Because it's clearly not.
Why does China still pretend to be a first world country?
Andrew Ramirez
Other urls found in this thread:
Jason Scott
Because they haven't taken the footpill.
Samuel Long
The fuck was the scooter's problem?
Christopher Roberts
why does america?
Tyler Myers
Chink saw an opportunity to end it all, and took it.
Anthony Turner
>Comparing the earth opening itself to feed on a motorist to a shitty woman's magazine.
Luis Wood
Scooter guy sent my sides into the next dimension. If he was going fast I can understand but...
Help me anons what is going on in scooter chinks head?
Connor Clark
Carter Wilson
Living in China is like being a character in a Final Destination movie.
Nathaniel Morales
Women and the earth both have giant holes that swallow shit