What was it like to live in the '80s when you could be into heavy metal and still be against abortion???...

What was it like to live in the '80s when you could be into heavy metal and still be against abortion???? Feels like everyone has to agree on everything nowadays

Two minutes to midnight
The hands that threaten doom
Two minutes to midnight
To kill the unborn in the womb

The body bags and little rags of children torn in two
And the jellied brains of those who remain to put the finger right on you
As the madmen play on words and make us all dance to their song
To the tune of starving millions to make a better kind of gun

Attached: ironma-powers.jpg (600x600, 536K)

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You're an idiot.

Remember "Papa don't Preach"? It was an anti-abortion song. Then Madonna sold his soul to the demon.

powerslave is a masterpiece

Rime of the Ancient Mariner is epic tier

No you are

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The cucking of the last white genres (metal, EDM, classical) is so fucking depressing. Everyone who even tries to stand up is swamped because music is possibly ahead of movies even in terms of liberal sjw monopolistic domination

I want revenge on this world for this

Initially t was awesome. You could be a metal warrior, with your buds. Do crazy guy shit. It was free. None of this PC crap you have to deal with today. It all changed in the late 80's when rap started coming into the picture. Also, alot of these faggot ass glam rock bands from the Sunset strip started being sold as 'metal' which was total bullshit. With rap came the popularization of hood culture and the whole 'oh woe is me' narrative that led to the white guilt shit we have today. It was a fun time looking back, when the popular culture wasnt about nigger worship...

It was great. Damn I miss being young.

i was born in 80 so the 80s were my comfy years. with all the fuckery going on today i am grateful for my childhood

>With rap came the popularization of hood culture

this. niggers have ruined everything

This guy gets it

you can listen to songs with lyrics about fucked up stuff without being a fucked up person

who the fuck drew this album cover? the knowledge is so on point.

Don't worry user ill save hollywood, im working on a few good scripts.

was a different time for sure.


>tfw you will never see 80s Iron Maiden and live through the golden era of metal
why even live?

Attached: iron-maiden-live-after-death.jpg (1440x750, 307K)

>This is for all the little cunts who like to spread their legs in the night, this is entitled Captor Of Sin


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I was born in the early 70s and the 80s here were really shit. Still a million times better than today though. The uk has fallen and should be sacrificed as a lesson to the rest of the world.

I think Derek Riggs did their early covers. Those are fucking masterpieces.

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Based bro, wish I could hook you up with my contacts who deal in that kind of thing. I'm in music but having my doubts if I can go namefag in the industry today. Not sure if cucking to trannies on Twitter for the next decade sounds that appealing, even with the money in mind. Like the industry wants me enough if I just started virtue signalling and pushed for it I could probably be on top but God is it worth it? Ever since that whore with the transkid forced deadmau5 to cuck out on Twitter I've been wondering if I even give a fuck. If this world is even worth making music great again in. If it even deserves it.

thank you.

the knowledge of the golden cap, scarabs, and snake are so good

everyone pretty much agreed with each other on everything because it was still pretty much a white ethno state and a paradise

it seems only america is obsessed with abortion
it's a waste of time and maybe it's a (((smokescreen issue)))

>those jewish runes spelling yahweh
Oh fuck

2 Minutes to Midnight isn't about abortion, though.

Could've gone with Slayer's "Silent Scream."

Hallowed Be Thy Name is objectively the best Iron Maiden song.

you missed iron maiden golden era but you're just in time for the terry davis edition youtube.com/watch?v=_Wc8jNEvOfo&

Only in the sense of The Number of the Beast -> The Prisoner -> Hallowed Be Thy Name. Still can't believe people don't get that it's one continuous story.

My experience was that it WAS badass to be against the killing of babies. I don't have the answer. Something humane, sterilization for welfare, I dunno.

>West Ham 7 Arsenal 3

lol Harris definately made him put that in there

Attached: steve-harris-iron-maiden.jpg (758x505, 47K)

this user knows

What a shame. The music was incredible!

By the time they can breed they should be married off, Women are a societal detriment outside of being housewives

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Hm, I wonder what the album cover of Powerslave was trying to convey. Bruce Dickinson is a Mason after all...

>not The Trooper

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I love heavy metal and I'm still against abortion? Why are you such a cuck?

Anons of this timeline, plz enjoy.

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Bruce Dickinson is a kike


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And rob halford's a fag, your point? they make good music

We wuz Powaslabes n sheeeit

For me it's Still Life

I'm not gonna eat at a restaurant where the chef is a kid toucher, regardless of how "good" the food is. Get my point now.

btw I'm a fag

Born in 1967, early 80s was a great place to grow up

* Acades fucking evrywhere
* Same with payhones
* Vidya was simple and fun
* Watching music videos for hours
* Honest-to-goodness record stores
* Peak mall culture
* Fullbush in adult magazines
* "Set your VCRs"
* Extremely simple cars
* Only one name in late-night: Johnny
* SNL was actually funny
* SCTV was surreal
* Fridays was a joke

Attached: 80small.jpg (800x534, 59K)

cant seperate the art from the artist, huh?

plus its kind of a stretch to go "guy likes dudes but can scream like a fuckin banshee and its metal af" to "the guy who cooked my food is a literal rapist chomo"

youtube.com/watch?v=ietU5yUJ7zk great song, kys you purity spiralling nigger

The best artist.
>link related

'84 model here. I only remember 90s arcades, but they werent nearly as sleazy and good as the 90s type.

Still remember
>simple vidya
>MTV was *just* getting into reality shit
>record stores existed, CDs were just becoming a thing, my first batch of albums were cassette
>malls were shit by then
>porno mags found out in the bushes
>Be Kind, Rewind!
>First 6 seasons of the simpsons weren't AIDS
>SNL still good
>MTV cartoons (oddities was fucking wack, even now its surreal)

>Born in 1967, early 80s was a great place to grow up
>* Acades fucking evrywhere
>* Same with payhones
>* Vidya was simple and fun
>* Watching music videos for hours
>* Honest-to-goodness record stores
>* Peak mall culture
>* Fullbush in adult magazines
>* "Set your VCRs"
>* Extremely simple cars
>* Only one name in late-night: Johnny
>* SNL was actually funny
>* SCTV was surreal
>* Fridays was a joke
fuck yea! back before STDs were on every block too...and niggers were way less visible.

Ah sweet found porno mags.

Made my first hundred reselling a huge box I found at school once.

MTV had beavis and butthead and wasn’t anything like today’s bulllshit.

Oh the early 80s were amazing for various levels of arcade. Even my tiny-ass podunk town had two arcades. Most of them just moved into whatever commercial building was available at the time and lined the walls. Some had pool tables for the grown-ups. Lots and lots of smoking, forgot about that.

pic came from here

Attached: Retro-Video-Game-Arcade-4.jpg (550x662, 134K)

I can enjoy anything I want, however that doesn't necessarily mean I'm morally obligated to support their livelihood. For every artist there's another 10,000 right behind him. Life goes on and I can give my money to whomever I want to. This ok with you?

Also: this the GOAT JP album:

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Pleb tier: Playboy
Okay Tier: Penthouse
Getting there Tier: Oui, Cheri
Almost there: Hustler, Nugget
God Tier: Anything hardcore

Just about every convenience and drug store prior to the Meese Commission carried porno mags. MFW National Lampoon, which often had nudity, was on the shelves with the normal magazines.

Hardcore mags were tough to find outside of urban areas, and adult movies were only just starting to come out on video.

Had a friend whose father had a serious video stash--in Beta (had VHS)

On the downside, anime choices were extremely limited, and usually stuck between decades-old cartoons and the 30-minute commercial ones

the biggest threat I remember that was obvious and visual to me in the 80's was oprah and her ilk..the degenerate talk shows that all the mothers at home stared at like zombies all day while being told how shit their men are and how they are slaves who are miserable and wasting their lives raising a family

>you will never
I saw live after death..I was hard core maiden fan..they were very popular here..leafs also really loved the cult

Metal music is unironically Satanic. Turn back boomer.

gas your self christcuck

First there was Phil Donahue, then there was Oprah, and finally Jerry Springer. And then the stage was set.
There were a ton of soap operas too. Do women still watch those or are they too busy living the cock carousel lifestyle to watch it on TV?

Fuck both of you.

>ooga booga what happened to metal?
it didn't go anywhere you shithead, take off the nostalgia goggles

The 80's were a peak for (((them))) and their propaganda. Movies and music are nowhere near as varied and interesting today. It's like they run out of ideas. Now, there is far too much negativity, and filth. Sad!

I'd havve a hard time believing anyone much is watching these things now a day, the women are not home anymore, the few that are would probably be wise to them and put off by them

All you Faggots !they say the pen is mightier than the sword, i say fuck the pen

Fear of the dark/phantom of the opera/rime

The article says Dickie was affected when he went to auschwitz but I don’t think it said he’s an actual Jew. I think he might be clean.

It was an amazing time, I cannot describe how good it was. My greatest memory is seeing Metallica and The Cult in concert. It was before Metallica went to shit with the black album, best concert I’ve ever been to

Maiden, and Bruce Dickinson in particular are probably the most redpilled musicians you will ever find.

Just read any of his lyrics, especially from The Chemical Wedding album and you'll see what I mean. The dude is super knowledgeable about esoteric subjects.

Attached: Bruce 1983.jpg (3225x1814, 912K)

Ah, a kike in spirit only. Bravo, Mr. Dick in son.