I'm an Alabama woman and I wanna be free The hell with that Kay Ivey!


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Other urls found in this thread:


Abort yourself.

go to a satanic shithole like california if you want to participate in child sacrifice, you stupid animal




>claims to be from Alabama
>cites The Guardian

1/10 bait. 2/10 getting me to respond. Mt. Brook Alabama reporting in.

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>let me murder babies in peace

Women are going to stop murdering their children.

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kek That could really happen...

The pushback is here. I fucking love seeing how outraged and SEETHING liberals are now. About fucking time you challenge that gay law that cuckservatives let pass in the 70's.

They know this is gonna end w Roe v Wade being challenged, they literally have states going alpha on those bitches. They might not even try and challenge legally that hard due to the fact that the SC could overturn.

Wins are coming fast, at this pace, especially if it is overturned you'll have Republicans fired up. Especially if this new immigration law is enacted.

I wanna be a man more and more so I can bitch at the woman next door

I-is this a femanon..?

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Allow me to introduce you to my friend Johnny Rebel: soundcloud.com/eintollerjunge/johnny-rebel-alabama-nigger

Allow me to laugh at the Joo id.

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Go right ahead fren.

I listened. Enjoyed and bookmarked. Made me think of a better time.

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Finally, someone gets it.

Im going to mail coat hangers to all the politicians, media and celebrities that are reeeeeing over this.

Move to another state.
When AL discovers that they are losing taxpayers and only have to support single mothers with 10+ kids they may change.

>a woman who doesn’t want babies

You literally have no purpose and might as well die

I'm hard right but it's really fucked up to force a 12 year old to have her rapist's baby and then give the rapist partial custody

Tits and timestamp or GTFO!

A - tits
B - or
O - gtfo
R - faggot
T - sage

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i know people from alabama are poor and simple, but you can work a car yeah? just go to the next state over and vacuum out your sack sin in the heathen country

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I agree with this. Leftists have moved the goalposts. Abortion should be an extreme and rare medical procedure. Not q fast food stop.

True, but the other extreme opposite is also fucked up, which is what Alabama has done.We need to stand finding common ground before this country tears itself into pieces.

this is a good response to them.