How do I get over my yellow fever?

Serious question. Asian women are the only type of women I find attractive. Every woman I've had sex with has been asian. Japanese girls in specific, are the most beautiful imo. I have pretty much zero attraction to any other race. WTF do I do??

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Have you considered suicide?

same. have you fucked any koreans. i wanna fuck a blackpink tier sticc qt soooo badly

Cut your dick off

its simple.just fuck another asian.sounds like a good idea to me.

Why do you want to get rid of yellow fever? It's the patrician's taste. I've had yellow fever for years and dgaf. I'm white. They like whites, and I like them. Outside of that, northeast asians have a better pro vs con ratio to other women.

It's about having a child
Do you want to have one? Help your race overcome it's darkest moment? If so, then cute azn waifu is for a future reincarnation of yours, either try to find a rural white woman or wait for a maximum of 20 years for functional artificial wombs (yes it's happening) and robowaifus
If you just want to live your life and not help your race when it's in it's greatest need, then go for your azn waifu

Btw, if the azn waifu accepts, you could have your child born from a artificial womb and have her as his mother, although I find such acceptance from her part extremely difficult to happen, but who knows

You're an unmarried non-virgin so you're useless. Kill yourself.

>WTF do I do??
Marry one, of course.
Trying to change your sexuality is very difficult, and the most likely outcome is failure. There's no great problem with your sexuality. You're not even gay. So it will never be worth the effort.

If you shoot yourself in the head with a 12 gauge shotgun I guarantee you won't be interested in Asian women anymore. Sage.

literly korea is the hardest place to get laid as a white foreigner, south east asian countries are easy.


Same how do i get rid of it, trying to save the white race over here!

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Kill yourself.

You can't untake the yellowpill bro
Accept your fate

I'm trying to have white kids, fuck off juan you already have 20 siblings. Go mow a lawn or soemthing

Help us Korea bro. It's in our DNA and we need to resist so both of our beautiful women can exist

Impregnate and leave this board.

You fetishized a race so deeply that you can't interact normally with any female outside that race... That's also assuming you even act normal around the Asian grills.
t. Drools occasionally from never breathing through the nostrils

ez slide thread.