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I like how they say "18 countries" as if it's a lot.

kinda like 17 intelligence agencies

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wtf i love massive corporate oligarchs that pay no taxes now

>the new world order wants to stop alternative views and free online speech. Donald Trump is fighting them


Based Trump.
Gizmodo employees will be learning to code soon.

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screencapped for imminent bankruptcy. eat shit and die kikes.

>One one

Thought gizmodo went bankrupt

Godspeed Mr. President

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18/195 is 9.2%, not even 10% of the world. Absolutely pathetic.

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New? Hahahaha, oh, how little you know.

Gizmodo is a failed enterprise, who cares what they say.

The other Anglo countries are super cucked with official government jobs like Chief Censor of the Internet

And I doubt even half of the people in those countries agreed with their goverments stance on the issue.

Imagine trusting 'countries' and 'tech giants'.

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unironically based

True. It's not the NWO. It's the Old World Order.

Trump is setting up the New World Order.

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>Takes on the whole world

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>18 countries and five tech giants on one side
>Donald Trump on the other
It wouldn't be fair otherwise

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Trump doesn't grovel...that is for our anti-American leftists to do.

100% right here. Fucking cancerous

It could be all the countries and all big tech companies, they would STILL be 100% wrong about censorship.

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Fuck yeah, now you can post all the disgusting ways the Trump family should be slaughtered, post their addresses, and have no government intervening because FREE SPEECH

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this is how this fucked influence governments and powerful organizations
by screaming louder that everybody else, you dont want to be the only bigot in the world do you?
reality is that 90% of all people dont give a shit about politics or political correctness

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"we're gonna have to invade America"

trump is ok

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what about anti-semitism? will he protect the anti-semites free speech?
at the state of the union he called it vile poison and at a rally he said he will “seek their destruction.”

>On one side you have huge corporations and governments. On the other side you have freedom and truth.

yes goy, continue supporting Zion Don. Israel is our greatest ally

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Stalin said he was just taking out extremists. And Mao. And Castro. Same old story... from Kim Jong. And Maduro...
When socialists say they are just getting rid of the extremists, it's the exact opposite.

What's really fucked up is I'm under half his age and he's still got better teeth than me.

Faggot foreign investor niggers about to get BTFO trying to control U.S. public opinion through social media.

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Dentures or implants

>> 18 countries
>> 195 countries on earth
>> 5 tech giants
>> tech giants are the moral arbiters of earth

I fail to comprehend the validity of this argument

Especially when everyone that disagrees with the left is considered an extremist

I don't think so. He's always had perfect teeth. He must have access to a lot of lemon juice. Meanwhile...

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Come on man its not about that. Thats what they want you to think its about. Trump knows there has been a rise in anti-white, anti-male, anti-Christian, anti-conservative viewpoints online that get promoted, praised, tolerated or ignored. He knows people are being threatened, doxxed or banned from sites for supporting him or discussing certain views without saying anything wrong or offensive. There's also all the stuff thats gone on with banks and payment systems banning people.

This is only going to get worse unless someone puts a stop to it. The lies, the propaganda, the violence, the censorship, the murder, its got to stop

Who are all these journalists I keep reading about that have been killed because of Trump? The only ones I know who have been violently attacked are all victims of the Left.

>One one side
Learn 2 Code Moshe.

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And as usual Trump is right.

Is that Trey Parker?

OwO for short

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Why do they get to cite Christchurch in an anti-Terrorism response but they won't prosecute him under Terrorism laws, legally Brenton Tarrant is a common murderer, he should sue them for defamation for calling him a Terrorist.

“On one side you have the establishment, on the other, you have the establishment disguised as the resistance. Choose the second one guys!”

Are we children to these people?

And the free people's of the internet!

You’re a fucking retard. I mean Jesus Christ there’s no way you’re that dumb. I HOPE you’re a trump shill

What is the difference between a Terrorist and a Violent Extremist?

>"extremism" = not wanting to be replaced by brown nationalistic retards in your own country

oh fuck off kike. I seriously wanna see muslims start putting bullets into you Israelis. Kikes are trying to stop Nationalism. Period.

I don't think you interpreted that post accurately.

>Acknowledge that governments, online service providers, and civil society may wish to take further cooperative action to address a broader range of harmful online content
And there you have it, funny how opaque and undefined the whole thing is, no wonder Trump refused to sign it, it's like signing a blank cheque.

This. They're all worthless, just the same.

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Is majority fallacy a thing? I remember it being a thing.

naw, my dude, the majority is always right

>omits the part where it would likely violate the first amendment


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Extremist by what standard?
Harmful to whom? By what logic or hypothetical test was this determined, by whom?

Between the lines you can see it, the rules are they are allowed to lie and misdirect and push and con and lie but they need to get the consent of the enslaved. Not taking action and letting it happen is also consent.

extremism is SUBJECTIVE
>duhh me and muh 18 (((companies))) our gang is much more than (1) trump

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its because these social media companies are owned by foreign faggots. that raghead Alwaheed owns 51% of Twitter stock and was caught bribing and shit. Americans are being silenced and suppressed because foreigners are demanding Americans voices to be silenced so they can keep pushing their little shit plans to open borders, disarm the populace, replace citizens, tear down the country. chinks, sandniggers, slavs, jews gonna get their investments fucked, hopefully even exposed

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Was what he talked about even extreme? If so, it's exactly what those governments are intentionally doing, so.....

Why dose his neck look like old cunt?

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>On the other side, you've got the first amendment to the US Constitution.

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these same exact people kvetch and moralize to me on a regular basis that i'm extremist for even believing in a nation, or a country. As they've proclaimed, borders are just dirty.
I guess "owning countries" is very, very important to the globohomos -- isn't that interesting, who could have seen that one coming?

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who is there calling it extreme but some (((COMPANIES)))
dumb kike faggot

>One one

Great meme comrade! Lutz!

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>All these cockroach journalists lining up to suck Ardern's asshole

Fuck off.

That thing is a demon

Where are all the Zyklon Don posters? Afraid to show your face upon realizing Trump is the only first world leader fighting for your right to say this about him on this site?

>Zyklon Don

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Fuck meant to say Zion Don, was referring to the shills. But I'mma start calling him that.

Happy little accidents do happen.

online extremism = posting cnn wrestling gifs

God bless DT

I appreciate what the Hulkster did for us all but I wish he had've been able to finish these guys off

(technically only 1)

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That was Gawker. Gizmodo is some other group of faggots.

cuck my shit up, senpai

based Trump

Gizmodo was a Gawker subsidary

Brought to you by the same people who report on such topics as 'Why allowing your dogs into your sex life is a great thing' ......

Fuck you trumptards for ruining our emperor's good name. Trump hasn't even delivered on his primary promise of the wall.

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