Why does China still pretend to be a first world country?

Because it's clearly not.

Attached: 1557966567011.webm (1280x720, 946K)

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Because they haven't taken the footpill.

Attached: 1557281760070m.jpg (683x1024, 57K)

The fuck was the scooter's problem?

why does america?

Attached: by Moron Stupidton.jpg (1014x1081, 365K)

Chink saw an opportunity to end it all, and took it.

>Comparing the earth opening itself to feed on a motorist to a shitty woman's magazine.

Scooter guy sent my sides into the next dimension. If he was going fast I can understand but...

Help me anons what is going on in scooter chinks head?

Attached: 1556807266634.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

Watch the first 10 seconds youtube.com/watch?v=2wq_ZXao2D8


Fucking how?

Living in China is like being a character in a Final Destination movie.

Attached: 1557838010324.webm (640x364, 801K)

Women and the earth both have giant holes that swallow shit