How bad is it out there?

Why are so many young people turning to non-traditional jobs like streaming (pic related) instead of getting an education and securing their future with a safe, profitable career?

Any anons living on the edge with jobs that have little to no future? Explain yourself.

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You fuckers probably ruined the chances of her ever posting her feet again.

>Why are so many young people turning to non-traditional jobs like streaming (pic related) instead of getting an education and securing their future with a safe, profitable career?
I tried getting an education, went to one of the best universities in my country, but the economy sucks so hard that you cant get a job regardless of education.

I feel like I wasted my life trying to get educated just to find out education leads you to nothing.

I just wanna see those nipples. Bonus for lactation

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Oh you are fucking disgusting you stupid bastard.

I don't follow. I found this pic on reddit and it seemed relevant.

What jobs would have them do instead? Menial minimum wage bullshit?

Explain, what could possibly stop an attention seeking thot from seeking attention?

sometimes i go for weeks without jacking off. when i finally climax i blast into a plaster mold i hand crafted of brit ventis feets based on various pictures i have collected over the years. i am hoping that in time i will fill the mold and when i crack it open it will be a perfect replica of britts feet made from my hardened cum. i hope to consume this foot in hollandaise sauce during one of her livestreams


120 years ago, 90% of the country was self-employed. We're just returning to that time because large companies no longer have any loyalty to their workers, and people have gotten the message.

In the olden days of which you speak, if you were competent and got a job at a company they'd guarantee you employment until 55 and a nice pension and brass ring. These days you'll train your replacement right before you're fired and your pension fund is converted into a golden parachute for the Jew who hired the Pajeet who replaced you.

People got the message.

nigga you what? Show us the mold.

Her latest stream she was saying how gross footfags are. It was mainly to do with the fact she was wearing the thing I have a fetish for in the pic she was referring to.

would that turn you on brittany?

>instead of getting an education and securing their future with a safe, profitable career?
Wages have been stagnated despite efficiency gains across business sectors and the dollar loses purchasing power every year especially with the amount of QE since 2008. Most young people realize that paying 5-6 figures for a piece of paper that doesn't guarantee employment is a huge risk. I don't blame them for taking the easy route. It is more competitive than ever. Even if you are qualified and have connections the amount of hoops you have to jump through with hr is life draining. On top of that you turn the news on and it's ceaseless negativity. If you are a man it directly attacks you with propaganda. You can either become strong or give up. I feel like I wasted my life already and I am much more successful than my peers across several metrics.

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What did you study

the hollandaise sauce doesn't seem appropriate

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Idk I just wanna fuck her

>What did you study
Biological sciences.

The only way for me to get a job on the field withount having someone on the inside of a multinational company indicating me is by passing a public exam test to become a public servicer. Shit is hard as fuck, like an SAT, except only the top score gets a job, the rest gets nothing.

Other than that, I could become a school teacher, which is a dead end job.

I'm gridlocked where I live. "Electronics technician". It's a good field but my goodness there's no tech industry here. Not ready to move out yet so I'm stuck with min wage slave jobs for now.

Start your own operation, I work from home no more than about ten hours a week and I make pretty good money from that alone. I also play the stock game, and know how to make money when the stock market goes down as well as up.

She's gonna pump out numerous white children don't talk shit about her.

What's your business user? Without too many details of course.

Careers are the ultimate form of slavery under a jew. Better to be a plumber and jew over the Jews when their toilet breaks. Jews are helpless people and can’t fix anything for themselves.

>white children

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Feels good being 26 and having a 6 figure career. STEM is the answer, always has been. Should have hit the books harder boys. I'm not the smartest guy but when it comes down to it I could study like fuck, hours upon hours studying and quizzing myself. I made it through. I flunked out 1 semester, worked at Lowes almost killed myself. But I fought back. I made it by the skin of my teeth. I got a job paying $90,000 straight out of college at 24.

Feels good to be a winner.

US mover here

Today i made more money than any of you cucks will ever make day trading cryptocurrency. Want to know something amazing though? I can hold it in my fucking hand, thats right i can count my dollars right in front of my face. I'm not playing around with pretend coins that don't have any impact on this world.

I started work at 5:00 AM today. I was able to move 3 boxes each giving me ~$3 per. I moved 3 pianos each giving me ~6$ each for 30 minutes of work. I find boxes that exist in every single customers house that i enter into. Even if its an old fucking boomer in their 70s who ruined our economy i dont care I love to move boxes.

You really need this box replaced!! It's looking really old and the bottom could fall out at any moment!!

Even though its completely fine i'll just bill them for a $9 box that was in perfect working condition.

The only way to get ahead in life is to fucking push your way around. So that's right today i made $12.59 US dollars. Meanwhile you fucking cucks are investing in digital garbage like "Bitbeans, Cuckbeans, Linkies, and GOGOS" Spamming your fucking cuck memes and losing money with your pink wojaks..

Why don't you use your brain for a minute and realise that the latest SEC securities news is going to crash all of your crypto world around you in the next few months. Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme that only profits for the original founders. You will never make as much money as me in the trades because you're too busy failing realizing the only way to get ahead in life is through hard work and ripping people off.

Enjoy staying poor idiots

If I had a Canadian flag I'd do the "city people voted Hillary" kind of schtick but we have to make do. I also do whiter than you mohamed posting.


what exactly do you do?

Most people don't know how to "study", they don't understand the work that it entails. When I say study I literally mean setting my alarm clock for 4am in the morning, getting up and hitting the books for 2 hours before I shower and go to work. Work 8 hours, come home and study for 4 - 5 more hours and rinse repeat. On my days off I'd study chapters for 10 -11 hours straight. All day studying, only stopping to eat and shit.

If you want it bad enough you'll do it.

My experience working with kikes is them staring over your shoulder the whole time commenting on your work, fucking hate when I see a stein on the days list.


Because "normal jobs" pay jack fucking shit grandpa.

Being a wageslave is death.

I'm a chemical engineer

>living with your parents at 25 and still being a NEET or working a wagecuck job instead of a career

sucks to suck

Reality: college education no longer guarrantees employment....

That.... and a ton of billionaires are college dropouts...

Ideological conflicts are not yet accounted here, user.

If you're a young woman with big pretty boobs then you'd be a fool to not go into streaming.

If you major in something USEFUL it does. Be useful and you'll get paid good money.


I was gonna say, if you were in IT I wouldn't believe you for a second but I don't doubt a chem engineer finding a position instantly

no I'm happy for you fren I'm just shitposting.

Unix sysadmin plus whatever tech stuff I want. Mainly converting Windows shops to using rPis or cheap Intel based solutions for legacy using Wine and FreeDOS. Lots of machine shops and so on. Mainly set it and forget it ops which hurts recurring revenue streams but the referrals make up the difference.

I'm also a certified radar technician and work on fishing boats, there's only two other people in my state who do this and they're both over 60.

Many streamers are flat as a board and still make good cash, look at that unicorn girl.

Glad to hear you're doing well. Keep it up,stay positive and remember to pass it on.

>wakes up at 4am
>studies the torah for 2 hours
>works 9-5 job
>studies torah for 5 more hours
>if you want it bad, goyim, you'll do it

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It takes seven hours of studying a day to learn the half dozen tricks in the Torah, tricks the goyim are already wise to?

>Why are so many young people turning to non-traditional jobs

The job market has changed.

>instead of getting an education
I did, it wasn't worth it.

>securing their future with a safe, profitable career?
Like what? Plumbing? The wold is changing and it's hard to say what jobs are still going to be left in a decade or two. Streaming, youtubers, ect are the new mainstream form of entertainment. Why not get in early?

>Why are so many young people turning to non-traditional jobs like streaming (pic related) instead of getting an education and securing their future with a safe, profitable career?
Because I didn't come from a household where getting post-secondary education was commonplace. Neither of my parents are even high school graduates. They're boomers. The only one with any college education is my sister. I have been accepted to numerous colleges and universities over the years ever since I was 18 (which is nine years ago now) yet, I've never had the drive to follow through with it at all. The farthest I've gone as far as education was being a college student getting ready to study CNS. That's it. And now, I feel like I wouldn't connect at all with anyone at a university. Even at jobs, I hated everyone there with a fiery passion and kept to myself the entire time.

Girls like Brittany are people that have come from some absolutely disenchanting household where both parents have died and the only people you "know" are people that seek to take advantage. They're people that start in the shallow end but get curious of what the deep end is like. Then once they reach that deep end, they can't even tread water and they start to struggle and panic. That's where most e-celebs are at presently in their lives. And that's why she's so miserable.

Its horrendous.. When you are able to see the truth, that is. All these people slaving away just to live in a ramshackle slum world (it will be in the not-so-distant future) for pennies while making evil inhuman fucks rich.. ANd you really have to sell your soul and be a total slave while being treated like a piece of human toilet paper.. I know most people dont realize all this and its not their fault.. Everything that people would for breaks so easily and quickly and is not worth the price.. Everything is so impractical.

All parts of the system are impractical and absurd..

I feel that alot of people would rather die than go through such absurdities only to be a slave.

Dude, just show the mold. Or send this to her on Twitter. I need a good laugh tonight.


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This. And this is the era that ruined that for all of us. The 1950's. Pic very related.

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Whats your GPA?

It was 3.8


A new era is coming. Just prepare as much as you possibly can, and be ready to kill when the time comes.

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Calm down folks, there's clearly no cum mold. Just thank the gentleman for the new copy pasta he's provided that we can spam on her next stream.

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You'll burn out very soon, user. But you'll at least have very good overall lifetime earnings.

Is this pasta?

lol no that was the Revolutionary Spirit of '68 and the end of McCarthyism, learn you some Yuri

Or this black bitch.

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Enough feet pics currently anyway. Don’t care. I want asshole shots.

>thinks the late sixties are Baby Boomers
You water brained fool.

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I’m a total footfag but damn dude, seek help.

I have even better. A childhood picture.

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I know its a shoop but jeezuz

Why does this bitch have a thread about her every fucking weak?

film and tv and shit has been around for a while, streaming is the same shit. (retard)

I already like her.

>baby boomers born after the war
>becoming adults right as the 60's end, leaving university and entering the workforce and government employ
do a little math retard

Because she's posting them herself. Can't you tell?

she has incel slaves to do that for her lol

You’re too fuckin schizo to be anything but a neetbux walrus. Keep dreaming though. And keep posting the word salads. Keno lulz.

My parents were born in the early to late 50's. That generation destroyed what is now the USA. Not some faggots who went to college in the early 70's, you fucking mook.

>pink nips
So she IS white

Fuck off pedo filth. WTSHTF I’ll skin your ilk alive. You’ve been warned.

>not seeing the miserable decline of Venti on Twitter and being skeptic of the fact that she might just be posting these herself for attention
We are speaking about Brittany of course, are we not?

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Mason, calm down. We know, you looked better a year ago. I'm just posting a photo to shed light on why this bitch is the way she is.

I knew it was you all along. Now, why are you so miserable, youngin?

Dude come on. Weak? S m d h

Because she is the true Jow Forums queen and like grade 8 retards you make fun of and abuse the girl you crushing on.

Open bobs pls

thats nice art

But she hates everyone.

she wrote my name on her paper boobs.
best $4 I ever spent.

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Did you enjoy hanging out with her at (((FAO Schwartz)))?

I just wanna do the army for a few years and then work for the railroad until retirement

Which you guys love even more. Lmao. She has Jow Forums wrapped around her finger.

>Fails an entire semester
>GPA of 3.8

I call BS, unless you did grade replacement eat a dick you larper.

Thanks for bringing us back on topic. For some reason these anons want to make this a venti thread. Also, your post makes you sound like a time traveler from the 40s.

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Because nobody wants to work. I partially don't blame them because a normal job usually means you put in more effort with less pay these days, or suffer from an asshole supervisor/boss who takes advantage of you.

But, the biggest reason is narcissism. Everyone wants to be famous just for existing. It's why so many girls just want to be a model rather than work. They'd rather be instagram models getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars just for existing. Getting treated out to fancy dinners in Los Angeles just for breathing. It's the same reason why so many girls tried being a Suicide Girl five years ago. All the guys tried being a DJ at one point as well. They'd rather be a "baller" and cool rather than work. Funny enough, it's why people consider working at GameStop or Hot Topic to be an awesome job even though the pay is abysmal and it's minimum wage.

>Tell someone I work as a Mailman
>Only old people say that's awesome and unions, benefits, blah blah blah same comment

>Tell someone I work at GameStop
>The pay and hours were abysmal.

A lot of women aren't made for getting degrees and the jobs that go with them and streaming can make more money than retail.

experience is often more valuable these days than a piece of paper you spent 20k and 4 years of your life on.

Cant get job with no experience. No experience because cant get job. plus productivity is up. Less people are needed for shit these days.

I've been streaming for the past 6 months. Don't make much right now. But its something, and growth is all dependent on how much work you put in, can't say that about a lot of shit these days.

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I'm just watching her downward spiral. This picture depicts her life. Shock depicts her parents dying. Denial depicts her attempts at avoiding the subject entirely and dismissing it from commentary or even touching on the subject at all. Not allowing vulnerability whatsoever. Anger would describe her streaming career from Hitbox to Twitch to YouTube/DLive. Which follows into, and ties together with bargaining. Finally realizing that "this is my life now and I'll never not have notoriety whether negative nor positive". Depression, as we see on social media of Venti, with her recent photoshoot with some freak show and sudden change in mentality. Going after female streamers, her own friends, everyone who dares to criticize. I wouldn't say she's even in the testing stage yet because she isn't seeking any realistic solutions at all. Nor has she reached the final stage of acceptance. When you hide from your true self for so long, eventually, you never want to be your true self ever again. Which is why no one has ever seen the real Brittany. Maybe bits and pieces but not the entire person. Part of me finds this sad and the empathetic side of me kicks in and then another part says "she chose this life so why feel bad?"

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No, people who GRADUATED in the late '60s are the boomers who ruined everything.

What do you think the commie boomers were ruining things in the '50s before they could even vote?

I see what you're trying to do here and it's really not that clever.

We can always multitask. People have reverted back to where they want to be their own boss or they just don't want to work at all. Complacency, laziness, etc. Also what is right on the money. Everyone wants to be some social media influencer. A few years ago, they wanted to be a famous YouTuber. Now, everyone wants to be a famous Twitch streamer or a pro gamer or an athlete or a rapper. I talked to a kid yesterday that told me "yeah, i wanna be a rapper" and when I asked him why, his reasoning was so vague and non-descriptive that I just had to shake my head.

Okay, Reddit cuck. I see your spacing and it isn't clever either.

Don't forger, Thot Audit scared her shitless.

>there's potential in streaming

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