How do we fix women’s perspective on men to create an equal balance between society?

How do we fix women’s perspective on men to create an equal balance between society?

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If you did this with a woman it would be the exact same. Pretty people have it a little easier than uglier people.

Lmao just accept you live in a hierarchy and you’re near the bottom for being ugly

Its the same with racism, white women wont date white ugly guys but would swoon over chad whites/blacks/chinks/arabs etc perhaps we need a new perspective on solving this issue

>things you'd never say irl

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Honestly man, that dude if not cute :/ maybe lose some weight and face peel.

I can say whatever I want because I’m not physically disgusting. Also everyone knows being unattractive puts you at the bottom - common knowledge

Gee, would a woman want to fuck a trim good looking man, or a really disgusting fat fuck. What would a woman do?

I physically look like the guy in the pic on left, it's serious doctor?

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White women would also not date black white guys. And, again, the same goes for men. Basically this is racially neutral, and the same rules apply for both in general (there will always be outliers, some women will unironically date guys for their personalit instead of their looks)

Ugly guys should lower their standards. Wtf really? He wants a 10? No faggot, you get how you look.

Daily reminder that since most modern men are whoremongers it has never been easier to get a wife

Boy- get on that keto diet and wash your face

Lol I say it all the time in public. I also say how pic on left could look in the mirror and not want to kill themselves on a daily basis, as well.

Ugly black guys*



You gotta be physically attracted to the person first user. Some can of hot passion

It's true. Not all males procreate in the animal kingdom.

You're not gonna get a hot porno chick if you don't look as good as one yourself. Get over yourselves.

Take care of yourself you fat ugly retard. Hit the gym, do the best you can you fucking autist. People don’t want the bare minimum of existing in people.

Ignore them until they practically throw themselves at you

Ughhhh no excuse bitch. Better yourself! That’s the sexiest thing a man can do. You’ll be a chick magnet

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Personally I find a good personality attractive. Looks are not a priority.

You don't. You start by losing those kilos and lift some weights while you're at it. Looking like the guy on the left in pic related is not only unattractive, but a telltale sign that you're lazy and unwilling to work for self improvement.

Ugh shop being so harsh

Definitely I agree. But if they girl is hideous, you wouldn’t bother getting to know her personally.

Harsh is words of encouragement. You either win or do the easy way and commit suicide like a dumb nigger.

Physical attraction correlates with a “good personality” unless you yourself are unattractive

fuck you op

I prefer jerk.

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Women as property is the only viable solution.
Marriage is the contractual purchase of a wife from her father.

Mandatory lobotomy on hitting puperty for all women.

Earth would be paradise. Think about it.

I prefer the patriarchal solution of flagrantly disregarding

don't forget that my personality is absolutely tragic to boot, but otherwise this is mostly correct
it's good to accept that you weren't meant to be loved, it's an important and healthy step to moving past the incely anger phase and reaching zen and genuine traditionalism

I tell women that I believe this is the most effective solution for modern gender issues, and most agree.

It would be perfect for generic abominations who have no right breeding in the first place (you). It would be a nightmare for males who are genetically superior and who have social skills.

If you have acne problems like I did, it takes a bit of work, but trust me it is fixable. Drink more water, hydration is no joke. Try as much face washes as possible and always check how well it works weekly after using it. I would suggest other products like creams, but for me I did not work so much, but try if you think it would help you. For me, my skin only ever works well with tea tree oils, so all my face washes has to have it now.

Weirdo , jerk away

funnily enough your life isnt a high school movie OP, your lunch money is safe... for now