they should
>fuck kikes

>trump criticizes bush for wasting money on desert wars
>war with iran about to start

Nothing changes

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God I'm so fucking tired of the middle east. It could disappear tomorrow and I wouldn't give a half a fuck. Someone invade NA or Europe so I can care about a war for once.

>Oil companies want to spin something to boost profits
>Get corrupt Iranian officials and US officials to pretend that things have escalated and warn people of the "risk to the middle east" and it's oil


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>wouldn't give half a fuck
Lies. You would be overjoyed and relieved.

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>Iran is a bitch nation
You're right, they are a bitch nation. Of the oil corps.
Just like the USA.

It's deeply embedded in the system to want to have this war. Corporations usually control the people out of the spotlight.

Shoot your missles at the kikes right here Iran, tia

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>Someone invade NA or Europe
Millions of Niggers?

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Fucking jewslaves all of you.

I don't see a full invasion happening, although I could see a round of strikes against Iranian facilities and a further Israeli offensive against Hezbollah.

Iran really has no significant ability to retaliate, so escalation beyond that point is difficult to imagine without it being in a global strategic chess match, such as a world war.

Don't rush it, boys. You're gonna get your WW3, but it'll likely have to start between the US and another major power directly. The international system has been designed to absorb regional shocks too effectively, especially in the ME.

It's not going to happen. Bolton and Pompeo are looking for a win after their failed coup in Venezuela, and not being able to take future North Korea talks off the table.

Jews realized they pushed too hard too quickly and the goyim are beginning to wake up en masse. If this is going to happen, it's either now or never. 100% chance something pops off with Iran, false flagged or not. How it ends is what I'm interested in.

Help out a brainlet, what's SAR noise?

The IRGCQF devastated burger troops in Iraq, imagine what will happen when they take the gloves off.

It took the British and Soviets less than a week to take over Iran in WW2.

British and Soviets vs pic related. It is not the 1940's anymore.

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It is a whole lot worse than we think.

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Do American millennials and zoomers actually have the motivation, athletic performance, and love of one's nation to fight and possibly die?
How would you even enforce a draft if nobody, leftists included, trusts the military or government? America needs a civil war, not this type of war.

This is basically what I’ve been saying to any retard that thinks war with Iran will be a cakewalk if we invade and occupy it.

Drafts are obsolete.

Wow, that is indeed bad. Wtf. Oh well, send all the niggers and whores to war, all white men should be looking for medical excuses for not getting drafted. Let the mutts fight the Jew's war.

>world war 3
more like the gulf war 2

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We both know war in Iran will just be another culling of whites.

White men have no place fighting the Jew's war. They have to learn to stop fueling the kike war machine.

Bolton should be fired.

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And I bet Iran wasn't unconnected in causing that.

Sometimes the urge to kill muzzies is just too overwhelming to resist

>You're fired

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Damn, white people are truly cucked and enslaved by the Zionists, it's worse than i thought...

Yeah, it is totally Iran corrupting the West not Jews...

Honest question, does Iran have anything to fight us with though? Maybe i'm mistaken but I thought it was 1 of those Iraqi style 3rd world countries with no army.

Please. In a conventional war the US would take over Iran in less than 3 weeks. Iran's best hope would be pulling an Iraq and mounting a guerilla insurgency against the occupation afterwards.

The US military has always been at the forefront of integration. Yeah. It can be hindrance, but the hardware & resource advantages the US has would easily equate to an overwhelming victory. Ragheads, including Iranians, suck at conventional warfare. Our niggers could probably beat them by themselves.

Like mission accomplished in Iraq, lol.

Rolling for Iran nuking Israel and the ZOG golems all in one.

It has between 100-200k men it could have at the ready, but their tech is a joke compared to the US. Our modern blitzkrieg tactics would roll over them before they mounted a serious defense. The real war would be the occupation afterwards.

What do you guys think the false flag is going to be?

I'm thinking something boat related again, the USA has a long history of using navy related themes in their false flags.
The appetite for war with Iran is very low and skepticism is very high so they'll need a *big* one to pull it off

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They're considered one of the major power houses in the Middle East so probably.

The greater problem is them supporting terrorist groups in order to oust any enemy forces including the Saudis from their neighboring regions.

I am interested to found out how soon after the war starts that the USA - Iran war Wikipedia article is created. Will be seeing history in real time

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That was an interesting hire from the get-go considering Trump ran on staying out of foreign conflicts.

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"It will only last a few days." Everyone
1860, 1914

Don't forget. Israel just committed an act of war against a NATO ally. But... war with Iran. Because reasons.

Lulz this is pretty funny

Iran's people are far more patriotic than Americans are, and they have people willing to die in human waves just to defend their country like they did back in the Iran-Iraq war. You have no chance you dumb mutt. Your kike overlords told you the same thing about Vietnam and you left it in shame with 55,000 dead troops who died for nothing.

Your 100-200k troops will be exterminated by Iran's IRGC and countless other militias who are present in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.

Iran was the Iraqi insurgency. Many of the insurgents were funded and trained through Iran’s terror networks. That’s why Bolton has such a hardon for Iran in the first place. Many of the fighters causing trouble in Iraq weren’t even from Iraq.

Republicans are the ideal cannon fodder remember :^) They worship the military.
Especially for God Emperor Trump.

If we wouldn't have gave a shit about putting Iraq back together again it would've been mission accomplished. Like dumbasses, we had to pretend like we cared what came afterwards besides 'do our bidding'.

Ok Muhammad. We get it you hate America. One moab on the Capitol. Wars over.

>tfw finding out that dying for israel is written in US law, and refusing to obey it will land you in jail.

Guess it's better than dying for israel

tragically correct.

Literally half the country is ready to revolt against the current regime right now.


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That is correct, sir.

>world war 3 has been threatened for over 40 years


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You sound like Bagdad Bob as the tanks rolled into the national palace.

I'm seeing a lot of bad spelling and grammar, sentence structure recently on Jow Forums. Has anyone else noticed this? Are there bots all over pol now?


And the exact same Jews who got you into Iraq are the ones who will be running things in Iran.

>considering Trump ran on staying out of foreign conflicts.
Trump's always surrounded himself by people who he thinks are knowledgeable, even if they criticize or disagree with him. It's one of his big business points he makes in his meme books.
I'm a huge Trump supporter but I'm not necessarily an anti-interventionist, all this isolationism stuff is fairly new. It's not retarded to bomb a few foreign nations from time to time to ensure your own dominance. If burger stopped its interventionist policies, all that would happen would be Russian and Chinese dominance. I just wish Drumpf would suck Israel's cock a little less, although I do see there are tremendous regional and political reasons for that. The biggest I see is that his opposition primarily just calls him a Nazi, so if he does anything that inconveniences Israel they would have a tremendous weapon to use against him.

I bet they will cuck out and not [spoiler]bomb Israel[/spoiler]. Fucking arap cowards.

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So warning americans not to die in the hundreds of thousands in a war for Israel is hating them? And let me guess, Israelis who are supporting the US's war against Iran love America? This is how deeply indoctrinated you are. You are led to believe that people who ask you to die for others love you, and those who tell you to only defend yourself hate you. It is a miracle you're still alive with such a mindset.

That is doubtful, because if it was, then the US gov wouldn't feel so easy when it comes to threatening other countries with war, when it has bigger problems at home. The Vietnam war was immensely unpopular at home and caused massive protests against the government. The Iran war will be an even bigger bloodbath than that. Looks like the US gov feels so in power that it can start a new war with Iran without the fear of being toppled.

Here is one thing you don't understand. Iraq was a mixed country with the minorities (Sunnis) ruling the majority (Shiites), so when the US rolled in, the majority (Shiites) were happy to side with the US and kick the minority out of power. With Iran it's totally different.

Iran is a homogeneous country with a very patriotic population. It has tens of millions of people willing to die in defence of their homeland and their civilization. You will have to fight for every single inch of the country. Never, EVER, underestimate countries with homogeneous populations. They're quasi impossible to beat without full scale war.

Iran isn't a desert you hillbilly.

Underage and low iq’s, not bots

It's definitely not just one country user.

buy your guns now, get extra ammo and MREs

mainland usa wont be safe from this one

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We're not invading Iran, you fucking moron. We're threatening the faggots for a better negotiating position. I know you want to steer everything back to the 'Joos' because you're autistic as fuck, so go ahead.

>Iran isn't a desert
It will be after the TrumpNukes.

Nothing will happen. There will be no war.
Not with Iran, not with North Korea and not with/in Venezuela.
These are all distractions. And you are just buying what's in front of you instead of looking into what is happening in the meantime.

I'm well aware of the Sunni, Shia, Kurdish split. But, that in no way diminished Iraq's actual military strength, and outside of the northern Kurdish regions wasnt an assistance to the US.

To think Iran can put up 1000x better defense than Iraq, which it would take to even stall a conventional US military force is laughable.

Now, the occupation afterwards is what would be a nightmare. Iran's militias would/could mount a significant insurgency. They did so even in WW2.

no digits no buy

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Fake news

The Jews are going to commit a false flag to get us to war.

It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when and where.


Trump is making it clear he is more than frustrated with Bolton and other warhorses that he is NOT convinced that war with Iran is necessary at this point in time.

do you think this could be a double bluff to get arms deals?

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